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  • I just renamed every single one of my Pokemon, excluding my Larvesta. It'll be hard to refer to Zvonti as Hohner. I have to admit though, some of the new names are pretty awesome. I particularly like Anatina (Zbrka) and Romero Diazi (Zec). They just seem awesome
    Pas particulièrement.

    C'est un de mes préférés, bien sûr, mais... J'aurai de la difficulté à dire si c'est vraiment LE meilleur livre que j'ai lu.

    By the way, comment as-tu su que j'étais Québécois?
    Je viens de l'Estrie, si ça te dit quoi que ce soit.

    Je suis définitivement meilleur en français, et mes talents en anglais ont sérieusement besoin d'améliorations. J'imagine que d'arbitrer des matchs tout l'été va m'aider :D

    Et toi, t'es aussi francophone?
    Once upon a time Negrek had an avatar of an electabuzz and her usertitle was Life of the Wire. The other day in my english class an article referred the teenagers as Y'ers (as in Generation Y) so the things mixed up in my mind and thus came out that user title (along with the avatar).

    I knew people wouldn't get it since it was an inside between me and myself, so that's why I felt the need to say it.
    Those two battles aren't on my current record, as I restarted my ASB account.

    Well, you can just say Za-ber-ka
    I don't actually want any items right now. Well, a Lucky Egg, but those are as hard as s**t to transfer from profile to profile. If you can pull that off, I'll applaud you.

    I assume you mean your battle. There is no way that you can beat me in the tournament. Me and my sparkling perfect record (assuming I can pull off another comeback against pathos right now).

    I pronounce it Zber-ka, no emphasis on either syllable
    Well, I'd really like a Cryogonal right now (you can spare $25 right bro?), and Negrek looks like she's back (as I just got money).

    ((Why do you mock Zvoniti so, he is the most badass Pokemon ever. Though I really need to test him in battle. Zbrka's been getting a ton of action lately, though she is performing very admirably))
    Considering that no matter what I chose you could have chosen something advantageous, I'd say so.

    I'm a fairly active ref, yes. I also take pride in the fact that it's not typo-ridden, unlike some people's.

    I always think of arenas for my battles. You think of one. Only thing to make sure is, you have to send out first.
    You're too moral to work well as a battler, it seems.

    If there is, I don't see it. I've more or less given up at this point, I'm just continuing as a formality. It seems you are in fact the superior battler - though if I had picked second, it would be a totally different story. We need to battle again sometime, with me sending out second, so we can see what happens.
    Gah thank you
    I'll change it

    You could have used that to your own advantage, you know. Thanks for not doing so, even though I'm gonna lose anyway.
    Okies, good night! ^.^ Good luck~

    Some, but not all. I wing through most of the story but just plan out the major scenes xD I know, I'm terrible.
    :o That is an amazing system. I really must steal that<3 I'd be happy to accommodate your dwindling supply of fanfics x]

    Yesh, you iz calculating it right. I stay up late naow that I can xD I still have to go to my room at 12, though. Don't go to sleep until whenever, haha. Sadly I share my room with my lil sis, so I have to keep the lights off while she sleeps, which means I basically play my ds while lying in bed, til I fall asleep :)
    Sebastian names her Soul. When he finds out she doesn't have/know her name, he's all "Tut-tut, we can't have any of that, now can we, m'dear? Hmm...I shall call you Soul. Such a lovely name~" -Not necessarily the exact dialogue, just giving an example of how I want Sebastian to talk xD-

    Oh, of course :o I plan on putting a spin on it x] Couldn't have a fantabulous story without spin :D

    I'm the same in realz, don't worry. I'm just slightly less shy on here; people are so friendly I don't worry as much about getting eaten by an aggravated person X3

    I'd love you to beta-read it once I've finished a little more of the story :D If the offer still stands then, of course, haha.
    Si, it does :D

    Unrelated, but because you iz talking to me, you iz now my plot guinea pig, muahaha! xD

    I'm writing a story about an orphaned Teddiursa named Soul. She gets kidnapped from her home and thrown into a dirty black market zoo in downtown Saffron City ran by Team Rocket. She manages to escape, but she falls ill and that combined with her grief and homesickness threatens to overwhelm her. As she sits slumped against a grimy brick wall in a dark city alley, rain pouring down and complementing her dark mood, she meets a charismatic city pokemon, an old Persian named Sebastian. He takes her in as his own and slowly pulls her out of her pain, showing her the wonders that surround her in the world and how she can't let the wickedness and faults of humanity destroy her. She finally has a more positive outlook, still slightly shadowed by her past, but regardless, she considers Sebastian family. He's like a father to her. On his birthday, she goes out to find a gift for him, but when she returns she finds their home, a small abandoned basement in one of the many tall buildings filling Saffron, ransacked and Sebastian gone. Team Rocket's scent lingers everywhere and she, nearly blinded by rage and pain once again, hunts Team Rocket down to get Sebastian back. Etc.

    xD What do you think? -random-
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