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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
the aforementioned said:(My coworker has just put together a very expensive PA System for the pastor of a church.)
Coworker: “Alright pastor, is there anything else I can get for you today?”
Pastor: “No… thank you. I’m very grateful for all your help. What is the price, son?”
Coworker: “Well, after all of the added items and sales tax, your total comes to $4,478.89.”
Pastor: “What!? Let me ask you this… what would JESUS pay for this?!”
Coworker: *without delay* “Sir, Jesus paid the ultimate price and died for your sins. Your total is still $4,478.89.”
(The pastor was not amused, but paid the full amount.)
(A mother and her teenage son come through my line…)
Me: “Hello, did you find everything you need?”
Mother: “Yes, we did.”
(I notice she is buying party items, including cups, soda, pizzas, napkins… and condoms.)
Me: “Oh, are you having a party soon?”
Mother: *nods* “My little James is growing up. He’s going to have an orgy with all his little friends, aren’t you Captain Muffinpants?”
Me: *suppresses laughter* “Will that be all?”
Son: “YES! YES THAT WILL BE ALL!” *runs to car*
EDIT: this is the most epic thing I have ever seen and I wish so badly I could understand the language it's in
it's Hitler vs. Stalin in a wizard duel
this is the most epic thing ever and i want to get that comic so bad now
Looks Cyrillic. Anyone here know Russian?
Proof that Jesus is a bitch.
Why? It completely sucked the last time you told us to go. How will telling us again(which you inventually will...AGAIN.) make it any better?
Maybe he forgot. Leave him alone, will yah? And whether it sucked or not is dependant on opinion, maybe he finds it funny?
I'm a bit mad that he keeps on posting the same stuff over and over when he does post here. Would you like it if I posted something like "CHECK OUT THIS PICTURE OF BARREL ROLLING LOLZ" every two pages or so and say I "forgot" that I did so?