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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

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Exo I have just found a new favorite comic site

right behind FB20XL, C&H, LFG, and Penny Arcade (and maybe VGcats if it actually UPDATED once in a while)



I went to the kitchen to gets rum about 5 minutes ago, and on the way back I randomly saw this on the TV. I just about pissed myself laughing.
But seeing as about half of this forum are from the UK, you probably won't find it as funny as I did. ,,xD

Anyway, click the link, and watch the video to the right "Labeled Agency: Gatecrasher"
I have got to visit this place sometime.

This is awesome x3

And I lost.

I don't have anything funny except....






...You're probably wondering what's funny right about now. Right?



Sure, I'm stalling you. So what should you do?

Follow these instructions:


Before activating DILATION, take a deep breath. Count to three on your fingertips. Do a little jig in your chair. Ready? Click this link!

I don't have a picture but I have a KILLER JOKE!! (by the way..I like so if you don't like it..too.. bad)

So a frog walks into a bank and askes for a loan. The woman at the desk,whos name happened to be Patty Whack, asks for a name. So the frog tells her his name is Kermit Jagger and that he should have a lot of money in this bank because his father, Mick Jagger, left it here. So she asked for some proof and Kermit gave her a small pink elephant. Patty Whack went into the the manager and told him all about the frog outside and how he gave her this elephant. So..the manager said...

It's a knick-knack Patty Whack.
Give the frog a loan.
His old man's a Rolling Stone!

I know your singing it!!

Come on! Don't lie!
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