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  • Hi Butterfree, when you have a free moment would you mind changing my name to RedRum, I was told I could ask an admin to have this done.
    Could you update the rules to include this? I checked them and they were a bit vague.

    To be fair, I probably would have just revealed it anyway; this game of Mafia is just too fun to end on Day 1.
    Could you clear up the problem in Attack of the Mirrormen? I believe that as long as a majority is reached in a standard game of Mafia, the person who was the target of the majority vote dies. That's how some of the games here work, at least.
    Hey, Butterfree, if you wouldn't mind and you had a moment, could you change my name to Cheatmaster?

    Please and thanks
    Uwaaa I hope this isn't annoying but you're the first admin I've caught online, and I was wondering if I could get a namechange to "Big Red Cherry Bomb"? ^^; Thanks so much and I hope that I'm not, like. Obnoxious or anything.
    could i burden you to change my name to just "PK"? the pk blue joke fell flat the moment i registered. i don't think ANYONE got it. Is it even possible to have a two-letter name?i suppose i'll find out. Sorry, sorry. x.x
    I'd like to request a name change to Xero the Echidna, please? I've been working on some things... and... That name ust seems more fitting now.
    I find it a bit sad that it's gone. It was nice to have a record. Of course, I'm assuming that "archived" is a euphemism.
    I wonder what their defintion of "inactive" is. People have certainly logged in during the last two years.

    Sorry to bother you - but I was wondering if my name could be changed to just "Spaekle", please? The "Oddberry" part's been bothering me for a while. :c
    I'm sorry to irritate you but I'm not sure if you recieved my PM saying that I wanted to change my username to Severus Snape.
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