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Suggestions Who says Art Thread originality is dead?

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Can I have a chibi baby version of my avatar, stardust dragon?
s the whole picture if you can't see it. Don't worry about colour or anything. Just make it look good please.
LOL! I drew some new pics.

Isn't he just the most adorable thing? *Original image by suta-raito.com*

Isn't he?

And this is a request from Ice tiger


heh, cute.
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Could I request a Gardevoir, my "Pokésona" if you could call it that, make him look annoyed, wearing a iPod. And if you look at the "dress" of most Gardevoir sprites you'll see it looks like they are moving, which is a element I do not want in the drawing.
Could I request a Gardevoir, my "Pokésona" if you could call it that

Just before I start drawing, just in case I get it wrong, do you want a male or female Gardevoir? Because if it is your pokesona, your user name is Male Gardevoir and you said 'him', but you also said 'dress', im confused.
gardevoirs have a dress, right?

Gardevoir You see? You might call it something else though, that long white skirt-thing that conceal the legs.
I know what you mean, but Gardeviors are female, Gallades are male. I just wanted to know if you wanted it male or female, because if want it male then i'll draw a Gallade, female and i'll draw a Gardevoir. I just dont want to get it wrong thats all.
It is actually possible to have a male Gardevior. It's just that all Gardevoir look female because of the dress/skirt.
I know what you mean, but Gardeviors are female, Gallades are male. I just wanted to know if you wanted it male or female, because if want it male then i'll draw a Gallade, female and i'll draw a Gardevoir. I just dont want to get it wrong thats all.

Read at this page, in order to get your fact straight.
I meant a Gardevoir that's male, not a Gallade, Gardevoir can be male, although they still looks as girly as a female Gardevoir.
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Ack I feel awful for not posting here before now ><

But it's really great; your humans are looking good, and you've pretty much mastered things that it takes most people ages to look good, like hands. Your shading and colouring looks good, too :)

I'll request something as soon as I can think of something to request X3 Keep it up~
I meant a Gardevoir that's male, not a Gallade, Gardevoir can be male, although they still looks as girly as a female Gardevoir.
Ah right, i'll get started then, but it cant be uploaded until friday because my dads gone away on work until then and hes got the camera, and my scanner wont work.
Ack I feel awful for not posting here before now ><

But it's really great; your humans are looking good, and you've pretty much mastered things that it takes most people ages to look good, like hands. Your shading and colouring looks good, too :)

I'll request something as soon as I can think of something to request X3 Keep it up~
Dont worry about not posting earlier. Anyway I think that all of your pictures are awsome, just only problem with hands for me is it takes me around 15/20 tries to get them right/before i just give up on them :( but thanks anyway. I just have one question, are there any pokemon that you cant change from evil to cute?
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HAHAA! I drew more, well, drawings.

ROPPONMATSU 2! To even start to understand this picture you will really need to have watched Excel Saga episode 14 and watch it up until the end of episode 15, but to understand Excel Saga in the first place you should really watch it from the first episode, but understanding it is hard and I don't blame you if you don't. It's just confusing. Anyway, the pics. Enjoy! (I decided to start using links now becuase my computer sucks and it's really slow)

Ropponmatsu 2

These are requests from Stardust Dragon (first one) and Male Gardevoir (second one)

Chibi Baby Stardust Dragon
Male Gardevoir
All this stuff is quite nice~

Your detailing on nearly everything is great, and I like your coloring/shading as well, plus same thing Dannichu said about drawing hands and whatnot; very difficult (for me at least) but you do it quite well! Good work. :)

And, er, trying to think of something to request... I suppose if you felt like it, you could draw me a Raikou. You don't have to, though~
I also do comic strips now!


Clearly my brain doesn't work it's best at 12:30 in the morning! Yes, thats the MORNING! And I lost my pencil which was only found after I drew it. Not the best of pics I must say.
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