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I liek Squirtles

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  • 1 18.25 ounce package chocolate cake mix.
    1 can prepared coconut pecan frosting.
    3/4 cup vegetable oil.
    4 large eggs.
    1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips.
    3/4 cups butter or margarine.
    1&2/3 cups granulated sugar.
    2 cups all purpose flour.
    Don't forget garnishes such as:
    Fish shaped crackers.
    Fish shaped candies.
    Fish shaped solid waste,
    Fish shaped dirt.
    Fish shaped ethyl benzene.
    Pull and peel licorice..
    Fish shaped volatile organic compounds
    and sediment shaped sediment.
    Candy coated peanut butter pieces, Shaped like fish.
    1 cup lemon juice.
    Alpha resins.
    Unsaturated polyester resin.
    Fiberglass surface resins.
    And volatile malted milk impoundments.
    9 large egg yolks.
    12 medium geosynthetic membranes.
    1 cup granulated sugar.
    An entry called 'how to kill someone with your bare hands'.
    2 cups rhubarb, sliced.
    2/3 cups granulated rhubarb.
    1 tablespoon all-purpose rhubarb.
    1 teaspoon grated orange rhubarb.
    3 tablespoons rhubarb, on fire.
    1 large rhubarb.
    1 cross borehole electro-magnetic imaging rhubarb.
    2 tablespoons rhubarb juice.
    Adjustable aluminum head positioner.
    Slaughter electric needle injector.
    Cordless electric needle injector.
    Injector needle driver.
    Injector needle gun.
    Cranial caps.
    And it contains proven preservatives, deep penetration agents, and gas and odor
    control chemicals that will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue.
    Never mind, I just tested it in-game, so I'll roll with that. Reffing will be up soonish.
    Is it possible for me to give you money/ you have any Pokemon to sell?

    I've got...~$21.

    I can't finish it until Negrek comfirms something for me since it's important for the end results.
    Let me guess-you're going to ask me to come into Aqua Land?

    I'll come, I'm just trying to get more money first :D
    I haven't got a slot free, and I've promised a lot of other people I'll battle them first. sorry.

    Also my Magikarp got an attribute
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