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  • Yep, no problem :3 what is button 00 actually though

    In any case, if you ever want a challenge down the road it's actually possible to beat the game(s) without attacking. Boss attacks are on timers, so if you just outlast everything you still win. In later games I think there are harder bullet patterns if you don't do the bosses any damage? Something like that.
    okay! (I'll talk in all lowercase to balance you out?)

    you've probably figured out the arrow keys are to move. Z is the shot button and X is the bomb button. shift is focus, and you hold that near the very top of the screen to auto collect powerups. i.. guess if you haven't learned the controls then you don't know what these do so? you hold down shot basically at any given time unless you want to die, and bombs clear the screen of bullets.

    good luck! probably start on easy mode, yeah.
    Hey I read somewhere something about you playing Touhou and having trouble with the controls like a week ago? Are you good with that already or do you still need answers?
    You just made it to the final match of the Metronome Contest.

    I'd recommend adjusting your active squad for this occasion.
    Eeeee yes :D

    I'm making a slightly bastard-ish mafia game for that soon.

    Anyway, I took your battle with Mendatt almost entirely because of that; too bad he isn't in your active squad.
    Ahh I really should be getting to that shouldn't I. Sorry, I've just been procrastinating a lot lately. Anyway, art help would be very much appreciated! :D I have three-ish pictures that I drew/edited so far, so I'm really off schedule. Thank you so much for the offer, I think I'll get to working on that soon~ (Although soon means tomorrow afternoon at the earliest, I have class. xD)

    Anyway, posted my song! I may change it later but it's actually my favorite song in the musical. x3
    Erm, I was gonna DQ you here but you posted in the absence thread but still please post commands cause I'm not sure how much time that gives you ahh.
    You should. It's just a short oneshot, but it's still great. :D

    Okay, thanks. What color were Equius and Tavros?
    It does sound very entertaining! I'm wondering how that'll go in the fanfic...

    That reminds me of this one fanfiction, Veil Death. It's pretty dark, but also good. It used to have pictures (which is what reminded me of it), but I guess they got taken down or something. Is the Bloodswap a full story?
    That is ridiculously awesome and adorable. What is she doing, though?

    ... Is that Sollux's blood?

    Adorabloodthirsty, then. :D
    ... Yes! :DDD

    I'll try to update it soon. I think I'll even try my hand at art that isn't just editing of hero mode things. xD

    I can't believe how popular it's gotten for something I thought up in the span of three hours. I kind of messed things up a little, but at least it worked out!
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