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Will Time Travel be possible?

Backwards travel seems impossible, and I don't like the idea as even a minor change could change the whole future/present in unimaginable ways. Forward travel is theoretically possible though. If you're moving fast enough, time slows down for you, so by effect it's possible to utilise that and 'travel' into the future.
Also if you're close enough to something with a lot of gravity, like a black hole. You'll travel faster in time then and get to the future. But you get pulled in as well. :(

We're all travelling through time. Just slowly in one direction.
Where are the tourists from the future? (actually this doesn't prove time travel to be physically impossible but it seemed appropriate)

Is it just me that finds 'will x be possible?' threads really weird? I've always thought that those questions were more suitable for experts in the relevant field(s) and that a debate about it on a forum where a good chunk of the members haven't left secondary school / equivalent yet wouldn't get very far at all. There's probably some huge hole in that opinion, though.
I don't know nearly enough about time to be able to give a well-founded opinion on this, but as things stand, I highly doubt it.

It seems to me a bit like asking if we'll ever be able to reverse the effect of gravity, make everything repel every other thing instead. I mean, even if you could change that property of the universe or whatever, wouldn't it have knock-on effects? Fiddling with the... wossname, arrow of time... seems even more unlikely and a whole lot more difficult.

I mean, I just can't see it happening. If someone in the future had managed to make one, I'm of the opinion that we'd know about it because somebody would have come back this far or further at some point. I can't see the you-can-only-go-back-to-a-time-that-already-had-time-machines thing working, because, well... it's not like the universe knows, is it? Would seem funny to hit a temporal brick wall just because if you go any further back a certain arrangement of atoms didn't exist.

But yeah, overall, I'm strongly skeptical. Then again, what do I know about physics? This seems to me to be pretty abstract and absurd stuff, but then what we have today would boggle the mind of someone from a few thousand years ago, so... *Shrug.*
Time travel is not possible, or if it is, you can only go forwards, or you can only go backwards a limited amount.

How do we know this? Because we haven't encountered any travelers from the future yet. Or maybe they're keeping a low profile. However, surely they wouldn't be able to adapt entirely to life in the past.

Of course theoretically time travel is possible by traveling at enormous speeds; the faster one gets to the speed of light, the slower time passes; exceed it, and it's supposed to run backwards. However, there's no way humans are anywhere near developing the energy required to move at such speeds, and it's debated whether attaining, let alone exceeding, light speed is even possible.
Actually, someone has travelled in time. I can't exactly remember their name, but I think it was a Russian astronaut, he travelled under a second, but he did do it. =Þ
I will see if I can find it somewhere, I will post the link if I do.

Edit:I can't find the link for that, although I think I read it in Guinness World Records. Can't remember which edtion, I will go look in a minute.
But I did find a link on wikipedia about Andrew Carlssin.
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Actually, someone has travelled in time. I can't exactly remember their name, but I think it was a Russian astronaut, he travelled under a second, but he did do it. =Þ
I will see if I can find it somewhere, I will post the link if I do.

Well, technically we all time travel back in time a tiny fraction of a second just taking an average plane journey. I think the "time travel" this astronaut experienced was a result of orbiting the planet at high speed.

I think the "time travel" we're discussing is traveling to any point in time at will, or by a greater amount than that.
Well, technically we all time travel back in time a tiny fraction of a second just taking an average plane journey. I think the "time travel" this astronaut experienced was a result of orbiting the planet at high speed.

I think the "time travel" we're discussing is traveling to any point in time at will, or by a greater amount than that.
Ahh, maybe you're right, still; I will go look for it in a minute.
guess what, go back before anyone has heard of dolly, ask " will we ever be able to clone living things" they'll just say "no what the frig are you talking about you weirdo." it just wasn't graspable, now if you ask people if we'll be able to clone humans, you'll get a mixed response, but back then, they'd either think your joking, weird, random idea you were daydreaming about and said it aloud or insane. It all depends on how much proof we have. And as far as tourists, maybe it's just so far in the future that nobody even wants to go back that far. think do many people now wanna go back to the say 1700's, given the chance, maybe it's something like that... too. seriously though, I think everything will eventually happen, it's just a matter of when.. y'know?
now if you ask people if we'll be able to clone humans, you'll get a mixed response

Oh, it is definitely possible to clone humans, but whether or not it would result in a fully functioning human being is still unknown.
My theory:
Time is measured by the movement of light particles, really. You know that my arm has moved because you see it. so, In theory, if we could 'pull back' the light particles that showed us specific things, we could watch them again. As for physical time travel, everybody knows that only the stainless steel construction of a delorean can do that. I really don't think being able to see the future, or to physically travel into the past will ever be possible.
Alliniere said:
My theory:
Time is measured by the movement of light particles, really. You know that my arm has moved because you see it.

But at the quantum level things change upon observing them.
Unless time machines work in the way I described earlier, where you can only
travel to a point in time when the time machine existed. And since a time machine hasn't existed yet, there wouldn't be any evidence.

Not that I know for a fact that time machines work this way if they ever exist. *shifty eyes*

Time machines won't work that way.

Crossing time can also mean crossing universes since you're ripping a small door through your own.

First, every choice leads to a parallel world. If I hadn't ordered that burger, then someone else will get it and I would have to order one later and make me miss the Lotto numbers if my numbers came up, then I would be extremely gutted. If I had decided on ordering that burger, then I would be insanely rich.

Let's apply this to the time machine. If someone was to make the time machine, then about a few minutes on some random person would come in and say he used the machine to perfection. What if he decided not to turn it on that day? Then the door to that universe wouldn't be opened, then a traveler from another time and universe planning to return to that time could end up in the unopened universe, which means that the working time machine shouldn't exist yet so it's like the traveler just busted a door to an airlock; there's no way to close it since the traveler's time machine is configured differently since it wasn't operational at that period so it would be like putting a cellar door to seal that airlock.

So if that were to happen, everything in that universe would be ripped out into some sort of void between universes, and that universe wouldn't exist which means that the cause that said universe has created will not have taken place, which causes all other universes parallel to it to vanish out of existence, which means that all of creation will be gone.

tl;dr- If someone travels in time, everything will end.

However, time traveling in a concept is possible; just fly east; you'd be in your original location one day behind, in your time.

@ Alliniere: No. However that is true in a sense; I remember somewhere that the further the celestial object, the further we can see its past.
To the future? Yes.

To the past? No. Why?

Because in order to travel freely through time, you must travel at high speeds. Time/space is one and the same, and if you travel quickly through space, you travel quickly through time. Easy, right?

Let's give an example. If you made a clone of yourself, and while you went on a high-speed aircraft for your entire life while your clone simply sat in a chair, in the same exact conditions, you would die after your clone. Why? Because when traveling in that high-speed aircraft, you travel through not only space, but time as well. The faster the aircraft, the faster time flies, for lack of a less-cliche expression.

So, if the speed of time travel and your speed in space are directly proportional, that means that traveling at 0 miles per hour, you would not go anywhere in space/time. (note: Since we are all attracted to all matter around us by gravity, that would never actually happen so we are always traveling foreward in time). So in order to go the other way, back, we would need to travel at a negative speed.

Please, someone. Explain to me. How the hell can you travel at a negative speed?

If you can tell me that, then you can travel freely through time.

Huzzah for the theory of relativity, Einstein.
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