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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

You hold the ability to change the world.

I would uh, move all the earthquake prone places away from faultlines and into nice happy places!! Like in the middle of tectonic plates. Yeeeeeeeeah
...and maybe make some kind of giant statue in the middle of the ocean somewhere, I dunno. Uh, dry up the ocean a bit... lalala...
I don't suppose "make the world infinitely big" to prevent any possibility of overpopulation in the future is possible with this magic laser of yours?

Because then all we need is the cure for death and there'll never be any problems ever.
make Antarctica huge, then shrink asia to the point where everyone living there is haveing a massive Orgy just to not fall of.

But leave Europe alone.

ALSO: North Korea. Yeah, it's not gonna be staying.
Leave one half of the world totally devoid of land, then move all the landmasses into a circle around Ireland,then put Ireland on the antipode of that position.

I'd probably write my name in it. Draw a Pokémon. Something to that effect.

Like, put some islands together so they look like Cresselia or Ducklett?

About me... Maybe unite Greenland, Iceland and Antarctica... The Ice type's way!

EDIT: I don't want anything bad to happen to Dragonfree/Butterfree, so I would probably leave a large part of Iceland exposed.
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I'd make an awesomely large treehouse, and move Australia closer to the rest of the world (if only enough that flying doesn't cost $2000+ from Perth).

Raise the seafloor at the straits between Australia and New Guinea and the rest of the islands toward mainland Asia enough that it's economically plausible to build a chunnel (or two, or three, or four, or five, or however many) and/or bridge to facilitate high-speed rail connections with the rest of the world. But maybe tone down the "gets hit to Hell and back with tsunamis and earthquakes and volcanoes" factor for Indonesia a bit while we're there. Just make planes less necessary. (Not that it may help Perth that much still, but.)

Me, I might just... I dunno, refill the Aral Sea. Then coerce some governments into not being awful by threatening to flood major cities or do away with major ore deposits or something until they tidied up their acts.
Not that that'd help educate the masses into not WANTING horrible government, in some cases, but there's a few places it might be worth a shot, maybe.
Maybe cut Asia up and put the pieces somewhere else. Also make a picture of a Lapras (from the side) with a glacier for a shell near the North Pole.
I'll remake Pangaea so there are more countries closer to here, particularly making sure Europe borders the US. Then maybe I could actually wander outside the US at some point in my life.

Or alternatively, I'll shuffle the people of the world so everyone is suddenly by people of unfamiliar cultures. Then they'll all be forced to interact with each other to survive, and world peace will result! (Or mass confusion/war/general chaos. Probably that.)
I'd probably get every landmass and shape it into one giant penis, pointed at North America!

Or maybe I'd turn the difficulty down to Chieftain for Britain!

Who knows!
Or alternatively, I'll shuffle the people of the world so everyone is suddenly by people of unfamiliar cultures. Then they'll all be forced to interact with each other to survive, and world peace will result! (Or mass confusion/war/general chaos. Probably that.)
Either way, it'd be an adventure!
I might also make a flower shape somewhere. Most likely a Rafflesia (a Vileplume flower), but I don't know what the spots could be (they aren't supposed to be white, just lighter than the rest). I would surely make it from some of the remains of Asia...
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