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Your Personality?

Apparently I'm like hardcore typical cancer or something? CARING ABOUT OTHERS SO HARD. Also I've heard it means i like decorating my home or something? Astrology is so random.
My personality. Well, I am quiet, very loyal to friends. I can get very mad, but never without a huge cause. I will never fight unless needed.
Apparently I'm like hardcore typical cancer or something? CARING ABOUT OTHERS SO HARD. Also I've heard it means i like decorating my home or something? Astrology is so random.

cancers cry over everything SO EMOTIONAL

whereas my sun/rising/moon signs basically make me 'biggest bitch in the universe' material

virgo/scorpio/capricorn, the viciously critical, mistrustful, stubborn arsehole who everyone hates
/scorpio rising brofist

and apparently my moon sign is gemini whiiiich i'm not so sure about but this bit seems accurate anyway
Witty and charming, Gemini Moon is fun and pleasant to hang out with. Their twin aspect also makes them moody and irritable, though. If you can put up with the constant switch from one to the other, you will find that they are very interesting people to be around. They like to have a hand in everything, are usually well-informed and are the basis for the saying "curiosity killed the cat." Their inquisitiveness is all-encompassing. Like other air signs, the Moon Sign Gemini is adept at saying what they think is expected before they have a chance to think about it. They may also imitate others' behavior if they think it is more acceptable than just being themselves.
also it says we're fickle as hell which i guess is kinda true??? i start a bazillion things and never finish them aaaaaaall the time
I have trouble believing things people call me and I think that's pretty much the only objective analysis I can give.

I'm also an INFP. I think there seems to be so many people online with that personality because it's part of the personality (or at least part of mine, lol) to be kind of proud of being part of a rare group so we advertise it more.
Jolty that quote describes me in a way that is both undetailed and accurate

Also what moon/rising/sun what is this why haven't I heard of it

And how does you know how the extrovert/introvert thingy is for you is there a quiz or something and what happened to grammar where it go
I'm a stubborn, critical, petty, over-analytic virgo who is actually SECRETLY CARING
And how does you know how the extrovert/introvert thingy is for you is there a quiz or something and what happened to grammar where it go

if you're referring to the INTJ/ENFP or what not letters that's the myers-briggs test

if you're referring to "how people know whether they're extroverted or introverted?" it varies from person to person. extroverts are those who have large social circles, thrive off being around others, work really well when given the chance to work with others and hatehatehate when they're forced to be alone. introverts are those who may not necessarily have large (or /any/) social circles, or even if they do they can be completely fine not having said large social circles; being alone doesn't necessarily bother them very heavily. they often prefer to do certain things on their own time when given the chance. (recently i went on an extremely long text tirade to my boyfriend about being forced to work in a "study group" for english class, complaining it would not help in the slightest because fuck if i was actually going to talk to my group members, if i'm going to pass the test it's not gonna do shit for me to be in a group with other people.)

i consider myself an introvert despite having a number of close friends and a boyfriend, because often times I just choose not to interact with people on weekends and after school and such, preferring to sit home and play Pokémon (which is all my boyfriend ever does too haha). I love staying home alone and I just generally enjoy being alone, despite aforementioned close friends/boyfriend.
I always kinda wondered why some people (including you) would be on the internet, I mean in my mind it really makes sense for introverts to be on the internet because in some cases (like mine) introverts genuinely have trouble making friends in real life due to socially awkward tendencies and people shunning them because of it (at least that's how it was when when I joined forums, back in 2005 when I was 10/11) whereas on the internet such things such as facial/body expression and vocal inflection/tone are missing, so introverts who, in real life, can't pick up on those subtleties have no problem communicating with others in a medium where nobody would shun them, because nobody can necessarily tell that they're socially awkward (except in some extreme cases). Whereas extroverts usually don't have the problem of being socially awkward/shunned necessarily so they can make a lot more friends and have more of a social life - which is why I start wondering: "why are they spending such a lengthy time on the internet, enough that they can stumble across, want to join, and stay active in a forum like this one?" - most extroverts I know don't spend a significant amount of time searching that kind of thing on the internet. Sometimes it just confuses me when I see extremely extroverted people on TCoD or the other forums I'm on, because it's almost like "why are you here." Hate to sound harsh but i just get confused about that xD i don't mean to sound like that harshness is really how i look at it but :/

No that's fine, fair and I wonder it myself sometimes. Part of it's habit - this is the only forum I frequent, and I've been on Butterfree's site since its inception, and Mew's Hangout before that. I do enjoy the difference that online forums have to actual social gatherings - especially if it's something I care about, I have a tendancy to get a bit carried away when talking aloud, so it's nice to be able to thoughtfully type out a measured response to something I'm passionate about, whereas offline I'd start ranting and only stop when I noticed people were staring. If you ever read a post from me and think it's inarticulate, it's still ten times better than what I'd have said aloud :p

And you're probably right about extroverts not spending vast amounts of time on the internet, but when I'm at uni I have nothing but free time, and places like here, Twitter and FB let me connect with people even if none of my nearby friends are free, which is nice.

And being on forums has allowed me to make friends who I meet up with offline semi-regularly, often in the form of big group meetups which are busy and social and lovely :)
Dannichu said:
I've been on Butterfree's site since its inception
For some reason I'm now picturing Dannichus within Dannichus within Dannichus.

I'm INTP, if I remember correctly from when I took the Myers-Briggs test thing.
For some reason I'm now picturing Dannichus within Dannichus within Dannichus.

Funny you should say, Radiohead did an album about that :p

I'm not really a nice person, but for some reasons my friends all stick around. I really dislike the company of people that I'm not close too, and tend to over think everything.
Well, if we look at Horoscopes, as a Libra, I should be fairly balanced and all that jazz... NOPERS.

I'm fairly impulsive, I sometimes interject myself and then end up drawing back or snapping when others react to it. I'm extremely emotional and somewhat sensitive. I can seem fairly outgoing and I like to hang out with people, but it's usually the same people because I can trust them. I'm not good at making new friends and actually prefer to not be around people especially if I'm not in a good mood.
I'm very shy and introverted!! I do like having friends, and sometimes I get very lonely, but most of the time I'm really energised being alone! Otherwise I'm pretty whimsical and thoughtful and very very sensitive!!

I guess, though, I used to be more introverted and less shy! Now it's the other way around and it's hard boooo.

INFJ o/!! though lol I am the worst aries ever I used to be genuinely angry that I wasn't a cancer ... but scorpio rising is a bit better!
I'm a Sagittarius.

Let's see... taken from wiki, mine in bold...

Because its period indicates a change of season, it is known as a "mutable sign" describing an instinct toward change and an easy ability to modify or adapt to the demands of the environment.

Not really... sort of? I get the hang of new things pretty quickly... after I mess up a couple times for good measure. :/

The sign is governed by Jupiter, a planet which is symbolically associated with temperate qualities which loosen, relax and expand. Sagittarius is also linked with the "element of fire," which represents outgoing, action-oriented energy that seeks spontaneous expression.

Yeah, I'm random as hell, when I want to say something I say it, whether it makes sense or not.... usually not. Plus my sense of humor is rather... odd.

As the mutable fire sign, governed by an expansive planet, the symbolic focus of the sign is connected to the principle of exploration and evolution.

Correspondingly, Sagittarians are reputed to be drawn toward travel and philosophy, and to enjoy social contacts, meeting new people and exploring other cultures.

I actually agree, sort of matches me to a 'T'. I so just want to travel the world and meet and learn about people. Philosphy, history, anthropology, everything like that is really cool to me.

They are said to be highly intelligent, broad-visioned, tolerant in their views, mainly concerned with the "big picture" but with little patience for the details.

I kind of agree with the "big picture" thing. And the tolerant bit. I'm super moderate politically... and stuff.

Like all the fire signs, Sagittarius can be idealistic in vision but tactless in expression. They are known for their bluntness and are often unaware of their ability to cause anguish in others.

Fuck yes. Anyone who knows me irl can vouch for this, hence why I went through everything I have this past year. (Grrr)

Plus I curse like a sailor. Worse than a sailor.

I guess from that I fit my 'sign' prefectly. Horoscopes are fun.

But you've got to wonder if you just meld to it... like you assume it or something... *not sure how to explain self*
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