• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

You're Invited!

Oh dear, a James bond music video, my dream has come true.

*you are invited to my formal "Scorpius owns the world" ceremony.
All hail teh leader. *bows*

I invite you to drive old convertible packed with a bunch rowdy friends on a hot day in a dusty road somewhere in Baja California looking to commit acts of questionable intent.
Sweet, nice place ya got there. I SHALL KILL YOU AND STEAL IT FOR MYSELF!!!!! and then I shall have pudding.

*invites you to a WORLD OF PAINNNNN!! Bwahahahahahaha!
*goes numb* Eyup, nothin'. Good luck making me hurt at this point. |)

I invite you to a decaptation. OF YOURSELF!! *makes random ghost noises*
Hmm. Sounds nice. Just make sure the Decapitator properly disposes of my head - it could rot somewhere and that would be quite unsanitary.

I invite you to Candy Land.
Ooh, pretty star. *star explodes* Aah! Radiation! Run! Oh, I'm in space. Damn. *Dies*

I invite you to the digital world! From digimon!
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