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Zari Island RP

Silvia started to panic. The Pidgeotto seem like she's going to cry -- and Silvia was never quite sure what to do in those situations. "Well, let's go then!" The Linoone said quickly, trying to change the subject, or, at least, make Arylett stop worrying, "If we find out what happened to us, we may be able to return to human form again."
"That's right," Sora replied, even though she probably wouldn't change back herself. She began to head in the direction that Arylett had pointed earlier.
"I'm sorry... I'm silly. Being different... isn't always good... but I'm still being... silly." She shook her head. Had they seen her weakness...? Arylett dared not to think of it. They couldn't see... see the problem that she had. That odd strange unspeakable problem that made her so different.

"L-let's go then..." And she shook off the silly tears, stupid things really. Why did she always have to get so worked up about every little thing? Nonetheless, Arylett began to hop in the direction she had indicated, mentally cursing how much she hated walking in this form.
As Nub-Nub and Tastebuds had just gotten up, they saw the Ralts start to tear and tremble.
"Aww," said Tastebuds. 'It's alright Ralts. We're sorry for yelling at you."
"Yeah, I mean, it's no big deal," said Nub-Nub. "We'll try and find a way out of here."
"Th-thank you," Ralts whispered. Tastebuds and Nub-Nub were amazed.
"YOU CAN TALK NOW? HOW COME?" asked Tastebuds. "I mean - What's your name?"
"It's -" the Ralts tried to reply. However, the ground rumbled, and something came from under it. It was a Dugtrio trio.
Ki looked at his arms, wincing. His along with his back, they were covered with stings, and turning red. Bianca yelled jokingly at him,
"Are you allergic to bees?"
The baby Taillow squeaked loudly and held her mouth open, waiting for somebody to feed her.
The Linoone let out a silent sigh of relief. At least Arylett didn't break down and cry... She dropped down on all fours again and followed the two winged Pokemon. And why's she the only one who can't fly?

Silvia noticed that Arylett was having a bit of trouble walking. "Why don't you practice flying again?"
As Tastebuds, Nub-Nub, and the Ralts saw the 3 Dugtrio, Tastebuds immediately started covering Ralts. "Nub-Nub!" he shouted. "Ice type attacks are effective against ground types! Do something!" Right after that, Nub-Nub thought to himself, I have to do something... Otherwise people will get hurt! He then focused on aiming for the Dugtrio nearby. Right when he was about to unleash an Ice Beam, however, the 3 Dugtrio seemed to be charging up a powerful attack, and it was quick. A hole in the ground appeared, encompassing Nub-Nub, Tastebuds, and the Ralts.
"Oh no!" Tastebuds said. "They're using Fissure, and it hit us!" Next, there was a rumble in the ground.
"Is that Earthquake?" Nub-Nub asked. The group was falling deeper and deeper now, and they seemed to be also shifting. Tastebuds put his body around Ralts. All of a sudden, their were rocks falling on top of them.
"ROCK TOMB?!?" Tastebuds exclaimed. "Oh shoot!" They couldn't see anything now, and they were shifting faster than ever.
"When is this moving going to stop?" asked Nub-Nub. Then, the small Ralts began to cry. About 50 seconds later, the earthquake stopped. Luckily, the Sand Tomb didn't hurt the group much; there were just a few scratches here and there.
"Now what?" whispered the Ralts.
'Well, I guess the first thing we have to do is get out of this mess!" Tastebuds said. "But don't worry," he continued. "You'll be safe with us."
Arylett hesitated to speak.

Well, she hesitated more than usual anyway.

"I... I don't think... no. Last time... it was fun... but a disaster... I can't. I can't fly." She felt so angry with herself! Why was she so stupid? Grr! Always she had been stupid, so stupid she couldn't even fly. And she was a bird, for God sakes!

But... it wasn't her fault! She wasn't used to it.

...And yet Sora could fly.

Arylett grimaced more, her sadness turning into sheer frustration.
"Well, Beautifly are different from Pidgeotto," Sora said. "For one thing, Beautifly don't have feathers, which means they don't really have to worry about the angle."
She looked back at the blue wings attached to her back. "It sometimes is a bit too simple for me. I sort of wish I had bird wings instead, but a butterfly is fine too."
The girls ran to where the Combee came from and came acroos a few Pokemon. One was a Gallade who seems like he got stung by them. "Ouch." "Double ouch." "Guys, stop saying ouch already. It's annoying! Hey you, are you alright?" Kelli walked over to the stung Gallade and talked to him.
Ki started to answer, but couldn't talk. Along with the about a million bee stings all over, he felt like he was going to throw up, and it was hard to breathe. Bianca stared at him, giggling nervously.
"What are we gonna do if he is allergic to bee stings? Crap.. can Pokemon have allergies? So much for being Link, huh."
If he could, Ki would probably have strangled her for mentioning Link again.
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((I'm really not sure what I should do. I mean, kailani's just going to the desert, and ntohing of significnace is happening to him.))
((I can pretend the earthquake landed me in the desert if you want...))
"Maybe Pokemon can have allergies. For example, if he was allergic to bee stings when he was a human, he might be allergic to bee stings when he's a Pokemon, too." Kelli said. She's been smarter ever since we got here. Intresting. Usally, she's a dope times 100. " Heard that, Vysi!" "I thought it!" "Read that, Vysi!" "That mind reading's gonna get on my nerves." Zaria slightly giggled, shaking her head.
"Except he says he's always been a Pokemon. Uh.. I'm pretty sure allergic reactions to bee stings are fatal most of the time."

Ki didn't really know or care what they were talking about. He tried to push Deax away, and murmured,
"Am I what?"
What Arylett really needs right now is an ego boost. "Come on, Arylett. I mean, you did lift off and flew on your first try! How many humans so you think could have done that? And real birds in real life had to practice for a long time jumping around on branches to learn to fly. Yet you did it without all that practice." Silvia hoped that she didn't sound corny, "You have talent, Arylett!"
Deax pushed him into a warm body of water. She snatched a few berries from a bush. She started to crush them with her paws, turning them into a paste.
"Oh no... no I don't..." Although one could tell that Arylett was getting rather buttered up, she turned her head rather shyly away from Silvia, not trying to show the telltale grin upon her face. Already, she was nearly convinced.

...Persuading Arylett of something, then again, was not a difficult task.

"I can't... it was just a fluke... I'm sure I would... fall..." Her retort was laughably weak, as if she didn't really believe it herself.
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