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  • We're going to Vancouver two weeks from now. My parents and I (and possibly my grandparents) are going to watch the Canadian Open. Besides that, I'm really doing next to nothing for the entire summer. I'm bored already.

    And now I'm all depressed again because I just walked into my parents watching the news and seeing some baseball fan die in front of his 6 year-old son. That's just horrible.
    Well, I had a feeling I might win, seeing as Spatz hadn't been fully paralyzed yet the entire battle.

    But seriously, my luck is going to run out soon. Very soon. Probably against pathos, unless Caber can pull off another amazing comeback as I'm planning for him to
    Thank you ^.^

    No, don't shoot me or anything, but I have the incredibly bad habit of attempting to write a dozen stories at the same time XD It slows down my progress in any one story, but it satisfies my urge to get the stories in my head down on paper ASAP. Incidentally, what did you think of the first chapter? Twas vague on purpose, it gets more clear the further into the story it goes. It's an attempt to confuse the reader so they keep reading to try and find out what the fudge was going on, hehe.
    Well, not a completely whole new person. If I had another chance I would have said it was more of a start of a new era. Ah, I dunno, I really don't want to be like the people who change their username at every possible instance. I'll sleep on it I think
    I don't have any particular reason. I can live with Ampharos for forever if I have to, but there's nothing wrong with shaking it up a little bit, is there?
    I'm thinking of changing my Username to Denryu, the Japanese name for Ampharos. Does this seem like a wise move. I seriously can't decide ;_;
    *stalks random VM convos*
    "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy était drôle, mais il n'était pas très profond."
    Oh, you.
    Eh, ça dépend de pourquoi tu lis. Si tu lis pour faire une découverte spirituelle de ton toi intérieur ou quelque chose, c'est très bien.

    Si tu lis comme moi juste pour passer du bon temps, relax, tu te fout complètement de la profondeur de ton livre et HGG est un chef-d'oeuvre de bon goût.
    D'accord, le "Ou" m'a échapper, habituellement, je ne fais pas d'erreur... ça paraît que je suis en vacances.

    Et puis Lord of the Flies, si tu ne l'as jamais lu, est un excellent livre. (Mais j'aime mieux Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy)


    Pas de nom en français, je les trouve ridicules. (Pour une raison qui m'échappe)

    P.S. J'ai devenu? Où je suis devenu? Penses-y.
    Well, my dad was lazy last night, so the only interesting fact I could get out of him was that no-one has ever been able to prove that there is not an odd perfect number
    Yeah, you should've? It's hard for me to pretend I understand that. The only thing I excel in knowing crazy facts about is Geography, and even then my knowledge banks are slightly lacking.

    But wouldn't understanding them ruin the movie in some way? I know I would make some sort of nitpicky comment if I understood what was going on in the background of the scene. Awesome video though, the dancing was the best. Though sometimes I wish the makers of those videos could actually sing to some degree.

    Will do. He'd like having some use for his know-how
    Cryogonal is a hexagon :/

    And yes, yes you are. I keep myself content with math that's suitable for my grade and the one above. Though if I'm bored I'll get my Dad (Bachelor's in Maths) to tell me some crazy mathematical fact.
    That would be pretty awesome. Though it might be slightly awkward, as Negrek's about 7-8 years older than us.
    Congrats on your tournament win! Even though it was quite unlikely you were going to lose! I look forward to seeing you next round. And if not, I will not lose until we face, even if it is the finals. You better not lose, our match is destined to be.

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