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  • Insensitive nothing, I hate him. Details are further back in the Grr thread, if you really care to know. Don't know or care what's gonna happen to him now.
    Well, there's always next year :/ My Dad and I are still wondering how the Lightning managed to get 10 goals on Thomas in 2 games, when we get 8 in 7
    This is f***ing crazy. I'm sorry, but the Sedins, Kesler, Burrows, EVERYBODY NEEDS TO ACTUALLY PLAY MAYBE. I'm just pissed right now that Vancouver is in the final, or else I'd be really happy as Bergeron is my fave Bruin. But the Canucks are there, and they are not doing anything right
    The arena looks good. Post it if you want.

    And on the referee bias, those two examples don't really work. Boychuk didn't hit Raymond particularly hard, it was just one of those awkward ones that result in injury. And as they said, you can't hit someone when you're going for icing, so Edler got an instant penalty.
    OK, rushed, but here it is

    Victoria, British Columbia is known for many things. The beautiful harbor, the telescope, and the large amounts of rain are just a few. However one of the most stunning areas of the city is the Legislature buildings, home to the provincial government. The white walled, green roofed building displays both intimidation and beauty, with the golden statue of Captain James Cook looking on from the tip-top of the building. However, the battlers today have not come for a tour of the building, they have come for a battle.

    In front of the building is a massive lawn, trimmed to perfection. Off to one corner is the war memorial, and in the center is a small stone fountain for water-Pokemon, but besides that it is a flat expanse perfect for battling. Across the street is the harbor itself, tourists and buskers milled together to form a pleasant scene. However, the battlers won't be going that far.

    Each team of Pokemon will start around the fountain (or in it in the case of something like a Goldeen) one one side of the path that intersects the lawn. The battelrs can move throughout the large expanse as much as they want, but running across the lawn would take an action at least. As the area is very sacred to British Columbian heritage attacks that hit the building itself will result in a government officer banning that Pokemon from using the said move for the duration of the battle.

    Fell free to add whatever you want. I added that last part in for fun, you can go ahead and remove it if you want.
    ...Damn. I should really start working on that. My mind's been floating around in space lately. Most likely from the lack of sleep I've been getting over the last two weeks thanks to pollen allergies, the school musical, and stress in general. I'll have it done by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. Hopefully I won't completely forget about it this time. Can't do it tonight though, no computer access (I'm typing this on my iPod).
    1000 page views. Now that's something I can brag about.

    And I'm relatively sure you made a typo, but if not, do they actually spell "Infraction" wrong on the tickets?
    I'm honestly not sure anymore.

    It's something along the lines of 'Commander Rufflet', and taken from an art piece by Big Red Cherry Bomb.
    Indeed, but you were insinuating it, and basically denying wanting to take it. Which was my reason for saying what I did.

    Indeed, true.
    ...And I wasn't necessarily asking you to take it. You just interpreted that as I answered your questions.

    Logic pwn!
    ...No gender given in userbar. I defaulted to Male. Not that she has any right to complain, really...

    ...the challenge board? Or has Negrek not added them yet...
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