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Will Time Travel be possible?


Back in action!
I think it will be. I support my opinion with this article I found in a book:

Forty-four year old Andrew Carlssin made a $350 (£200) million fortune in just two weeks on Wall Street, having started with only $800 (£400)! Not surprising, the Securities and Exchange Commission became suspicious and accused him of insider dealing. Carlssin made a four-hour long confession about how he was a time traveler from the year 2256 and so knew what the best investments were. Naturally the officials on the case weren't at all convinced of Carlssin's story, but it does seem strange that no record can be found of an Andrew Carlssin anywhere before he turned up as an adult in 2003!

I don't know how it would be possible, but this article makes me believe it.
I hope not. It would fuck up all of existence.

For example, say you have humanity at the end of the universe. If they have a time machine, they're just going to come back in time to a more comfortable time period.
And that would keep happening.

And again.

We'd have an infinite number of future refugees.

And that's not including all the paradoxes are just the sheer number of ways you could fuck with the fabric of reality. It's a bad idea.
This thread needs more b-movies.

Also grandfather paradox.

I would like time travel! But I do not think it is likely. And I doubt it's possible. BUT WHO KNOWS even you might be replaced by a pod person
Yeah, time travel isn't possible really, and if it was some retard would go back in time and fuck up EVERYTHING.
I think it probably will be eventually. (really eventually)

But if it did/will exist, then it would have MASSIVE laws surrounding it, probably would never be used due to the paradoxes.
I think that also it would be one of those theorized time machines where you can only travel to a time where the time machine exists.
(i.e. since the time machine doesn't exist now, you wouldn't be able to travel back in time to now.)

I saw a documentary a while ago that said that scientists already have a blueprint for a time machine but it would be so big that it would have to be in space. The bigness part might be true, but I doubt our science is good enough to make potential time machines yet.
I'd be interested in seeing where the OP got the article she quoted... if it's a reputable source I'd be surprised, though in that case then it would be quite fascinating indeed.

I suppose anything is possible -- but if time travel is ever going to exist, I imagine that the rule Murkrow talked about must be true. After all, if there is time travel in the future and people can travel to back to whatever time they want, don't you think somebody from the future would have visited here? :P Unless they have to go undercover or something.

In the "Andrew Carlissin Story Updated" article...

The original story that appeared in the Weekly World News stated that Carlssin was from the future.
I would like time travel cause I always think of great retorts to arguments one second too late.

I think it might be possible if we can somehow arrange the way molecules materialise in and out...
I'm... skeptical of the idea. If it does work, though, I think that if you went back in time to fix something, you would end up causing it. Ex. You go back in time and replace baby Hitler with a different baby. But the replacement baby is actually the real Hitler! That would prevent paradoxes, I think.
Meh, the only kind of time travel right now that seems possible it going into the future.

But as for travailing backward, I wouldn't say so. The closest you could get with that is slowing down time, (you know, faster you travel, slower time moves).
It would be cool, maybe possible.

I'd go to the future and/or go back to the 90's or the 1800's.

As PK BLUE said, we would have too many refugees.

And the fact that we haven't seen anything that came from the future. There's bound to be some evidence if something traveled through spacetime; a small electrical storm in space, a giant crater, species vanishing in an instant or some other.
And the fact that we haven't seen anything that came from the future. There's bound to be some evidence if something traveled through spacetime; a small electrical storm in space, a giant crater, species vanishing in an instant or some other.

Unless time machines work in the way I described earlier, where you can only
travel to a point in time when the time machine existed. And since a time machine hasn't existed yet, there wouldn't be any evidence.

Not that I know for a fact that time machines work this way if they ever exist. *shifty eyes*
It was in Ripley's Believe it or Not!. A hardback one with the dark blue cover.
You have now lost all credibility. SOMETIMES IT'S RIGHT more often it's not

find a different source :'[
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Isn't time only a concept?

Regardless, time travel I'm hoping is impossible. Yes, hoping. We all make mistakes we wish we could go back to correct, but that just isn't going to happen. The world isn't going to have time travelers going back and forth just to "save the world". That's why we learn from our mistakes and move on.

Also, why the hell would you travel back in time? There's a bunch of rock bands emerging, bunch of hippies, and lots of wars. Not really much to miss in the past hundred years.

Traveling forward in time just doesn't make me happy. Does that mean we're fated to the future, or is nothing certain?
IF time travel is possible in the future, and IF somebody did come back, they would screw with our timeline, not help it. If I traveled back in time right now, I would not think of stopping WWII, instead I would probably do something which makes my ancestors rich. Self-beneficial actions are almost certain for anyone who can go back in time. They would not realize the consequences of their actions, and will screw up everything. So... no. I don't think that time travel should, or would be allowed.
It might be possible, and it might be a good thing...

But it would be moreso a bad thing.

A good thing because we'd probably be able to solve quite a few of history's many mysteries, but a bad thing because there will be an inevitable idiot who will MESS EVERYTHING UP.
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