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  • Yaaaay! ;;Excited for Kinovarecording;; Whee, Rappin' Fashion Knight Kinova Man~ That's your singer name!

    Ahahaha. ;;Nods head in understanding;; Arylett has some Crazylettdoodles as well, though she shows most of them off so people can gape in awe at the crazyperson. And what does the screening process entail? ;;Curious;; (Muhehehe, I popped your dream~ (Wow, Kinova has a Davy Jones obsession. ;;Snackersnorts;; Wheee. ;;Remembers that one time you drew him;; I had a dream once that I was the Queen of England, did I ever tell you that? And that's what started this whole Queen thing. I told a friend about the dream, that I woke up half-asleep and still thought that I was the Queen sort of. And then she started calling me Queen Arylett from then on.))

    Weseomenocity! The latest Arylettword! I'm glad you find it most froovy. It's not stupidity. It's brilliant, sheer brilliance. Some mistakes make brilliant things. Or in American Accident's case, horrid things that are amusing.
    Froovygroovy! Ack, Arylett was about to make you a recording, but her mom is back! Grrrr! Queen Arylett is not pleased.

    Kinovadoodles...? There are more? Oooh! I want to see them. Yes! As Queen/President of Arylettopia, Arylett demands to see them! Freaky Kinovadoodles are freaky. But awesomenocity. And amusing, very amusingly freaky. (;;Pops Kinova's dream bubble;; >D)

    A spelling accident! A spelling accident also started a new Arylettword, weseomenocity. I spelled awesomenocity wrong and then it just... stuck. X3 ;;Gigglefits at chaeplaeder tougle;; That HAS to be added to the Awesomenocityarylettdictionary! It simply /must/! ;;Adds;;
    I think the place where we bought the piñata sold special tissue-paper-clad sticks, but they were stupidly expensive and I wasn’t paying that much for a stick. So I rifled through the garage to see what could be used. X3

    Heh, I'm Not the Girl wouldn't wake me up at all, it's far too quiet. Interestingly, my next door neighbour woke me up this morning (at 10:00, so I can't hate her too much) by singing Defying Gravity followed immediately by Popular in the shower. She's had proper voice training so it sounds very good and also very loud.

    So far, we've watched all of Rent, the first disc of 24 season 1, the first disc of House season 1 and movie versions of Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion (Jess, who lives two doors down from me is a big Austen fan) and still managed to go out and get drunk (or nearly drunk) every night this week XD
    (It's fresher's week so it's not just allowed; it's heartily encouraged.)

    Toasters do electrocute. Evil things D< Though wooden chopsticks are very good for getting stuff out without killing yourself, I've found. Though recently we've been experimenting with what can and can't be cooked in a sandwich toaster. Fish and burgers can, it turns out, but the potato waffles weren't very successful. I'm learning already!

    How’s school going for you?
    I had a piñata for my last birthday and it was great fun; it was raining outside so we tied it to the banister at the top of the stairs and we didn't buy a proper stick, so we used a ski pole instead XD

    No One Mourns the Wicked would be... quite a song to wake up to. I guess only that and No Good Deed have really "wake you up now" openings. And I could easily sleep through I'm Not That Girl or For Good X3

    Actually, Ruth and I made the two other girls on our corridor watch RENT yesterday afternoon. We couldn't think of anything else to do and Fizza asked about my huge RENT poster, so we put it on and everyone loved it. The world is a magical place~

    From what I can tell, everyone has their own room. Most of us on our corridor applied late for accommodation, so we have one shower between the five of us and the most stupid kitchen I've ever seen; you can touch all four walls when standing in the middle, and it comes equipped with a sink, microwave, one fridge and a kettle. We don't even get a toaster. But my room's absolutely huge and I can only cook stuff in microwaves anyway, so I don't really mind.

    It's very nice not having to work and things; I work up at 12:45 today :D
    (No, I'm not in a Drama class, but I still want to try it. Just for one day!) Oh, I see. Fluck. Ahahaahahaha. And Willock! What funny names, Kinova~ (Awesomenocity is Arylett~ I am a beautiful and grand Queen. All shall love me. Ahahahaha. ;;Ego;;)

    Muhhehehehe. Yes, that picture looked NOTHING like me, did it? As I've said, nothing. Froovy but different. I can see how you find it strange, I mean I usually go on about my floofy hairs. Aaaah, I see. Tiger strips. There's a lot of Dannichu in the experiment and not much Arylett. But it came out strangely amusing, I'd say. Strangely amusing. And disturbing somewhat. Yes. (;;Watches Kinova fall asleep, snackers. Snacker is another Arylettword;;)

    Ahahaha, well that's how I got accident. From a mistake in spelling accent. I guess the words are similar, easy to get confused.

    Yes. You are a very nice person, Kinova. I like you. (I'm sorry if I'm acting a little... odd. It's a long story. But don't worry, it's a /good/ long story.)
    (Birthday pic still in progress X3)

    Yay, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself~ A Pikachu pinata sounds like the best thing ever and you'll definitely have to show me the pictures when you get them XD

    Yesss the Wicked OST is amazing. I remember being so thrilled that I could listen to Defying Gravity whenever I wanted :3

    I'm feeling slightly student-ish. It's been amazing fun so far; I moved in on Saturday and my room's way bigger than I thought it would be, which is cool, and the people on my corridor are all really nice~ Actually, funny story; before I moved in I said to my sister that I hope the person next door to me likes RENT and Wicked (as in, I will be playing it constantly and I hope they don’t hate me for it). After I'd moved my stuff in, I went and knocked on her door to say hi and it turns out that she does like RENT and Wicked. Lots, in fact. And she likes House and Pokemon and anime in general and it's so, so awesome XD

    So yeeaah, I'm having a great time here. Even if there are loads of late nights and early mornings so I feel a little bit like a zombie. It's all good :D
    Agreed! Wheeee~! ;;Eats Kinovacookies;; Yummy. =3

    (Lots and lots of funny looks! Maybe I'll try it. X3 Let them look, I do say! In fact, that would be quite spiffers!) X3 Weirdness, a teaching requirement? Then I would be the BEST candidate if it was! Oh yes, my Weirdness levels are high~ XDXD But weird teachers are entertaining, at least! Unless they make you do Cruel and Unusual Weird Work. D< (...what?! You... you fed me CONFIDENCE COOKIES without my permission? Oh no Kinova... oh no... don't you know what happens when Arylett eats confidence cookies...? ;;EGO EXPANDS;; I'm awesomenocity! I love myself SO much! Bow before my feet, inferior beings! Ahahaha!)

    Silliness DOES make the world go round~ Ooooh no! ;;Hit with water balloons. Arylett's floofy hair suddenly turns... straight. GASP;; NOOOO! My floofiness! Oh my God, Kinova. XDXD That experiment is just... XDXD ;;Laughs insanely;; Awesomenocity~ Why is it all stripy, though? X3 (Aaaww. =3 It sounds like awesomenocity! Ahahaaha! I'm glad you had fun~ Go get some sleep, Kinova man~)

    XDXD Lots of laughs indeed! I'm glad I makes you giggle, Kinovacakes. =3 Arylettopian American Accident. X3 I love it, it's brilliant! And I don't think I could say that five times fast. X3 Whoo~! Whoo~!

    Awwww Kinovacakes. =3 You are awesomenocity, my dear. Pure awesomenocity! ;;Gives you many Awesome Points;;

    X3 It was silly~ But silliness makes the world go 'round, remember? I'm glad you liked it~! =3

    I hope you had a really awesome day, though~

    (birthday pic in progress, I swear :3)
    Yep. I don't think I'll ever stop spriting, just not quite as frequently.

    And I'm doing pretty good. Homeschool is a bit lax for the first few weeks, fortunately. You?
    IMMENSELY LUCKY. ;;Watching you;; Don't you mess this up AGAIN, UNDERSTAND?!

    ...I did? Oh wow. X3 Yaaaay! I might as well move to the UK~ ;;Is practically oozing British;; Colour, oh yes~ Realise~ (I wonder what would happen if I spoke that accent at school to everyone? XD) Oh wow, that teacher of yours sounds O_O worthy. Weird lady, wasn't she?

    Don't worry about it. X3 I love silly ideas~ Oh I've already drawn it, it just needs some tweaks and colour. But fweee, silliness makes the world go 'round. 8D Come on, Kinova! Git it before it runs away! ;;Pulls out another paintball gun. Shoots experiment. Misses, has bad aim. Shoots Kinova instead;; Oh... oh no. I'm SO sorry. D: I have HORRID aim. (;;Chewing on Kinovacupcake;; Aww Kinova, you know JUST my weakness. And NOOOO! MY HOLE! DDDD: ;;Cries;; But... but I was going to hide my shameful face from the world in there! ;;Munches cookie and cupcake;;)

    Froovnatastic is still awesomenocity. X3 I'm glad I can amuse you! I'll have to do another one later~ ARYLETTDANCE! DOO DODDOODOD ARYLETTDANCE! FROOVNATASTIC KINOVA MAN! FROOVY GROOVY! ;;Is quite enjoying this awful silliness;; American Accident was a disaster of a song. XD I'm glad it brought some laughter into your day. XDXD My friend tells me I'm an American Accident~ Affectionately, of course. X3 I'M THE ONLY AMERICAN ACCIDENT, WHOO WHOO! (WHEEE! DISNEYLAAAAAAND! ;;Kinoarylettdances for Kinova;;)

    And thanks for the advice in my CC thread. I... I really appreciate it. Things have been really hard, adjusting to this new grade. Things have been really hard this year, I just... I don't know. All these new hard classes, I think I'm put off by the fact that I don't get it, I can't understand what they're teaching me as easily as I used to. I should get more sleep though, even if it is hard for me to go to sleep so early. It was helpful actually. :3 I think I will keep a diary. Or something. I just need to get my ass into gear before I drown. ;;Hugs;; Thank you, I do feel better. I don't feel like quite a failure anymore.

    Also happy birthday! I sung you a froovnatastic birthday song. X3 Listen to awful Off-Key Arylett~ (And I'm going to draw you some birthday art too. X3 Kinovarylett will be your birthday present. XDXD)
    Heh, aw, I love languages. :3 I actually, umm... enjoy the exams. Although they can be very nerve-racking.

    I saw a t-shirt in a shop that sold funny t-shirts a couple of days ago that said "Three reasons to be a teacher: Xmas - Easter - Summer". x3

    Heehee. You weren't seeing Mamma Mia when you were at the cinema, by any chance, were you...? I've seen that film. Anyway, the kid sounds so cute. xD

    Yeah, I'd been kinda considering telling my mum before that, but it was difficult to find the right moment, and I figured I'd tell her when I felt like it.

    Lurkyland is nice, though. It's nice when you're not in the mood to say things or if you're too tired. And it's safe. ;D

    Ooh, the poster thing sounds cool. Was that part of a theme for a musical that was being shown in London or something?

    Indeed, Greece was very hot, which was lucky, because the shower was quite unpredictable. If you felt cold, you could just go and stand outside and roast in the heat.

    And I've taken so long to reply to this that school's started. >.< I hope you're having a great time in Year 11. I did make it into the sixth form. :D

    M'aww, I want to know about London! I've hardly ever been to the actual London. And woo for you, getting to see Wicked.

    And also... this was what jolted me into getting off my butt - well, staying on it, because I'm sitting down, but metaphorically - and stopping being lazy and replying... I couldn't help notice that your usertitle says that it's your birthday. So, happy birthday! :3 Gah, I'm sorry, I have nothing to give you apart from a birthday hug. *hugs* Welcome to sixteenhood. Please hold all quetions 'til the end of the tour. No, not really. I hope you've had an awesome day, and that the rest of it will be awesome, too. And if you've had or are going to have any cake, I hope it's wonderful.
    X3 I suppose so~ ;;Inspects dictionary under close and careful scrutiny;; Hmm... HMM... Yes. I deduce that it is up to Arylettopian standards! You got lucky this time... VERY LUCKY.

    Huzzah indeed! That phase was confusing poor Arylett~ Befuddling her beyond all belief! And they don't? Oh see? My accent was overly British! X3 I wanted to sound like an actual British person! Spiffety spiff, was it? And yes, it was quite a challenge to read. X3 You know those evil teachers, Kinova~

    I NEED TO DRAW THAT TOO NOW. X3 I'll call it Too Many Arylettopian Ideas! Oh, we both have silly imaginations! Sillysilly, mm'yes! And perhaps so, perhaps there's nothing wrong with a little O_O? Yeeeah, careful! Or the experiment will stain your floor! Keep it still, Kinova man! (Nooo! Don't you dare disable them! ;;Spots Kinovacupcakes;; Oh... nooo.... not... not... ;;Leaps straight out of hole and grabs Kinovacupcake with mouth, devours like some crazy food deprived person;; Silliness IS, Kinova darling~)

    Oooh, but Agent 117 has managed to complete the recording! Her mom left the house, yay~ :3 Here is the assignment summary~ Oh and here's a little extra I sung for another friend of mine~ We wrote the lyrics to this song, American Accident, together. X3 (Yaaaay Kinova! :D ;;Hugs;; I hope you have a lot of fun. :3)
    Heey, I'm one of those crazy people who makes up words and matches them to meanings that don't make sense! ;;More Arylettdeathstaring;; And what is this?! DUST all over my precious dictionary of awesomenocity?! D<

    Of course it does! No dance rivals the Kinovarylettdance! No one, I say! ;;Kinovarylettdances some more~;; (But... but you're Arylett... I just know you are! I mean, look at you! You... look nothing like her actually. Does that mean I'm Arylett? But I thought I was Valirett! ;;Touches the back of head, sighs in relief;; So I guess I'm not Valirett, whew... And you're Kinova! Okay, okay, I'm done with all this vigilance, it's making me REALLY confused. X3 Thaaaank you for thinking my accent was top notch~ You did that sonnet, did you? I see~)

    Oh yes, it shall! When I get up off my Arylettbutt and colour these crazy drawings. Also, I need to draw Kinovarylett~ X3 She's going to look funny. Oh christ, all the people who look there will be like: O_O?! 'Specially Danni. X3 I feel so sorry that she has to deal with all of my madness~ Long live the Arylettopian ideas, yes! ;;Tosses a bucket of red, white, and black at experiment;; (Yes I can! I can use a camera to film from there! ...Wait... are those Kinovacookies?! No... I must resist temptation too! At least she doesn't have any Kinovacupcakes, or else I would be really screwed... It is fuuuun~ X3 Lots and lots of fun being silly!)

    The matronly one won't be shooing for a while. D< Dammit, this might take a few days...
    ...! You're right, I never realized that! Frosting isn't that cold! Oh wow~ YOU BETTER FISH THEM OUT. ;;Keeps Arylettdeathstaring;; DDDD<

    HEY, KINOVARYLETTDANCE~ Oh yes, yes, yes! It is SO much better than "Hey, macarena!" Not sort of! It is. (Muhehehe, all these Arylettdeathstares are unnerving you? Also, I thought you were the Prime Minster of Kinovaville? Or are you Valirett? Oh my God, I'm so CONFUSED! All this vigilence, I do say, it has driven me to immense confusion! What if... what if I'M Valirett and YOU'RE Arylett?! But then... who's the REAL Kinova? ;;Baffled beyond all belief;; Also whee, British accent~ I did another British accent recording, I think I've improved~! But it keeps going back to American. X3)

    Yes, yes I do! Even I cannot keep track of all these Arylettopian ideas~ X3 What will Kinovarylett look like though? ;;Is getting started on her;; X3 ARYLETTOPIAN NEWSFLASH: Good, good. Make the experiment rainbow, with red and white and black~! (I... ;;Too confused for words;; Nooo! I was digging myself there! And I don't care if I'm not a mole! ;;Still attempts to dig self underground;; We are VERY silly. XDXD)

    Aww, I can't complete my assignment yet! My mom won't leave the house. << Have to wait 'til she goes away~ And okay, Agent 117 will complete her assignment when "the matronly one" goes away. And she shall, she shall have a froovylicious time!
    Oh yes, oh yes! Muhehehehehe! Confusing you with my Ameriwords, I am~ Frosting~ ;;Some pages are vaccumed;; GRRRRRRRRRRRR! ;;Uh-oh, Angry Arylett is angry! Arylettdeathstares at Kinova;;

    Fuffufufuffuhfufuhfuh!~! ;;Boogies to Kinovarylettdance as well;; Of course it does! It's a combination of the two weirdest and silliest dances that ever existed! How can it not beat the macarena? (Oooh, but I just gave you another Arylettdeathstare, oh dear~ But, but I like being Arylettopian! ;;Arylettopian pride;; I guess I'll have to go make that stupid speech eventually... ;;Grumbles;; CONSTANT VIGILANCE, I DO SAY! YES! ;;Watches "Kinova" carefully;; YOU COULD BE VALIRETT IN DISGUISE!)

    Oooh, sorry, I meant Arynoa. X3 As in me dressed up as my avvie! I got confused and accidentally typed in a "v"~ The combination of Arylett and Kinova is Kinovarylett, remember~? But I guess now I'll have to draw her too! And look even more mad~ (Well, I have no idea what you're talking about even MORE! I think YOU'RE the one who's confused! Nooo! Nooo! You can't dig me up! What if... what if people find me?! ;;Hides even further underneath the Earth;; Yaaaay~ X3 Oh deary me.)

    Yaaaay~! Kinova shall try! X3 Froovynatastic! Fweeeee! Oooh, I'll make that next installment all right! ;;Shifty eyes, checks if mom is around;;
    Hey, I just noticed that your birthday's coming up, and so before I forget, "Have an early enjoyable day of rising age~"
    What? You dunno what frosting is? Oh deary me~ Yeah, you'd better vaccum that!

    Kinooooovarrrryyyyletttdaaaaaance~ Fuhfuhfuh~ ;;Kinovarylettdances as well;; I do say, this is the best idea you've ever come up with! (Oooh bunnies! ;;Arylettdeathstare over;; Oh yes, socializing not good. Blaaarg. Maybe I should just do what you do~ The Arylettopians don't need me making speeches all the time! But... I still sort of doubt your Kinovaness. You do understand, don't you? I've got to be REALLY suspicious~)

    Wizova! XDXDXD ;;Goes into a fit of laughter;; Arynova is drawn, now she needs colour~ (Heeey! It wasn't my idea! You're the one who was all "Arylettchu" and stuff! You started it! C'mon Danni, c'mon! Who are you going to believe, me or her? All right fine... she'll probably believe you. D: I mean, I'm already certifiably mad, so she probably wouldn't put it past me... ;; Hides deep under the earth;; I need to see your experiment though. X3)

    Aaah, I see~ Well, when you can, do it~ I wanna hear your Friends accent! XDXD Oh yeeeeaaaah. QUEEEEEEEN AREEEEELEEEEEET'S COMEBAAAAAACK TOOOOOUR~ YEEEEEAAAAH! FUNKALICIOUS FROOVYNESSS KINOVA MAAAAAN! (I've already got the beat of the next song planned out in my head, oh dear)

    Yaaaay, the longest visitor message in history is on my profile! ;;Holds it up high;; Let Danni's Wicked summary forever be honoured~ (Also, huzzah for Dannichufandomism!)
    Ah, okay. ;;Wipes off crumbs;; Noooo, is that frosting? My Awesomenocityarylettdictonary is soiled! DDDD< ;;Does Arylettdeathstare;;

    O_O Oh. My. God. That dance is the ODDEST thing I've ever seen. I LOVE it. ;;Does Kinovarylettdance;; (Yes, we THINK. Remember that if you do anything unKinovalike that I will be suspicious! I'm watching you. ;;Arylettdeathstares again;; I'm still procrastinating on my Queenly and Presidential duties~ I have to go tell a speech now, but blaaaargh, those Arylettopians don't need me blabbing to them all the time! That's what my Public Relations Agents want. D< Kissing babies and all that icky social stuff.)

    XDXDXD ;;Imagines this too;; Oh dear Kinova, you're rather odd-looking! You've got Wizardmon on the back of your head! ;;Giggles insanely, feels back of own skull as well;; Arynoa and Kinovamon~ (Yaaay~ X3 Oh deary me, what's a Dannilett going to look like? I think we're going to unnerve Danni A LOT actually. XDXD We've got problems. In the head. Oooh and Kinovarylett~ Someone's got to draw her too~ XDXDXD Danni was right, I AM certifiably mad~)

    Zaaaaaaany~ Whoo, the letter Z! ;;Giggles as well;; Froovylett is awesomenocity. X3X3 Froovy, floofy Arylett! (I'll make another Queen Arylett rap when my mom's not around. She might think I'm a little... crazy if I try right now. X3)
    Yaaaay! ;;Adds it to Awesomenocityarylettdictionary;; Thank you for your contribution, Kinovacakes! X3X3 (I rather like flunce, it's funkalicious Kinova maaaaaan~)

    Come and Arylettdance with meeee~ ;;Arylettdances;; (Hmm... ;;Scrutinizes you very closely;; I dunno... I mean, you COULD be Arylett. And I COULD be Kinova, couldn't I? I mean... I can Kinovadance too! But still... that Kinovadance was awfully authentic. Hmmm... All right, fine, your story checks out! You're Kinova~ Oh wow, I'm SO sorry, Prime Minister Kinova! ;;Bows;; I truly apologize to your greatness~)

    X3X3 ;;Still thinking of Voldemort and Quirrell. Now imagines people with their real life faces and their avatar faces. Arylett has an overactive imagination;; O_o Oh yes, quite froovy she shall be! ;;Procrastinating STILL on homework;; (I thought you meant that Arylettchu was me as a Pikachu. X3 ;;Imagines this;; Oh deary me. XDXDXD I think Dannilett is more appropriate. X3 Oh my God, SOMEBODY has to draw this. XDXDXD A fusion of Dannichu and Arylett! Oh dear, we're quite insane.)

    Much awesomenocity! Huzzah! ;;CROWD CHEERS AGAIN;; WHOOO~ I'M FAMOUS, IT'S FUNKALIOUS~ (I'm glad I'm making you laugh so much! X3 Oh Kinova, I'm so zaaany~ XDXD It is just awesomenocity, FROOVYLICIOUS KINOOOVA MAN! I'm sorry, I can't stop singing it now. X3 Floofy or no floofy~ XDXD Yaaay~ Wheee~ May you be fruitful in your quest to work it~ 8D)
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