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Your Personality?


Where have I been at?
Okay, this should be a good discussion. What is your personality? Are you nice to your friends, loyal, brave, ect?

I am nice, though I can get serious in an instant. In real life, you may not see me as much, but I can be a loyal companion. I am very silent as well and will analyze a situation thoroughly before acting upon it. I am fun to be around and try to lighten up a dark situation.
Saying what you are is usually construed as some form of arrogance (or misrepresentation) so I would wholly prefer to let everybody else tell me how they see me and how accurate that is
Every MBTI I've taken has me labelled as an INFP, and I strongly suspect I am 4w5 sx/so on the Enneagram.
I am forever loyal to my friends and will fight for them always. However, I become silent if I am troubled or don't trust somebody. I am also very fun and will joke a lot.
It depends on any given day. I very between stoned~hyper~abrasive~sickeningly optimistic~ contemplative. I'm a bit more centred when I'm with friends, and tinytiny introverted boy if I'm not, but that's about it.

I used to be this arrogant, obnoxious fuck who hated minority groups, but thanks to the internet, I no longer hate minority groups and try to educate people about them when they go a'hating. Working on the arrogant obnoxious fuck part.

And I'm not as loyal as my friends might like, but they live with me I guess.
Dātura;584369 said:
Every MBTI I've taken has me labelled as an INFP, and I strongly suspect I am 4w5 sx/so on the Enneagram.
what does any of this even mean. :/

Saying what you are is usually construed as some form of arrogance (or misrepresentation) so I would wholly prefer to let everybody else tell me how they see me and how accurate that is
too true. you're the worst judge of your own character.
I have a feeling this thread is going to die quite soon if we follow Tarvos advice, but I agree, it's certainly hard to determine ones personality from just one point of view, and your own is probably the most distorted one nontheless. But at least one thing I know for certain: I'm lazy as hell. I can work, no problem, I usually just grumble a bit while doing so if I have no motivation, but I can work. But I will try to avoid it for as long as possible. The last quarter of my life has been coloured by procrastination.
Well, based on personality tests and what others have told me, I think I have a decent idea of my personality.

Most of the time, like when I'm out in public, I'm really chill. I'm definitely introverted; I don't mind being around people, but unless I know someone well, I usually can't think of enough things to say to be too sociable.

Myers-Briggs says I'm INTJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging; as opposed to Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving). Intuitive, yeah; that was tied with Thinking as most prominent. I'm impulsive at times and like to take risks, I handle uncertainty well, and I like to be imaginative. I'm also analytical, which is where the Thinking and Judging come in.
I think that I have a strong sense of justice, but come to think of it it's hard to say what my personality is. Hmm.
I'm an INFP, but I think the test is bollocks since INFP are supposed to be only 2% of the human population but I see a lot of INFPs on the internet.
I'm rather quiet and nice, and really don't like hurting people. I worry a lot. I can think mean things, but I never speak my mind in those cases. I'm fairly good at sensing the mood, and I tend to be a little shy.
Of course on the Internet I'm not like this at all.

Holy crap I'm Japan.

According to an adaptation of the MBTI, I'm an INTP.
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Well, if anything, I know I'm loyal.
School drama dragged me into crap I didn't want to be involved with, and I stuck up with my friend, and in the end, it turns out I was the only true friend she had, so. Yeah.
And I can be pretty loud, too. And witty, according to numerous friends. (HA)
... That's all I can think of. O3o
I'm an INFP, but I think the test is bollocks since INFP are supposed to be only 2% of the human population but I see a lot of INFPs on the internet.

Yeah, but the internet, especially those who frequent forums, aren't really representative of the population. I think, in the thread where we all posted our meyers-briggs test results, something like 90% of TCoDers were classified as introverts, which may well be correct, but it sort of makes sense that people who spend extended periods of time on the internet may be less extroverted.

Although I say that and am the most extroverty person to ever vert, but the main reason I spend so much time online because my RL friends do actual, proper degrees and don't have the mountains of time I do, so I have to wait for the evening before I go over and play, and spend the day just messing around here. Not that I don't love you people too, of course.
Although I say that and am the most extroverty person to ever vert, but the main reason I spend so much time online because my RL friends do actual, proper degrees and don't have the mountains of time I do, so I have to wait for the evening before I go over and play, and spend the day just messing around here. Not that I don't love you people too, of course.

I always kinda wondered why some people (including you) would be on the internet, I mean in my mind it really makes sense for introverts to be on the internet because in some cases (like mine) introverts genuinely have trouble making friends in real life due to socially awkward tendencies and people shunning them because of it (at least that's how it was when when I joined forums, back in 2005 when I was 10/11) whereas on the internet such things such as facial/body expression and vocal inflection/tone are missing, so introverts who, in real life, can't pick up on those subtleties have no problem communicating with others in a medium where nobody would shun them, because nobody can necessarily tell that they're socially awkward (except in some extreme cases). Whereas extroverts usually don't have the problem of being socially awkward/shunned necessarily so they can make a lot more friends and have more of a social life - which is why I start wondering: "why are they spending such a lengthy time on the internet, enough that they can stumble across, want to join, and stay active in a forum like this one?" - most extroverts I know don't spend a significant amount of time searching that kind of thing on the internet. Sometimes it just confuses me when I see extremely extroverted people on TCoD or the other forums I'm on, because it's almost like "why are you here." Hate to sound harsh but i just get confused about that xD i don't mean to sound like that harshness is really how i look at it but :/

as for the topic - yeah people are poor judges of their own character. i know this way too fucking well from dealing with my delusional, in-denial ex-best friend >> i like to think i have a pretty good grasp of my own nature but whether i'm looking at all the negatives of it or the positives depends on the mood i'm in. x3
i'm an ENFP, but i would probably class myself as an introverted extrovert - i very much enjoy hanging out with people and being around them but i get run down very quickly and i have to lie on my bedroom floor and recharge for a few days! the internet is a good place to have fun social interaction without me basically bottoming out after a day, so. i don't think it's as black and white as the myers-briggs result would imply :U pretty sure i got like 51% extrovert and 49% introvert so
I am INFJ which fits me pretty damn well
and also a Pisces which fits me even better. don't care if astrology is a load of bollocks.

however i have also been told that i can be very aggressive and stubborn at times
won't disagree there
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