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  • I knoooow; the Wicked merchandise is all extremely expensive and while not really worth it (the black-and-grey Defy Gravity top was something like £16 and is really thin); it's Wicked, so I can't help it X3
    I want the Grimmerie so badly~

    Um, the bunny-thing is Mokona from Clamp's Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. I'm not going to pretend to know much about it (I've only read the first two volumes, and that was ages ago), but it's pretty good. And I love Clamp's artwork.

    I was really surprised with how few Pushing Daisies episodes there are... it was planned to be shorter than a normal series, I think, because it was a very new, very strange thing, but then the Writer's Strike happened, so there were only 9 episodes in total. And I read somewhere that they're going to cancel it, which saddens me hugely (here - sign iiiit!), especially because the exact same thing happened to another of Bryan Fuller's shows; an absolutely brilliant short-lived TV show called Wonderfalls, about a girl who graduates from college with a philosophy degree, can't get a job and ends up working in the Niagara Falls giftshop. And then inanimate animal-shaped things start talking to her, telling her to do things. It's one of the best show's I've ever seen, and Tracie Thoms (Joanne in the Rent movie) is one of the main characters :D
    Here's the first part of the first episode, if you're interested.

    Hehe, I squeed like the fangirl I am at Cheno's singing parts X3 And Chuck's aunts are absolutely brilliant; I especially love the one with the eyepatch.
    And the fact that Emerson is played by Chi McBride (Vogler from House) will probably always amuse me. I keep expecting him to say things like "This hospital is a business. D<"

    Yeah, Defying Gravity has all the "I just had a vision like a prophecy" stuff in it. Which I guess makes some sense, given people who bought her CD without seeing Wicked might wonder if she'd kept it the same, with all the "and nobody in all of Oz" and other Wickedy stuff.
    I really like Better to Have Loved, and Gorgeous is sweet, though the CD comes with an absolutely horrendous remix of it. My Own Worst Enemy is really great, and I Feel Everything's lyrics confuse me a little. And I Stand and Defying Gravity are my favourites~ Overall, it's a really great CD :3

    Eeee; your Wicked pictures are awesome! How long did it take to degreenify yourself afterwards? And I absolutely love your hat <3
    It's a CRAZY idea~! But umm... now I can sing pretty much whenever I want. And tell my mom that I'm making songs for my English friends~ Although I can only sing REALLY loudly and FUNNILY when she's gone~ And yes, she will. She already thinks I'm certifiably insane. X3

    Candies! Eateateat~! (Umm... chocolate can be a candy, yes~) Yes, they are! XD Most of Kinovacakes' friends are from the UK too~ CRAZY coincidence! (Oooh, the chavs. Yes, Arylett knows of them too. ;;Has been exposed TOO much to British culture;; Oh and I've been practicing my British accent! Yep, my friend helped me improve it. X3 And I told my mom I could sort of do one. And she was like: "DO THAT ACCENT NOW! NOW! I WANNA HEAR ARYLETT!" So excited. And she started giggling when I did it. She told me that my friends are turning me British. XD)

    Yep! I was really happy! (And my mom is just fine! She went back to work today and they took all the spiders down. She doesn't hate Halloween though, she just hates the fake spiders. She loves Trick Or Treating and candy though~) And still am. I'm SO sorry I didn't chat with you today on MSN, we were having another voice chat and I REALLY need to pay attention when I hear people talking to me, I can't multitask. (I have trouble understanding what people say sometimes) It would be VERY awesomenocity! British TCoDers plus Arylett! X3 It sounds so funny to me for some reason~ (And yes, my inner Queen Arylett is AWESOMENOCITYARYLETTDANCING!) Pure awesomenocity! And we talked plans, my friend and I. She said she's going to start saving money for a trip to AMERICA! And like, I could go over there. And then she can come over here. And just wow~! It would be SO awesomenocity if I went over there. Yep yep! I'm REALLY happy.

    Arylett is STILL sorry about MSN, eep. She hopes you're not mad at her. And we shall have another crazychat, I promise~! And spontaneous RP! Good, good Hector. ;;Pays him *30;; (* = Awesome Points. It's like the sign for Awesome Points. Like $ is for dollars.)
    I'm not touching my birthday balloons in the (slightly false) hopes they'll never deflate, though I got a helium Happy Halloween balloon from, uh, somewhere the other day and it already can't float anymore ;; I always get so sad when that happens.

    I want one of the Wicked hats~ And one of the Wicked umbrellas because even though I don't normally use or like umbrellas very much, it's all pointy and great :D
    But I have far too many great hats at the moment, it's hard choosing which one I want to wear X3
    Same thing with bags; I bought one with me to uni and in the last week, the number has quadrupled; my sister brought me up one from home, I bought one at the London Expo (which is beyond adorable; this in bag-form) and my housemates (we don't live in a house, more a corridor, but "corridormates" sounds weird) got me an awesome purple ty-dyed one for my birthday. <3

    I hope we do get snow; I've asked around, and apparently it's most likely in March. Which should be good; I wouldn't be here for Christmas, anyways. And while it never snows back home, there's normally a decent fall on Dartmoor, which is only about an hour's drive away, so that's a possibility~

    Hehe, we had the most fun making House's Vicodin bottle - and I filled it with aniseed balls and Jemma!House was offering them around all night XD

    Essay is finished and handed in~ Of course, I found out today that I have to do another one (exact same stuff on a different topic) by next week for Sociology. Oh, the fun doesn't stop.

    Good luck in your maths~ D: I hope it all goes well for you; my sister's retaking her maths exam (she got a B first time around, so I have no idea why) and she's all worried out it and stuff. You'll do fine :D

    Ooh! I bought Pushing Daisies the other day and it's so good. I can't believe the first season only has nine episodes (I've only watched three, but I'm addicted and want more); everything about it is utterly brilliant~

    Though it doesn't meet the requirements someone I know online has for any TV show; It must have 1) more than female that 2) speak to one another about 3) something other than men. You'd be surprised how many shows don't qualify. House, probably my favourite show (sorry 24!), for example, fails horribly at the 2nd and 3rd points, as Cameron and Cuddy share about two scenes alone together in all four seasons, and whenever they do talk, it's always about House. I guess Amber and Thirteen spent some time together, but they despise each other and didn't talk much anyway... and the less said about the season 4 finale the better :/

    My point being! I hope they give Olive more of a personality than "omg I love Ned~". Because she's adorable and short and has the best voice ever (if I hadn't seen a bazillion interviews with her in, no way would I believe it's her natural voice X3).

    I got Idina's CD too (birthday money is awesome) and it's beyond amazing. Her version of Defying Gravity is so much love~
    Very Wicked. Awesomenocity Wicked! Ahahha! Ahahaha! Yep! And Birthday Buisiness DOES sound professional. X3 Birthday SONG! I love singing those little songs, it's really fun. I sing a lot, for other people too. Hmm... maybe I should create a song request thread of crappy, yet amusing songs~ (;;Has beat planned out for Dannichu's Song;; I'll give her ANOTHER reason to think I have problems in the head.)

    Whee! Elphie! Candy, candy! Arylett loves candysweets. (Because like, don't they call it sweets over there?) And yes, yes, Arylett knows they don't have a big fuss of Halloween there. She's got like... TOO MANY UK FRIENDS. ;;Counts fingers;; Wow, most of my friends are from there.

    Me? I didn't get to get candy or go Trick Or Treating because my mom went to the hospital. But she's fine! She's fine, before you say anything! She's got like arachnophobia. And on Halloween, they decorated the place where she works with little fake spiders... yeah. DISASTER. She nearly had like a heart attack, her blood pressure went up really high, and she had to drive herself to the hospital. But she's good! She's fine now, just okay.

    But like... I had a very awesomenocity time because I got to talk to a good friend of mine. And well, I did tell you about how my mom doesn't know about TCoD or my internet friends, right? Pedophiles and axemurders, she thinks. Buuut I was voice chatting with my friend and she heard us. (Told me we caused quite a racket apparently and that I was laughing REALLY loud. And I was. I was really happy, we were having the most lovely chat~) I decided not to lie. (That and the British accent sort of gave my friend away. Yeah. Definately not umm... from here.) Told her the truth and I told her about another friend of mine as well and that we chatted nearly every day. And my mom was a bit skeptical at first, but once I showed her some pictures that they sent me and stuff, she cottoned on to the whole idea! She said they seemed like "very nice girls" and APPROVED! Yaay! She likes them, a lot it seems. X3 Very enthusiastic about our friendship. And I was so happy, y'know? Being the Sappylett that I am, I was like CRYING INSANELY OF HAPPINESS. And it didn't stop there. She said that one day we could go there... like to England and visit them if we save up money. One day... Oh my God, I would DIE of awesomenocity~! Very awesomenocity is all of this, I don't feel so tight anymore or like I have to hide.

    Yep, that was my Halloween. Hmm... I've never had one like that.

    Ahahaha! Here, I'll send someone for you. ;;Sends Arylettopian Servant;; He'll go on and check it out~! (Yes, we DEFINATELY should. XD "And Queen Arylett's mind processed at a rate that would make even snails look like cheetahs." I love that~ I'll get that song sung soon! Oh, that was just CRAZY)
    It's okay. I forgot about EVERYTHING because I'm Arylett~!

    Aaah, so you're at Dialga? Crazy bastard. ;;Arylettgiggles;; And ahahaha, yaaay for Female Partner Shipping! I love PMD2~ I SHOULD start as Aryletturtwig. Oh me and my Too Many Arylettopian Ideas! ;;Has a BUNCHLOADS of things on To Draw List, which has expanded to include Dannichu's Birthday Present;; Hmm... Ahahahahaha, I think you'll like Dannichu's Birthday Present, Kinovacakes. Yes you will~ (Oh! I should sing Dannichu a Birthday Song with my microphone too! And I STILL haven't done your Birthday Picture. ;;Will finish all Birthday Business hopefully by Tuesday or so;;)

    How was your Halloween?

    It's good! I'm still the Queen AND President. You're still the Prime Minister, I assume? (Ahahaha, and my Fashion Knight! Oh, I still need to sing that theme song to our show~)
    Oh, it was so, so great~ Two days later and I'm still completely buzzed about it X3
    I have all the balloons pinned on my pinboard and I never want them to deflate because I love them so much <3

    Rainbow hat? Oh, that is awesome. I love rainbows and love hats and think rainbow hats are the greatest things ever. I have a neat little collection of them (modelled here by me + friends) and they're especially lovely at this time of year because I'm not used to winters where I'm not at home (and because I live right by the sea, it's relatively warm and never snows), so Kent seems absolutely freezing to me X3

    And you dressed up as Elphie~ Oh, that is too cool; you have to upload pictures as soon as you can :D
    I wasn't really planning to dress up for Halloween, but the fencing club at uni was having a get-together-thing and since I bought the awesome hat at the Expo last week, I figured I might as well. So I hung around with a House and Elphaba all night XD

    It's such an anticlimax now all the fun's over and I'm back to hastily writing essays (if I ever have to discuss teen pregnancy again, I'll scream. Or something) as per normal.

    I can't wait till Christmas now :D
    Eeeee; thank youuuu!
    I adore the picture more than words can say <3 I've shown it to a ton of people and can't wait to get somewhere near a printer so I can put it on my wall :D
    I know; it's part of the reason why I only ever use this icon on the forums; I don't know who made it, but it's all over the net so I don't think whoever made it can really mind too much X3

    A;zdovfh Idinaaaa~ Her new CD (I Stand) came out the other week and I want it so, so badly, but I've been banned from buying it (presumeably because someone's getting it for me for my birthday), and I've downloaded I Stand from Idina's offical site and it's so good and it has Defying Gravity on and I want to hear the other songs, but I don't want to spoil it for myself~ Oh, squggles~
    Nab away, my friend; I stole them from people in the first place, so I have no right to tell others not to do the same X3
    Just so long as people don't use them on LJ because I'm fairly sure a couple of them were tagged with "DO NOT STEAL D<". I kinda wish I'd saved the maker's name in the icon file because then I could credit properly, but... I, uh, didn't. Whoops.
    (XD ;;Snackers;; I have 70% vision! ;;Looks at Kinova without glasses, does not see one of her legs and her nose or half an arm;;)

    Aryletturtwig! Ahahaha, she shall be awesome. Oh my God, Arylett is psychic~ Skittynova! X3 That'd be hilarious. But yaaay you got to be a Torchic! I'm going to replay the game... as Aryletturtwig. X3 It is! But it's an awesomenocity complicated situation. And I know what you mean, sort of. I was kind of shipping the hero and partner too. (They were both female~) and then that ;;Coughgreenpokemoncough;; came in and I started to ship them instead, it got so complicated. I love it too~ Oh wow, I DEFINATELY must play again. Or go buy an actual copy of it. It's really slow on ROM. The music is definately awesomenocity in that game too.

    (X3 I know how you feel Kinova. Gaaaah school. I hate it when you have to be somewhere and do absolutely nothing when you have an interesting game or something that you could be doing but you can't because blaaargh, no electronic devices even though we're not doing anything.)

    ;;Also horrified expression;; Now you have to get up earlier than me! Oh my God, I'd throw myself out a window if I had to get up any earlier than the current time. Why do you have to get up earlier? ;;Hugs Kinova, she deserves it;;
    (Not 100% seeing. X3 That's a really weird way to put it. What percent am I seeing then? 70%? XD It makes it sound like I'm seeing only 70% of what I'm actually looking at, if that makes sense. Probably not. Ahahaha.) Of course! It's from... GASP COUGH WHEEZE... Arylettopia, so it... WHEEZE... HAS to be of... PANT... the Curly-Tailed variety...! ;;Jumps on bird, they fly away~;;

    Ooooh! You've been playing a lot! Team Froovygroovy~! (I'm SO going to draw Aryletturtwig and nobody's going to stop me.) What Pokémon'd you get? Also ooooh, I see, you're at THAT part. Oh wow, that part had Arylett feeling some umm... pretty intense feelings. But she really likes that ;;coughgreenpokemon;; and I love that part~ So serious! Love the story and the plot! And yes, Wigglytuff is Potter Puppet Pals' Dumbledore-ish. X3 Go on, ramble away! Ahahaha, I should play it again~
    Ooooh! That's what that is! ;;Learns more British stuff;; X3 It's a funny phrase.

    (Froovy? Ahahaha, you think they're froovy! But I CAN see! I'm not blind. I'm uh, near-sighted. I have astigmatism and myopia! Just fancy words for my eyes' are funnily shaped, so they can't see stuff from far away as they can stuff near them.) AAAAAAH! ;;RUNS LIKE HELL, panting insanely;; Wait... not a helicopter... that's it! ;;Uses Arylettmagepowers to summon a huge giant bird thing;; Hop on, Kinova! ;;Still panting and gasping insanely, face is really red;;

    It's okay~ It's STILL awesomenocity! And no, I'm not silly! I lovelovelove it! =3
    Aaaww, you'll find out eventually. Maybe. X3 Five-a-day? What's that? ;;Not familar with that phrase;;

    I'd make a better Queen. X3 (My GLASSES are coolbeans? I thought they were dorky. X3 You know, I don't really need them as much as I say. I can see fine without them. I only need them to see far away things. This message was brought to you by Glassesless Arylett, who is too lazy to find her lost glasses and put them on.) I probably will. X3 What would its title be though? ;;Guards run after dummy;; Guard 1: GET HER! ;;They all run past the Real Arylett, who is STILL panting and wheezing as if all the air has been sapped out of her body;; GASP! WHEEZE... ;;Red in the face;; ...so... much... running...

    Ahahhaahha, because me in an Arylettopian Battle Costume is SO MUCH AWESOMENOCITY. Thank you Kinova, again! <3
    I don't have too? Hmmm, yes, you might just have a different MP3. And yes, with fruitpies, Arylettopians are kept happy! And they don't bother Queen/President Arylett. Ahahhahahaa.

    (Oh pish posh, Kinova. X3 Do you think a curly haired girl with GLASSES would be appealing to one of the men in the royal family? Also, oh. My. God. XDXD ;;Gigglefits;; Me fleeing from those guys! Ahahaahaha! I /must/ draw it! ;;Adds it to the Too Many Arylettopian Ideas list;; I'm running as fast as I can Kinova, I'm giving her all I got! ;;Flees from palace guards;; Oooh, a Corgi in an Arylettjumper! Excellent plan! ;;Throws Corgi in Arylettjumper at palace guards, they all get distracted and stare at it;; Whew! ;;Several yards away from guards, pants INSANELY. Arylett is extremely out of shape;; Gasp... WHEEZE!

    Go see the thread. I loved it. =3
    Then we'd have to keep distributing new currency, because Arylettopians would just keep EATING the Lollipops. X3 And we'd have to put out more currency! Over and over again, it would just be too costly. Whinging subjects! Oh at least fruitpie day works well, even if they didn't come to my concert. I'll go ask my friend! She might know something.

    (Yeah-huh! Icky, slimey. D= Also, marrying into the Royal family... hmm... would that work? But how would I seduce one of the men...? I'm not very... ah... attractive. Barricade the doors! But then they'd have me arrested. It'd be a bunch of palace guards versus one pathetic little American teenager. X3 Yes! Corgis! Lots and lots of Corgis, because they are awesomenocity. (Oh wow. Oldety olds!)

    Yeeees! I have to see it, oh yes! ;;Excited;; I'm sure it doesn't fail! It's probably awesomenocity. X3 Thaaank you, Kinovacakes. <3
    Probably! Gaaah, those Arylettopians are always hungry. I swear, I had to put tht fruitpie day in place just so they could stop whining. But I forgot that it was every Wednesday and well, it resulted in what you heard. At least the conversation with me and ol' Announcer was amusing. X3 Well, if you wanted to record stuff, then keep trying until you figure it out~ I have a friend who records things using an MP3. Maybe I could ask her how she does it?

    (Hmm. True. It's still icky though Kinova. D= How can Vivian wear that ratty old thing on her head? Aaaah, so you want me to be the Queen of Britain! But, there's one problem... I'm not British. And it's sort of... obvious too. << ;;Points to American Accident;; So even if I went over there, they STILL wouldn't make me Queen. D= Oooh, but I really wanted to give you guys an Awesomenocitychristmasconcert! And ahhahaha, if I were Queen, you'd be eating chocolate milkshakes and Arylettopian fruitpies everyday! (I thought she was really old. X3))

    Arylettjuxtaposition still works? I don't know when it'd be used, hmmm... ;;Ponders usage of Arylettjuxtaposition and bewildered by the fact that it works;; Queeeeeeeeeen Arrrrrreeeeeeeleeeeeeeet! Is glad to know she often succeeds. =3
    XDXD Did you really like it that much, Kinovacakes? I'm glad! I'm glad I could amuse you~ Fruitpie day in the Arylettopian cafeteria. Grrr, why did I choose to have a concert on THAT day? Gah. Hungry Arylettopians. And it's cool if RFKKM can't figure out how to make recordings, Arylett just likes to record crazystuffs for fun.

    Whew! ;;Sighs a breath of relief;; (Ohohohoho! Did Pirate Amphy still it? And how come it's not all slimey? Eeek, it sounds dreadful! I need to go over there and become the Queen! So then I can give all of England Awesomenocityarylettdances, chocolate milkshakes, fruitpies, and many more Aryletthings for Christmas! A concert, a most dazzling Awesomenocitychristmasconcert! ;;Gigglesnorts at the image of your Queen doing a concert;; X3)

    Yes indeed, the Arylettsoul has a lot of Shinypretty words. Does it really? Arylettdancing... what about... Arylettjuxtaposition? Does that roll off the tongue? I'm glad you find me funny. X3 Queen Aryleeeeeett! Trying her best to send the people into a fit of giggles at her expense!
    Yes, yes I do! RFKKM, that is you! I'm a very busy Queen/President, as you very well know. Awww nooo. Arylett wanted to hear RFKKM. D= But worry not, Arylett has another song for Kinova! I think you'll like this one, ahahaha.

    Amusing. Immensely Intense Examination! Oh wow, I would't like to take the IIE, it sounds horrible. And rigorous! Oh wow. (Icck, Kinova's wearing a slimy hat! D= Also, Christmas day speech? So the Queen makes a speech Christmas day? Aaah, well if I were the Queen of England, I'd pump that speech with much awesomenocity and Arylettdancing! In fact, it wouldn't be a speech! It would be a concert!)

    ...What are you talking about, I don't have to? I do it because it is in my Arylettsoul! I create new words constantly! Shinyprettyawesomenocity. See? I did it again! Ahahahahaa. Also, Arylett is still a bad rapper and singer, but at least it's funny to laugh at her. X3
    Of course you do! I deem you now RFKKM! ;;Does special Singer Name Bestowing Ceremony, raises Arylettsceptre high into the air;; It. Is. Done! Huzzah!

    Ahahaha, thank you. Someone likes my Crazylettdoodles, wheee~ Oh wow, the Kinova Screening Process sounds harsh. Like... some sort of Extreme Examination. Immensely Intense Examination! (Nooo! Nooo! You're using that Magical Arylettpencil I gave you earlier too! ;;Cries, Arylettdreams are popped;; (I never said he was unawesomenocity! Surely, he is a very good villain... just a bit too eh... slimy... ;;Watches slimy noogie in slight disgust;; That's what she said to me. X3 She was all, you'd make an awesome Queen for us Arylett! And I was all, but I'm American! And then she said, Doesn't matter, just don't ever talk, and they won't hear your accent. Just smile and wave. They will NEVER find out. My Awesomenocityarylettdancing surely would entertain all of England. X3))

    ;;Stares at prettyshiny tin foil;; Ooooh, it looks so prettylicious. It is! It is brillianceawesomenocity, and don't you deny it! The Queen says it and so it is so. I meant the singing. I'm... not that good a singer. X3
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