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  • Bassoons are amazing. They sound gorgeous, they're freaking huge and bassoon is the best word ever. Did the exam go well?
    I've been pretty bored, too; it's rained more or less non-stop all week, so when I haven't been working, I've been watching DVDs of House or sorting out all the mountains of stuff in my room. I have far too much random crap.
    Hama beads are great fun; I remember helping one of the kids I babysit make a cat out of them, and I pretty much took over completely because it was so cool X3
    can you tell me if you're on YIM with me right now? o.o

    I'm on my laptop and can't see my screen of my main comp
    Damn, this is great stuff. o_O I especially like the first one, but the second and fifth are really good, too... is there an artist/band/orchestra I can attribute this track to? =o
    *___* Sopranos... my weakness...

    *Downloads.* x3 Will let you know what I think in a bit.
    I don't know; I haven't seen that many Mexican waves. Do Mexican waves come up on land to attack people so often as to warrant the erection of signs warning tourists of this hazard?
    A guy from band class nicknamed me Tchaikovsky 'because you look sorta russian' ;;

    Never tried spriting
    Nice to know, and no, I don't think I knew you or talked to you at all on the old forums, sorry~
    "journey to discover who you are" eep! I have a stalker? why would you stalk me I'm kinda boring
    *shrug* It's been worse. :P
    I'm actually kind of worried. I'm becoming obsessed with music to the point where my life is beginning to revolve around it. @_@ Maybe you can relate.
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