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Zari Island RP

"I don't know," Sora replied. "I can't remember much."
"I sense we're getting close," Solar said. He used Foresight, searching the area.
"It should be somewhere around here." He stood in front of a large boulder. "Within about fifteen meters' radius."
Seki nodded, turning his head and using his hand to beckon Mysti and Vysi.

"You two can team up and try to locate them. As you know, there are eleven, and they should all have the same background scent."
Arylett's body laid there, she didn't seem to be moving.

Nor was she aware of anything around her... And there were no dreams to comfort her. Her glasses hung from the bridge of her beak, surprisingly left intact. They didn't seem to have been shattered by the impact. It was a good thing they were the highly expensive resiliant kind of glasses.

Her head was aching, in the mild blurry state of consciousness she seemed to find herself in. She could feel the pangs, the pangs in her skull wash over her in a painful wave.
"Allrighty then!" said Mysti. she sniffed around on the ground. I...I smell someone who smells like me!" she said. "This way!"
Silvia continued walking in nervous circles. Sora wasn't very helpful -- but the Linoone guessed that she can't blame her. The Raichu was also thrown in this strange situation like she was... Silvia decided that she probably should go do something, but what?

Maybe she should go find a berry or something. Berries are supposed to heal Pokemon when they eat them... According to what everyone else said anyway. The Linoone looked around her for any sign of berry-like things. Berry trees are supposed to look quite strange, so she should be able to find one quickly if there is one around here.

Maybe Sora would have an idea. After all, the Raichu actually traveled around a bit unlike her and Arylett. Silvia turned to the winged Raichu again. "Uhh... Do you know if there are any berry trees around here? Or maybe a way to wake Arylett up?"
Vysi also sniffed around, smelling and following. "Mysti's right! Follow her!" Vysi caught up with her, her sisters right behind.
Mysti went down a hallway untill she found a dusty trapdoor. She barely saw it herself! "Umm, guys..." she said, standing on her hind legs and raising her front paws in the air. "I got no hands, much less thumbs!"
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"Solar can take care of it."

Seki ran down the hallway and halted in front of the trapdoor. He looked at Solar.

"Don't touch it until Solar gets here."
Solar caught up with the other three quickly. He began to pull on it, but it wouldn't move.
"Maybe it opens down." He pushed on the piece of wood, but it was no use.
He decided to look into it with Foresight. What he saw surprised him.
"There's a passageway below this... but it's a dead end. However, it looks like it's not neatly blocked; there must have been some kind of landslide. Is anyone here good at digging?"


Sora replied, "I don't know. But I thought there were some nearby..." she began wandering and searching. She didn't have to go very far to find an Oran tree. "Here!" she called, picking one and running over to Silvia. "We need to give her this." She placed the very small berry in Arylett's mouth.
"I can kick it open," said Seki, half-joking. "It would be easier if it was on the wall, but..."
He jumped into the air, slamming his foot onto it upon landing

((Decide if it was broken...))
Seki jumped on the door, but it only cracked slightly. "Step aside, let a Fire-type fo this!" she said, throwing a Flamethrower where he wasn't standing. The door burnt oen.
"We found the approximate location of our eleven comerades," said Seki, careful to dodge the fire near his feet. It soon went out, however.

"Now Mysti will sniff them out!" he said, marching through the door.

"And one more thing. There is a big pile of rubble in the way. If anyone is good at digging, please do so."

He stood in front of the large stones.
"I might be able to," Solar grunted. He slammed an open hand into the pile with a Force Palm. a hole blew open. "They should be in here." He was getting excited.

((Cryptica can say what happens next.))
((I have no idea what to say... =\ ))

Seki was happy. He stepped through the hole and looked around.

"I think it is down here," he said, pointing down the hallway.

"You lead, Solar."
Solar nodded, then continued down the steps.

Soon, there was a dimly lit passageway, with tough cages on all sides. There were several Pokémon caged. Solar looked at each one; they didn't seem to be his friends. He continued down the hall, until he reached the end. There were ten cages, one of which was twice as wide as the others; it appeared to be originally two cages, but the Pokémon had dug through the wall. On each side of the wall, there were five cages (the wider one counting as two); starting from the end of the hallway, on the left, there was a Sunflora, Vespiquen, Arcanine, Growlithe, and Farfetch'd; on the right, there was a Stantler, Munchlax, Grumpig, Cherrim, and Buizel. But there was one missing.

Where was the Ninetales?
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Seki looked around. Half an inch of water covered the floor.

"Where is he?" He couldn't find the Ninetales. His eyes widened.

"Do you think... Hachi took him?" He thought about the times awhile ago, how cheerful the Ninetales hasd always been.
"He's stronger than that," Solar replied. "For once, I'm actually confident in him." He laughed. "We need to free these Pokémon." He turned to Mysti. "Do you think you can melt the bars so that our friends can escape without hurting them?"
"Sure! But everyone'll need to step back!" she said. She released a Flame Thrower, and the bars melted down. "Wait ten seconds before running to freedom. The metal is still hot!"
"Thanks a lot," The Arcanine said.
The Growlithe just barked.
"Who are you?" Arcanine asked.

Solar stepped forward. "This is Mysti. She's a friend. Could you all please introduce yourselves?"

"May," Sunflora said shyly. She backed away subtly.

"My name is Shadow," the Vespiquen muttered. He added, louder, "And I'm a male Vespiquen. Don't think I'm a girl."

"Fang," Arcanine barked. "And the Growlithe is Red."
Red yipped in approval.
"He can't talk," Fang explained.

Farfetch'd said, "I'm Nunchaku." She held her stick and swung it around a bit.

Stantler had a serious expression on his face. But then again, he always did. "Just call me Psych."

Munchlax grinned. "I'm Butterfly." He seemed to analyze Mysti.

Grumpig blinked. She said, smiling, "Marina."

Cherrim shook her head. "Blossom. Fits, doesn't it?"

The Buizel just grunted, "Tiger."

One by one, they stepped out of their cages.

Solar asked, "Where did they take Wildfire?"

Fang replied, "We were all unconscious when he was separated from us. It looks like we'll have to search."
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