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Zari Island RP

Seki followed Solar through the village, but halfway through veered off to a different path. He stopped in front of what looked a little like a diner with one wall out.

This brings back memories, he sighed mentally. One of his friends, and after that incident with the Hitmonchan, overhearing a conversation.... He stored it in the back of his mind for now and ran further along the path, turning right and then looking up at the building that used to tower up above the whole village. Finding no sign of the others, he raced back through the streets and halted in front of Solar, shaking his head.
Solar stopped momentarily, then began walking up the steps that led to the ruins in front of him. The ceiling of the building caved in, completely crushing the top floor. The second lowest floor in the building was a bit damaged, and the second highest floor was half gone.
When he reached the top of the steps, the Lucario entered through the door. However, a gaping hole lay before him. It went all the way to the ground.
The floors were gone.
Solar, having great jumping experience, leaped down, landing safely between two large piles of rubble.
"Where has the floor gone?" he asked himself.
Then, he began to search through the rubble. From where he was, he could see behind every pile. There were no sources of heat or energy.
He was beginning to get worried. Where had his leader gone?
Jumping back up, he ran down the stairs again and said three words to Seki.
"She's not there."
Seki nodded understandingly along with a quiet approving grunt. He turned, and raced into the building so fast he was gone in less than a second.

Feeling the floor collapse under him, he quickly did a jump to stable ground before dashing around to the opposite side of the building and climbing a flight of stairs. He looked out the window, noticing he wasn't high up. For some reason something stopped him from calling out. Instead he went back down the stairs and out the building.

"Not on the second floor," he told Solar, slowing to a halt beside his teammate. "We may not have found them, but we must keep trying!" He squinted determinedly, raising a fist in front of his neck. "We shall not give up!"
((To lift confusion, here's what happened: The floors below the top two floors, which are the fifth and the sixth, are all at least partly fallen. The second floor, which is where Seki went, was not caved in on the side of the building where he was. However, Solar went in a more direct route, heading to the third floor, which was completely caved in. Due to the fact that he was on the opposite side as Seki, he was able to jump three floors down without hitting anything except the first floor, which was mostly dust. I'll draw a picture of the building later.))

Solar grunted in approval, nodding. "But what if they aren't here? What if we are wasting our time?"
((okay. ;D ))

"Stop being so pessimistic!" said Seki enthusiastically. "It is for the sake of the village!" He gazed at Solar with a knowing gaze before turning and looking back at the direction of the entrance. He remembered most missions he had done in the village before it had collapsed...

He faced Solar again. "Where should we look next? If the citizens are not here, they are somewhere else on the island."
"The island is a large place," Solar replied. "We could spend weeks searching."
But then he said, "If I could see that precisely, I could search from here, but I have to go from floor to floor. We're lucky the stairs aren't gone."
The Lucario raced up to the stairs to the fourth floor, looking through the door. The floor was almost completely gone.
Definitely not there, he thought, continuing. When he reached the fifth floor, he went through the door, looking out on the floor. This was almost intact, except for the fact that the top floor had caved in on this one. Entering slowly, he used his Foresight technique to look for any sign of life.
His hope was running out. He only had one chance before he had to risk his life to find the Weavile.
Cautiously, he stepped through the door to the sixth floor. Only a small hole was gone; somehow, it had mostly remained intact. Sighing, he began to remember. Not so long ago, there were neat halls and nice rooms, but now, it was nothing but rubbish. All that remained was the Weavile's room.
Solar strolled across the sturdy floor. He missed the halls that he would follow; now, it was as if he was walking through them. The Weavile's desk was completely untouched, except for, of course, the old papers on it.
This was Solar's final chance.
Desperately, he used Foresight. His heart almost leaped out of his chest.
There was someone here.
He wandered up to the den, and saw a Pokemon crouching there.

((And I'll leave you in suspense while I sleep... >:D))
Kailani ran through the forest, listening for any sign that indicated nearby water; a sign that he was near a lake.

So they're all human-turned pokemon... perhaps could have outlined my situation to that Lickillicky from earlier.

Ah, like it'll make a difference now. The important thing is to "set up shop" and then try and get remember my past.
The baby Taillow broke out of its egg, wobbled, and fell over again. Bianca laughed, watching. It was pathetic and cute at the same time. The baby bird looked up at her with huge brown eyes, looking indignant. She laughed harder and picked it up. It was tiny, one wing seemed shorter, but the Gardevoir didn't notice.
"She's so cute!"
The Taillow jumped, scared by Jax yelling. She hopped out of Bianca's arms and....
tipped over on her face. Bianca giggled and handed the baby bird to Jax.
"What should we name her?"

Ki wished those stupid Pokemon would leave. One of them was insane, and the rest he just didn't like. He kicked a tree, accidentally knocking a Combee's nest onto the ground. They swarmed around, and a Vespiquen flew into his face, shrieking a long string of four letter words. The Gallade ran away as fast as possible, followed by a huge swarm of bee Pokemon.
This is a wonderful way to start a day, absolutely wonderful.
"SO, anyone know what to do around here?" Vysi asked, after finally going to sleep and waking up, feeling bored. "I know! We can explore the island! That is, if everyone else wants too." Kelli suggested, thinking that it was going to be at least a little intresting. Man, if I turn back into a human, handwriting will be a breeze with all this stuff going on! Not as if I'm in a rush to turn back or anything... "Hey, Mysti? What school did you go to when you were a human?"
Zora shrugged, glancing at Ki's misfortune while she did.
"I dunno. Always been terrible with baby names, myself."
"Me too please." Darkness muttered, glancing at the Taillow.
"Hrrrm..." Windfall groaned, floating away silently.
Frantic, and getting stung all over, Ki sprinted in a random direction. It really didn't help.
Bianca watched him run by, giggling.
"Should we help him?"
Kat turned around to see a oddly colored Leafeon, "Who are you?" she asked the Leafeon.

Tsuki jumped. "Tsuki."
Suddenly, something jumped on top of Solar. He saw it, and it definitely wasn't Weavile.
A scream echoed around the ruins of the Village.
Seki followed Solar up the stairs, but someone screamed as he entered the room. He delivered a sharp kick to whatever was attacking his friend.
The Arbok was thrown backwards but barely damaged. It hissed at Seki.
"Finally, I get to meet one of you wimps head-on."
((You can probably figure this out, Cryptica.))
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