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Suggestions Who says Art Thread originality is dead?

What is your favourite type of pudding?

  • Total voters

Black hood



Im not great, but I can draw. Open to suggestions of any kind.:blank: Don't forget to post! please?​


My Sketches

Jason Sketch
Christmas Elf Sketch
Biro sketch of... somebody
Luscia sketch

My Drawings

My Pokesona
Caramel Dansen
Christmas Elf
Jason "Darkheart" Parelamus
Jason "Darkheart" Parelamus with Twin Pistols
Jason "Darkheart" Parelamus with Knives
Black Hood & Kai Russian Dancing
Adorable Sandshrew
Ropponmatsu 2
My Fursona #1
My Fursona #2
Snakeman that could have gone so much better
My Rave Outfit
Its a spiraly, razor blade spined... thing. Idk what it is.
Alucard the Evilness
Me and Sukai

My Comic Strips

Proof that my brain does NOT work well at 12:30! IN THE MORNING!
Shoop da Whoop Douched


Deoxys: Attack
Kai & Umbreon
Sandshrew (colourless)
Sunny Cherrim
Shiny Umbreon and Luxray Playing
Chibi Baby Stardust Dragon
Male Gardevoirs "Pokesona"
Mewtwo is sad
Raichu Grunt charging thunder

In Progress

Objection! request

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Your banner doesn't say 'Black hood'. It says 'Vlachk Ioodh'. Just thought I'd point it out as I have to be a pedant when it comes to using Greek to seem mysterious/whatever~

Closest to 'Black hood' you'd be able to get would be 'Μπλακ Χουντ'.

Now, may I suggest/request a Deoxys?
It does say Black Hood, I just used the symbol text on paint. Just use the symbol text on paint and type Black Hood and you will see.

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Wow, these look great. Well done, you've got more posts in the first few dys of it being alive than mine had.

I'll request a drawing of myself, along with my Umbreon, please.
Hm... the black part of the Flareon's ear is a bit large. The Mew's face is a bit wide, too.
But these are great drawings, especially Jason! I'd like to see more in the future. Keep up the good work.
Wow, the Deoxys looks great! As for Me and Umbreon, I think that the pose of myself looks rather odd, like I'm leaning back really far.

Anyway, good job with keeping up on requests.
I know that, but the Symbol font is the Greek alphabet, and it doesn't use the right letters. If a Greek person read your banner, they would read it as Vlachk Ioodh.
Caramel dansen pictures are really hard to draw. I struggled. But I got it done eventually. Check it out.
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Nooo, another person who draws better than me... ;_;

Ah, what the hell. Good job on the Flareon, by the way.
For this picture I used an experimental way of drawing it as I had got a new pack of fineliners for christmas, I hope that you like it!

Could you draw a simple picture of a Sandshrew? (no colour)

Also if you have time please draw a (sunny) Cherrim. Thanks!

(Nice shop you got here, you're really good.)
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