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Would Mewtwo be better in a darker anime?

Would Mewtwo be better in a darker anime?

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Would Mewtwo be better in a darker and more mature anime? I just watched the second film again, it made me think that Mewtwo could be better in one. So much could be done with his character...
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Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

So agree with you, a anime with cute creatures and (stupid) *ash*-like characters he doesn't fit, he seems right in the first movie though
Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

I do agree. Mewtwo is too dark for the anime at the moment.
Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

I suppose. Then again, it would be awesome if they made a whole new anime that wasn't aimed at children. Like, uh, most anime.

I agree Mewtwo, having such a 'dark' backstory, deserves better then what he's been given so far, anime-wise. Just "LOL I'M GONNA TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH CLONES oh wait maybe not let's be all peaceful!" doesn't seem right.
Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

Hm, yes. Mewtwo is way too dark a character to have in the anime right now. As Zephyrous Castform said, the ending the clone was given doesn't really seem to fit. If done properly, the mature anime would probably be amazing. If not, we'd be faced with Donnie Darko in the disguise of Mewtwo.

And we all know that we don't need Frank in Pokémon.
Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

Hell yes.

I would love it if they made a more mature pokemon anime anyway. And mewtwo would have a much larger and more fitting role. I mean seriously, every other (correct me if i'm wrong) Anime show on TV is aimed at teens and adults, why can't they make a pokemon anime that's more mature too?
Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

We need some VAs from Digimon (like Steven J. Blum, Jeff Nimoy, Paul St. Peter, Derek Stephen Prince, etc) to play the more mysterious Pokemon (at least those with actual lines), like Mewtwo, Lucario, Darkrai, etc.
Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

If mewtwo was in a darker movie or anime, he would have to explore his past in a really gory horrific yet clever way, also we need some footage of Mewtwo doing some BAD damage and killing a few people, or going on a rampage
Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

Too dark? Mewtwo? He doesn't need a darker anime, because we have Pokemon Special (Awesome), Pokemon fanfics (espicially Dragonfree's!), and fanart. Besides, Mewtwo isn't an ancient demon, giant robot, product of alchemy, an alchemist, a ninja, a yelling warrior with mucsles larger than your head, a Yu-Gi-Oh card or a person in a black robe. So thus he doesn't belong in any other anime besides Pokemon.
Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

Besides, Mewtwo isn't an ancient demon, giant robot, product of alchemy, an alchemist, a ninja, a yelling warrior with mucsles larger than your head, a Yu-Gi-Oh card or a person in a black robe. So thus he doesn't belong in any other anime besides Pokemon.

Um...Where did this come from? No one mentioned him in some other anime.
Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

That might be interesting. :)
The thing that would bother me would be that annoying older people would get frazzled if it was too gory because of course, Pokemon has been established as rather juvenile.

But it would be awesome.
Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

Yeah, it would have to be original though
Re: Would Mewtwo be better...

In the words of Charizard Morph... HELL YES.

Mewtwo is too deep for such a basic anime. There can be so many things you can put Mewtwo in that can make him seem at home. Honestly, I've tried putting Mewtwo in so many other stories that go through my head and it always turns out perfectly.
Nah, I don't think so. In my opinion, mewtwo's a boring and unoriginal character.

Plus, it's all like... emo. do not want
It was a clone created to serve as a slave. They lost control of it and it went psycho/emo. That just doesn't appeal to me.

I'm guessing you've only seen the dubbed version, right?

In the original, Mewtwo became depressed because his only friends, Ambertwo, Charmandertwo, Squirtletwo, and Bulbasaurtwo died when he was a little child Mewtwo. This wasn't helped later when he realized why he was made and was forced to battle for Giovanni.

I have only seen the english version of it, so I can only get this from pokemon sites, but that is pretty much it there. Essentially, unless I'm mistaken, he is confused in the original but cold-hearted in the dub. That clear anything up?
I'm guessing you've only seen the dubbed version, right?

In the original, Mewtwo became depressed because his only friends, Ambertwo, Charmandertwo, Squirtletwo, and Bulbasaurtwo died when he was a little child Mewtwo. This wasn't helped later when he realized why he was made and was forced to battle for Giovanni.

I have only seen the english version of it, so I can only get this from pokemon sites, but that is pretty much it there. Essentially, unless I'm mistaken, he is confused in the original but cold-hearted in the dub. That clear anything up?

It's different, yes, but I still hate mewtwo. :unsure:
Well, I agree, to a certain extent.

Yes, Mewtwo's ending in M2SB was rubbish. I preferred the one in M2R, actually, because that shows him as the mysterious loner that I envision him to be. I can see him getting caught by surprise and almost killed by (very powerful) wild Pokemon, and sending out a telepathic help signal. He is rescued by none other then Sabrina (Saffron City Gym Leader) and the pair, with the aid of their psychic powers, form an unusual friendship; the lone Pokemon and the successful (I'd call a Gym Leader successful, wouldn't you?) human. This could actually bring elements of Psyshipping (MewtwoxSabrina) into play. Put this into a spin-off anime, and BOOM! Mewtwo finally gets to be badass like he needs to be.
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