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Your Personality?

As Spoon said in the Pet Peeves thread....
Also, when people are honestly confused about a touchy subject, word something wrong, and are promptly jumped on for saying something in an ignorant way. There's a difference between politely correcting someone and being a downright jerk about it.
Yeah, "douchey" to me implies intentionally being mean. I wouldn't call that an example of it.
I agree wholeheartedly. I'm sorry if you felt like I was attacking you specifically, Superbird. That post was the product of a lot of bottled-up frustration.
I'm..quite an odd person. When you don't know me, I probably won't talk. Its not that I don't want to talk, mind. Its just I can't think of what to say and if I try to my brain panics and then I go red and then I can't speak at all and its embarrasing.

If I know you but don't trust you, I will talk, but I can't seem to get it past 'how are you?' or simple plesentries like that. I am often to scared to go on about what I like as I feel my interests are not worth going into. After all, nobody is going to like my little pony, Doctor who or Pokemon, and I end up being shot down normally when I talk about them.

Now, this is where my personality gets sour. When I am at home, I turn into an arogrant prick. If I know what I am talking about, I will flaunt it, and often am not aware that I am offending someone. This has caused my family to get really...I guess annoyed at it, as they think I act like that all the time. To be honest I think its just a front but I can't help it. Also, when I am in this state of mind, I don't care about anyone except for myself. Thankfully, this actually is rare as I am often not confident enough to talk about the things I know.

When I am away from my family and near someone I really care about, I turn into this little quiet kitten thing. I squeak, curl up into a ball, and appreciate cuddles and naps. Though, you need to take into account that I hate physical contact from people I don't know well, and strangely enough my little sister Chloe (who does it all the time and I swear she does it for my strained reaction). I also have this thing where I feel really dumb but that's only when I'm looking back at these times. I guess happiness and intelligence can not be in my brain at the same time.

I also like to consider myself a deep thinker, though I do not express my thoughts very often. When doing so I tend to stare in one direction, which does make me look stupid. I like to think about people and how they act and why they act and wonder about the strange connections that people have with each other and how they are developed. I find it very interesting but I don't talk about it as its very silly and things. I do express my thoughts through typing as I find it easier to do so; you can edit posts but not real life.

Oh, and when I am stressed about something, I have my bad days. The world is out to get me. Nobody likes me, and I need to hide away from the world. I cry sometimes as well, but I don't like people knowing about it. I won't even tell Sam when I am having them, which surprises him when I suddenly cry over a monopoly game, for example. I have this thing about not looking weak, and not crying in front of others. This is from my dad. My dad hated seeing me cry when he was telling me off, and would tell me that tears solved nothing.

Phew, sorry abut that. I like writing lots when I am thoughtful.

Edit: I guess another, non personality tidbit that is a bit interesting is my obsession with the idea of flight. I love birds, I love how they fly, and I find their wings so beautiful. I love the idea of flying, and wish I had wings. I feel wings sometimes on my back, when listening to music that reminds me of flight.
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I have two main personality types, in my opinion.

A) I'm not a conversation starter. I typically like to be left alone. I grow tired of most people pretty quickly, so I tend to isolate myself a bit. I try to avoid problems so much that I usually try as best I can to avoid socializing in general. I have serious self-esteem issues. I'm extremely pessimistic and write only morbid poetry. I'm very snappy and give sarcastic answers, and tend to judge people harshly. I get embarrassed easily, and am extremely reserved because I'm afraid of making a fool of myself. I tell as little about myself as possible, when I'm in this mode, and hate when people ask too many questions or try to learn about me. I'm very bitter.

B) I'm very upbeat and outgoing. I try to talk to everyone, I'm not afraid to make mistakes and laugh at myself, I speak very loudly and do stupid things for absolutely no reason. Today in gym class, for example, I was sitting on the floor playing Digimon and singing Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer. This me is usually the one that posts on forums, because I'm not afraid of my replies being judged harshly or anything like that. I'm cheesy and obnoxious and annoying and happy-go-lucky and usually act with so much energy, people ask me how much sugar I just had. I am a social butterfly and am not afraid to defend myself when someone is unnecessarily giving me an attitude. I'm proud of the (few) things I do. Or, well, less ashamed. I'm still never really sure of myself, but I doubt myself less when I'm in this mood.
ultraviolet (f) Lv. 19 (~ three months to next level)
Sassy Nature (+ Sp. Def, -Speed [lol])
Ability: Drizzle - can/does cry about anything ever on cue (used to be Moody but that's been dealt with)
- Procrastinator
- Forgets dates, numbers, days of the week, how alphabetical order works
- can't stay up past 12am
- confidence problems
+ cares SO MUCH about EVERYTHING aaaaaa
+ loves to eat
I fangirl over things.
I like to think that I'm brave, but in reality I can be a big scaredy cat.
I tend to stay up late when given the Internet.
I procrastinate. A lot.
I tend to get depressed when I don't get to hang out with my friends.
I also just tend to be generally depressed some days and upbeat other days.
I'm pretty loyal to my friends. I honestly don't know what I'd do without them.
I hate messing up.
When I'm scolded, I tend to think that the whole world has imploded because of one mistake and I dwell on it for weeks afterwards.
I have a bad mouth, but only around certain people.
I can't stand haters, but in real life I'm nowhere near brave enough to yell at them.
I always have a song in my head. Alwaaaaays.
I have days where I just need a break from it all, but I never get it.
I'm what a lot of people would describe as "over-reactive" because I get excited or upset or angry over little things. Which is admittedly one of my pet peeves, but *shrugs*

Other than that, I'm fairly awkward with people IRL unless I know them really well (one friend cites the time she introduced herself and I informed her that I was quiet, but louder than my sister...who she'd never met) or am in one of my stranger moods, like at orientation on Tuesday ^^;

I also tend to fangirl over various things?
I'm an Enneagram-type 2w1, ISFJ, Taurus, and water-Rooster, and though I know astrology and whatnot has to be full of shit those signs coincidentally fit me pretty well, so at least I'm pretty easy to describe I guess.

After reading some articles I found interesting, I'd like to add that the MtG psychographic profile I fall into is Johnny/Spike. I like building decks based around an idea (usually a specific tribe, but sometimes a single strategy or an artist I like), and then I like to go out and win with it. I don't really have as good of a time if I don't win, unless it was really close, because that usually means the deck I built wasn't any good. And while not technically a psychographic profile, I also consider myself a Vorthos.

If you're into Magic and you haven't read those articles, you totally should, they're quite interesting!
After reading some articles I found interesting, I'd like to add that the MtG psychographic profile I fall into is Johnny/Spike. I like building decks based around an idea (usually a specific tribe, but sometimes a single strategy or an artist I like), and then I like to go out and win with it. I don't really have as good of a time if I don't win, unless it was really close, because that usually means the deck I built wasn't any good. And while not technically a psychographic profile, I also consider myself a Vorthos.

If you're into Magic and you haven't read those articles, you totally should, they're quite interesting!

I am reading now. Thanks for pointing those out or I'd have never found them.
If you're into Magic and you haven't read those articles, you totally should, they're quite interesting!
They apply to pretty much any competitive game that allows at least a moderate degree of customization, even if just through character selection (Melvin and Vorthos less so than the other three, though). And yes, highly recommended.

(Johnny/Spike--Vorthos high fiiiive!)
Well... I think I'm always obsessed about something. Out of these gamer types , a personality quiz said I'm an Explorer, but I think I'm more of an Achiever since I prefer platformers to stuff like Minecraft (All that preparation for one boss...). Also I'm an ISTJ and think cats are better than dogs. My favorite Pokémon stat is Special Defense and my favorite Problem Sleuth stat is imagination. And I sometimes think about Homestuck in a weird symbolic way.

I guess that might tell you something about my personality.
They apply to pretty much any competitive game that allows at least a moderate degree of customization, even if just through character selection (Melvin and Vorthos less so than the other three, though). And yes, highly recommended.

(Johnny/Spike--Vorthos high fiiiive!)
I'll say right now that I'm not a big fan of the whole Timmy/Johnny/Spike thing, especially as it applies to the Magic community. The concepts themselves make sense but somewhere along the line they developed into these annoying stereotypes like "Timmy is a noob who only plays big creatures" or "Spike has no originality and just plays the best deck out there" (Maro actually addresses these stereotypes in his article but they're still commonplace). If I were forced to label myself as one of these I'd probably classify myself as a Timmy/Johnny/Vorthos, but "Timmy" has such a pejorative connotation to it that I'd rather just avoid it altogether.

I've also seen some players who will play one way in a casual setting but differently in a tournament setting. I personally like to think that we all have a bit of Timmy, Johnny, and Spike in us, just in different proportions.
Well, according to this enneagram test thing, I'm a 6w5--phobic, I suppose, with a self-preservation instinct. It makes sense, although I'm not sure if it really shows. Thinking about it, I can see the similarities. I tend to value trust and can hold grudges (even if I don't mention it). Putting myself in a new or unfamiliar situation - making a new account somewhere, going to a place I haven't been before, speaking to someone I don't know very well - can be terrifying, but I tend to put myself in those situations anyway (willingly or not). I tend to root myself into something, which seems to match the Six thing. It's easier to talk to people I really feel I know. I'm afraid of looking stupid, so sometimes I tend to shut up when I'm quite sure of what I'm doing. I'm always afraid of correcting someone or doing a thing, only for someone else to say that I'm incorrect and a terrible person in general.

I try to be friendly, but speaking to people is ??? in general. Sometimes I just can't speak to the people I want to because how do conversations work. I usually like a person and have nothing to say to them. If I fall into the rhythm of speaking with someone, I can talk about a lot of things, though; the same goes with talking about things. It's difficult to describe what I like or start a conversation about it, but I can talk about things if I'm just speaking with someone in general.

I can be pretty easygoing when I'm not a nervous mess about everything, though? (Which seems to the opposite of what a Six is, but.) In that line, I'm either a Timmy/Johnny or a Johnny/Spike--probably Vorthos, but maybe in the middle. This is weird; I can't describe myself, and the amount of swing I can get on a personality test is huge.

Also, I tend to get myself in stupid situations with little to no effort on my part. This, combined with a procrastination problem and a tendency to take on more than I can handle, can lead to some... interesting circumstances.

EDIT: This sounds really silly when put together. Whelp.
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5w6, which makes a fair amount of sense on that Enneagram test. Did a Myers-Brigges: ISTP I think? (The Mechanic)
I'm an INFJ on every Bryers-Miggs test I've taken; 4w3 on the enneagram.

I'm a pretty picturesque Leo, as well.
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