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  • Ooh. I'll try. But I don't like him so much with the long hair, idk why. Doesn't fit him as much I think.

    Do you watch So You Think You Can Dance? I started watching uh, last week and I'm halfway through season three. It's not nearly as good as DWTS, mostly because of the judges, I reaaaaally hate the judges on SYTYCD. I just hate them, and the judges on DWTS are so awesome. You know? I mean sometimes I disagree, but I still love them. Like. How can you not love them? *ramble*
    In all honesty, I cannot recall any Puerto Rican landmarks off the top of my head. I've only been to Puerto Rico a few times, dispite being fully Puerto Rican. I was born and raised in Florida, after all. My parents know about the Puerto Rican landmarks, however. Why do you ask?
    Hey look who I drew :D Hrhr.

    I'm catching up on the show atm and is it just me or... well Kirstie seems really unhealthy! The way she's acting about her eating habits and all? Seems like anorexia... I feel so bad for her because of how people reacted when she gained weight, society and media is really, really terrible about fat shaming, and then when Maks fell? She must have felt completely terrible. :\
    Well, let's see:

    DS: Ace Attorney series, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, Professor Layton
    Wii: Zack&Wiki: The Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (it may look kind of cartoony and stupid but seriously give it a chance), Trauma Center: Second Opinion (I think it's a 12+, which would be a T in the US, but it's kind of gory. Also it's quite annoyingly hard), Okami
    PS2: Kingdom Hearts series, Okami (which is the same as the Wii one but without controller-waggling)

    And, if you like more retro stuff, PS1: Final Fantasy IX, Rayman, Spyro the Dragon

    I could probably come up with a few more, but that's all the ones I can remember/see by squinting over at my bookshelf and reading the labels at the moment.
    Oh, I'm gonna watch it! I have it downloaded. I've just been busy so far. I watch most things late, except for things that are top-priority, like... Doctor Who and Glee, basically. Everything else I watch late. :] Currently I'm watching the second season of So You Think You Can Dance (see, I watch some things reaaally late, haha) so I'll uh... watch DWTS tomorrow probably...
    I didn't, but I heard Romeo went home. I'm rooting for Maks (obviously haha) and Chelsea/Mark. I was also rooting for Louis cause I love him but Kendra left :[ I always root for the professionals and not the stars! Haha. (My croagunk is named for Louis, btw. I love him!)
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