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    Something tells me if I try a shiny Scraggy hunt it will end like my shiny Croagunk hunt.

    Half my boxes full of croagunk
    Does it make you hungry everytime you use your Kyurem? It would make me very hungry.

    Daaayum. That's... pretty high. I've never gotten a Pokémon that high in any game.

    Thank you! I usually just make them up out of nowhere. Neska wasn't though; it's a word in a language I made up that means "senses."

    Parallels are fun! I was talking more parallels though in the genders; you have all males except one and I have all females except one.
    Sadly, I can't. I wish i'd seen this sooner...

    but maybe wednesday?

    A nurse in the baseball practice in Nimbasa city had one.
    okay, the best trick is to change your trainer card message to reflect which Pokemon you want. The general codeword for shiny is the ability "Color Change", for example. "Let's trade! I want COLOR CHANGE". If you're looking for specific shiny, then try "Want to trade ____? Here's a hint - COLOR CHANGE!"
    Ah, nice nicknames. I like Mitos and Caeru. Oh, I guess I forgot to give mine's nicknames... (You sure are at some really high levels by the way! I can't even begin to get there. Good luck with that.)

    Here's mine then:

    Rinne (Serperior, not Servine), Varst (Stoutland), Neska (Swoobat), Falsair (Excadrill), Arleria (Swanna), and Aunna (Larvesta). All fem except for Varst.

    It's like the inversion of your team!
    Ah, I have Black... my team's a Servine, Stoutland, Swoobat, Excadrill, Swanna, and Larvesta. Everything seems mostly to not only have a name beginning with "s," but also be female. It's quite odd.

    And yours?
    Well, yeah. Cheren's himself.

    I kind of like the male elite trainer sprite, but the female ones are dorky so definitely preferring scientist. 8)
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