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  • Ooh, when you do, tell me~ So I can add it to the Awesomenocityarylettdictonary! ;;Flunces;; X3

    X3 Yes, I aaaam! I still don't feel as well as usual, but I do feel better~ And besides, when you Arylettdance, you can't get hurt, remember? ;;Arylettdancing her troubles away~;; (Okay... here is the ULTIMATE KINOVA TEST. Do the Kinovadance. Only KINOVA can Kinovadance, as far as I know. Oh and me, when I channel my Kinovaness~ But you're not Arylett, are you? Because I'm her! ...Aren't I? What if I'M Kinova and YOU'RE ARYLETT? ;;Gets confused;;)

    Very awesomenocity IMMENSELY super-floofy~ X3 People with two faaaaaces~ XDXD ;;Thinks of Voldemort and Quirell;; Okay, I'll draw it after I colour Stylin' Arylett~ (I've got her drawn, she just needs a splash, just a splash of colour~) All I've got to do is homework, blech! But we all know how I loooove to procrastinate~ (Arylettchu? X3 What is the meaning of this?)

    XDXD Maybe I'll do a Froovy Rap next~ People think I'm very crackish right now, probably~ XDXD ;;Giggling madly as well;; AWWWWESSSONOCITY, KINNOOOOVA MAAAAN! (Awww. I'm funny? But I'm just a silly floofy haired girl with a microphone! X3 Also, 'tis cool Kinovacakes~ But didn't you say you had an MP3 thingy majigger~? I heard those can record your voice from somewhere~)
    Ooooh. I thought "flunce" was some weird British word I didn't know. X3 Fluncety flunce flunce~! Flicenty fluncety, give me the zoppety!

    Arylett had... lady problems. X3 That's my excuse and they CAN'T question it. Yes, I got to skiiiip a Moooonday~ It IS always good. ;;Does Arylettdance some more;; (XDXDXD ;;Goes into a VERY insane fit of giggles;; Hmmm.... HMMM.... ;;Looks up;; Well, the two of you certainly DO look a lot alike! But now... I must administer the ulimate Kinovian test. Only the REAL Kinova would pass it. Do you dare take it?)

    Super-floofy hair. XD That phrase just made me laugh SO much. I get what you're saying though, Kinovacakes, I know what you look like too, but Wizardmon is your other face~ Same with me! There's floofy-haired real Arylett and Rinoa Arylett... oh dear, I just had another idea for a drawing... ;;Now is going to draw Arylett in a Rinoa outfit;; Oh yes of couse, MHALS IS A CAT. And Danni's Raine. (X3 Everytime I play Tales of Symphonia, I'm all like: "Yaaaay, I'm Dannichu!") Yes though, Butterfree's avatar confuses Arylett VERY much. But I just say that she's a Dialga nicknamed Butterfree or something. X3

    ...I did it. XDXD I posted it! Now people are going to think I'm very crackish indeed~ Oh dear, now I can't read the word "funkalicious" without that song getting stuck in my head! XDXDXD ;;Cracks up;; And yay, you are impressed with my crow-noise-making ability~ Whooo~ ;;Makes crowd noise again;; Thank you, THANK YOU, you're all too kind! GROOOOVADELIC IS AWEEESOMENOCITY! IT'S FUNKALICIOUS, KINOVA MAN, FUNKALICIOUS KINOVA MAAAAAAAN~ ARYLEEEET MAAAAN~ (I could do more raps if you wanted too. X3 I find making a fool of myself to be quite enjoyable~)
    Very, very peculiar. X3 Now you are posh. Oh wait, now you're not. ;;Also amused by New Yorken thing;; (XDXDXD ;;Goes into a fit of giggles;; Flunce is a funny word~)

    DDD< Nooo, I hate Mondays. I didn't go to school today, because I barely got enough sleep and I just don't feel well. So yay, extra day for Arylett! (X3X3 ;;Now has a mental image of US President wearing a crown to his speech, goes into an insane fit of giggles;; GASP. NO WAY. YOU'RE THE GREAT PRIME MINISTER KINOVA OF KINOVAVILLE? Lies! You can't be her!)

    ;;Continues to Arylettdeathstare at you;; DDDD< This is fun~ No they won't, no they won't. >D

    X3 Well, making people think you're asleep has a lot of applications! Like, it'll make them stop annoying you if they just don't shut up. XDXD Unexpected~ But I've drawn like a million pictures of me, haven't I? With the curly floofy hair and what not? (Although I do expect you to look like Wizardmon. X3 I see everyone as their avatars too~ MHALS IS A CAT.)

    Good, good! That's part of it! You're definately getting there! (I told you I was crazy in the head. XDXD The Rappin' Majesty. Do you think I should post it on the Voice thread? Oh but everyone will think I'm on crack or something. XDXD I knew it would make you laugh. Oh yes, it's funkalicious, KINOVA MAAAN~ ;;Sings it again;; And NOW FOR QUEEEEEN AAARRRREEEEELEETT! ;;Crowd cheers;;)

    Yay~ I'll go comment right now! Also, yes, it is weird. X3 I'm going to go ramble about how much I love my Arylettopian costume. X3 I need to draw myself in one~
    Oh my God, I must have quite the accent going on! You keep sliding between Hermione and American~ But it's not as odd as New Yorken and British. X3 You sound sort of posh and not very posh at the same time!

    Huzzah for the weekend! Huzzah indeed! (Why yes, I am a very busy woman! Queen AND President, whew. I have to change into a dress, then a suit, then a dress again ALL THE TIME. And sometimes, I leave my crown on when I go to do my Presidential speeches. It's so chaotic! But Agent 196, some chick named Kinova's the Prime Minister of Kinovaville. I dunno if you've met her, but yeah, you've got to protect her from now on~)

    I suppose so. X3 I'll tell you what happens when I do it~ Okay then, I shall embrace my Arylettdeathstare! ;;Gives Kinova the Arylettdeathstare;; DDDD< How was that? Good?

    Oh pish posh! You can use your vacant expression for plenty of things! Like um... staring vacantly at someone and making them... no, that wouldn't work. I'll think of something! And wow, I look odd in real life? X3

    Practice, yes! That's all you need to do the REAL Awesomenocityarylettdance. ;;Gives you more bandages;; (Oh Kinova, I don't think you'll get my accent confused again~ I've got Rappin' Queen Arylett for ya done. Why yes, I am VERY insane. XD Oh my God, people are going to think I've got problems in the head~)

    It's misbehaving? Then send it to time out! D< Show it who's boss, Kinova!
    I loved his ramblings about Wicked and writing in the UK, it was awesome~ I really like reading all the introductory bits to stories... I bought myself a new copy of The Wizard of Oz a while back (my old one was very old) and it had an intro by Cornelia Funke and that was really interesting (though it didn't mention Wicked, which saddened me D:)

    Bleh, I hate it when stuff isn't brought out over here. I mean, the UK has some absolutely amazing authors, but I looked everywhere for a book by David Sedaris and only found one copy on the library database and that had a zillion reservations.

    Aww, I remember when my sister started secondary school; I went over her timetable at lunch and told her what her teachers were like X3 How'd your first few days back go?

    Yeah, the musical La Vie Boheme is better; I think there are more instruments, more people in the chorus/background and you can play the movie along in your head and imagine people dancing around on tables better XD
    I hope I'm not the only one who does that.

    I wonder if we'll celebrate Halloween at all at uni. If so, I'm so dressing up as Elphaba; I already have the hair~
    I'll also need to hunt down a Glinda >D

    I don't watch much TV, so I didn't know much about Derren Brown until Grabby dragged me along to see it and it was absolutely amazing. He'd throw Frisbees at random into the audience (so you'd know he wasn't using plants) and be able to tell people what their children’s names were or where they'd recently gone on holiday and stuff. I'd love to see him again~

    I adore Glinda's act 2 dress so much~ I read somewhere that it cost... I forget the figure, but a lot to make. Well over $1000. Elphie's act 2 dress it really impressive if you look at it close up, like in the pictures in the programme; we sat near the back so it looked plain in comparison, but it's actually very detailed.

    I laughed way, way too much at you misreading stuff as gelphie. I'm a terrible influence, I'm sorry D:
    I find it odd that you read me as British. X3 My brain is incapable of reading anything as British, s'all American. Well... I guess you can make me New Yorken. X3 Because it amuses me immensely. XD Maybe I'll make you sound like Hermione from the movies or something~

    I know! Who wants to procrastinate with a time limit? Pfft. D< (No, no, of course not! Arylettopia only has a Queen and a President, and that's me, I'm both. No, we're going to save the Prime Minister of our ally, Kinovaville.)

    X3 I don't think it'd work~ They'd probably just think I was in a really horrible mood and ask me what was the matter whilst being a bit afraid, thinking "This chick has problems." XD It might work though... I should try this useful ability. XD You never imagined me to have an expression like that, did you?

    It's the Kinova version! Awesomenocityarylettdance, Kinova version~ It was pretty close though, for a first try! ;;Pats ol' Kinova on the back;; Good, good! (XDXD Oh my God, do you want me to try this rap with my microphone? I just HAVE to do it. Oh dear, I'm an insanist.)
    Yes, Dumbledore's American too! They're all American. Not all Americans sound heavy New-Yorken. X3 Yay, I sound entirely British! Consider yourself entirely American, Kinovacakes~

    Mee too~ A weekend's the only time I have to procrastinate and be lazy! X3 (Your next assignment is simple, Agent 196... You must save the Prime Minister from Valirett. She's planning an execution at approximately 1600 hours, so get too it!)

    Smiley Rinoa avatar~ X3 It is pretty shocking, isn't it? Here's my Arylettdeathstare. I can make my face look like that at will. X3 No wonder nobody talks to me, I mean, look at how I look! XDXD Bored and vacant Kinova~

    Okay then! I'll show you... ;;Stumbles, gets up, stumbles, gets up. Trips, falls backwards, gets back up, trips, falls face forwards. And that's the Awesomenocityarylettdance;; Urrrgghhh... that's the dance... it's very painful though... ;;Rubs body;; (It sounded like a rap...? How? X3)

    Whoo~ I'll go look in it once it's updated. X3
    I keep forgetting to read you in a British accent. X3 ;;Tries, fails;; Sorry, but I... can't. I even read Harry Potter and his friends with American accents. X3 I sound half British! ;;Dances around;;

    Yes, yes it is. X3 It's because it's the weekend and I don't have to wake up early. Whoo~ (Coursework does sound yucky indeed. D< I don't really think of assignment as being spy work... until now~ Now it sounds even cooler than what I previously thought! X3 Spy theme tune! Good one, good one! Yes... this is a most excellent idea! My spy number would be 117. Agent 117~ And you'll be Agent 196!)

    Me too~ Except I sit around with this REALLY angry face. Well, more angry than usual. Oh, right, you don't know. I always have an angry expression on my face. X3 Even if I'm not thinking angry thoughts, I always look SO serious. My gaze has been said to have "the sterness of a nun." Yeah. XD I once scared one of my teachers. He told me later that I looked like I was going to scold at him or something. X3

    Bloody Fashionable Oath. And oh yes, I had forgotten about that. Want me to show you the REAL Awesomenocityarylettdance? It's MUCH more entertaining and I'm already immensely entertained. X3 (Groovadelic is awesomenocity, it's funkalicious, Kinova man)
    I was joking. X3 It was a joke, man~ And I've stolen your accent. XDXD Everything I read is American-sounding. But WHOAMYGOD, I sound British in your head! :DDD ;;Liking this too much;; Oh... I've got my accent back. Ah well~

    Why yes, yes it does. X3 But it says funny things even when it's not sleep deprived! And now, I'm not! Yay~ I got enough sleeep~ (An assignment is just... normal school work? It could be anything you typically do at school. Don't you guys use assignment there? Also, what if it was a school of spies? That would be SO awesome. Agent Arylett, on the case~)

    I get things done in the night, I'm so opposite~ I hate mornings like a sonofabitch, careful if you catch me on one. X3 I'm like, a cold unfeeling monster. (Oh, that! No, no, I've given up with that war. We're even, I'll say. X3)

    But... you've missed one thing before you're doing the REAL Awesomenocityarylettdance, dear Arynova. You have to claim that you're the Queen of Arylettopia! And yes, it IS entertaining~ Wheee~ ;;Kinovadances circles around you;; (Groovadelic, you forgot. X3 I like froovy~ Yay for Sixties vocabulary~!)
    Totally awesomenocity, Kinovacakes~ XD (Because my accent is all I have! It's the thing that distinguishes me! And now, you go on, taking away Arylett's thing. X3)

    I knew you would. :3 Oh, me and my crazy sleep deprived mind~ (You know what? I just had an evil teacher give us homework! It was like, the final period of the day and then, just when I thought I was going to get away, she gives us the dreaded assignment... on a Friday. D< Ye olde tonne~ X3)

    XDXD Oh dear Kinova, how do you get anything done? How do WE get anything done? Also, when you're finished, post it up in your art thread, I want to see it~ (Laziness war? X3 What's that?)

    Wheeeee~ Yay, I'm good at Kinovadancing! Oh and if you've released your inner Arylett, three things will happen. First off, you'll find yourself obsessed with the word "awesomenocity", next you'll begin to ramble a lot about nonsense and how you're the Queen of a fictional nation, and third, you shall lose all sense of balance and be able to do the Awesomenocityarylettdance, which is a dance composed entirely of tripping and stumbling. It's a little more complicated than normal Arylettdancing, I'm just warning you~ You'll then be called Arynova~ ;;Continues to twirl about, doing that funky Kinovadance;; (Oh, I got a new one! Funky! Oh yeah, that's funky~ But yes, we shall have to expand our groovy funky vocabulary!)
    Oooh, Arylett likes pretty colors. Did I have totally awesome fun in this vacation, dude? (Oh come off it! You sound like you came right out of America... DD< ;;Is jealous;; How can you be better than meeee? DD<)

    But long words are good! (Dannichufandomism~) And purely funkdelic, mm'yes, quite spiffers. (Made my own spin on spiffing. XD Spiffers. Also, yes! D< I hate, hate, hate that, because you think you're SO close! And tonne? Ooh, some sort of fancy British spelling? Ye old tonne. X3)

    Spiffety, spiff! Oh yes... But greyscale is okay for now, my dear Kinovacakes~ Take your time, take your time! (It takes up 80% of my time~)

    But.. I can't know exactly when it will happen if it's unexpected! And ooh yes, I forgot about my Kinovahat! Ooh, I've got an inner Kinova? I wonder if you've got an inner Arylett... hmm... ;;Puts on Kinovahat, releases inner Kinova;; I... I think I feel it...! Wheeeeeeee~ Unexpected happiness and gleee~ ;;Does the Kinovadance successfully;; Look at meee~ Look at meeeeee~ I'm Kinovarylett~ (I'm running out of words too. X3)
    Totally awesome, Kinova man. You know... I still can't remember that vacation I took, the one you told me about. Tell me, were there purdy colors? (They'll never catch on! Never I do say! Very good accent Kinova... You're starting to convince me of your Americanness! No wait... you sound more American than I do. DD<)

    XDXD Maybe it should be a revival movement of both! Of Sixties words AND underappreciated letters. Now that would be quite groovylicious~ Pure awesomenocity~ And also, purely funkadelic~ (D< Stupid sadistic teachers... they LOVE it when we groan...)

    Yes, yes! Very good! Now then... ;;Changes into battle outfit;; How do I look? Spiffing? (X3 Oh, I spend much of my days doing that too~ Yes, of course there isn't much drawing to be done when you're procrastinating!)

    Awww.... But I really wanted to Kinovadance... D: The opportune moment? But when will I know when that is? (Funkadeeeeeeeelic~)
    I adore reading author interviews and things, because once I've heard about the author's intentions, inspiration and how they intended things to be read, I can reread the book and have it feel like a completely different story.

    I can't wait for A Lion Among Men to come out~ I'm hoping he'll do a book-signing-tour-thing in the UK because that would be beyond awesome. I really want to read his other books, too; I've only ever seen Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister in hardback for about £18, and I had a look on the library database for Mirror Mirror but couldn't find it at all. I might end up looking online.

    Yup, uni students go back later than schoolpeople; I start on the 20th, but people not in their second year don't have to go till the 27th. We don't get half-terms, though.
    Ooh, it's so exciting~ Did you go back today?

    I generally prefer the RENT movie OST to the Broadway one, just because the instruments sound a little better (especially in songs like What You Own), and I prefer Rosario's voice over Daphne's a little bit and Tracie's voice over Fredi's a lot; I don't mind Take Me or Leave Me so much, but the Broadway Tango: Maureen irritates me slightly. Though it does have the "I feel great now." "I feel lousy." bit in the track, which is too cool.
    I love the fact that you know what I'm talking about here.

    15 September, must remember that. And yup, I'm 30th October. It's a pretty cool birthday because it's easy to remember, normally falls on half-term and I used to always have birthday parties where everyone'd dress up in Halloweenish stuff and sometimes there'd even be fireworks :D

    I love things in shows like the magic wheelchair and the floaty broom and stuff~ My sister and I saw Derren Brown do a show in Plymouth a while back and that was the most impressive thing I've ever seen o.o

    Yes, it's a thoroughly depressing book and I think part of the reason I love Wicked fanfiction so much is because it gives the characters a chance to have a happy ending. I ended up feeling so sorry for everyone at the end D:
    I love how Maguire thought the musical was a Galindafied version of the book, though, because it so is XD

    God, I want to go see it again~
    Haha, I just spent about two hours reading through every Gregory Maguire interview ever on the internet trying to find this one to show you. I really should start bookmarking things. But it's really interesting to read about his influences and intentions with writing; his early family life and how it influences how he writes about families is especially cool, I think.

    I'm fairly sure I've linked you to this one before, but have it anyway because I love it so much;

    "the main relationship in the play is between Glinda and Elphaba, when they are torn apart, they never see each other again and it's like a death. If you're never able to see the person you love most in the world, it's like a death."

    If you say so, Maguire, who am I to argue?

    I'm planning to bring back my Icon of the Now when I have a more reliable internet connection. It died on Friday and I managed to get one of our neighbours to come over and take a look at it, but everything electronic in the house has been very touch-and-go of late. Hopefully my uni room will have a better connection :D

    I don't actually own the OST; my best friend bought it and I've been borrowing it for about five months now; I've offered to give it back, but she says I can hang onto it because she's got it on her phone and MP3 player and stuff. I have both the movie and Broadway RENT OSTs, though, and found the Avenue Q one in Zavvi for £11 a few weeks back, which is the cheapest I've seen it.
    (When's your birthday? You have to tell me or I'll miss it comepletely.)

    Of course Boq wants Nessa's chair. Who wouldn't?
    Elphie's got her broom, Glinda's got her bubble and Nessa has a wheelchair. Nessa's obviously the most hardcore >D

    I love Melena/Frex/Turtle Heart because it's so sad and, I think, pretty reflective of the musical, what with the perfect couple both falling in love with the same person even though it's the most taboo thing ever.

    Crope and Tibbet are so, so awesome. They get the best fanfiction. But, like everything in Wicked, it's so sad, too. I'd have loved to have seen them in the musical; they could have had a song not unlike If You Were Gay and it would have been wonderful~

    Liir and Trism are sweet, but I can't help but find it funny that if I search "Liir and Trism" on google, the site asks me "Did you mean: Liir and Tourism?". Uh, no, but now you've gotten me interested.

    Oh no, these messages are getting to be PM-length X3
    (That IS a weird phrase. X3) C'mon Kinova, we can't be noticed! With you and your accent sticking out like a sore thumb, people are BOUND to inquire what we're doing here. And then the wizard will find out I told you. And then... I will be dead. D: You have to try! Try and believe in the Americaness somewhere deep in your heart! Find it and then channel its powers, only then shall you master the accent. (Yes, definately, for the art of filmaking, they should at least pull out all the stops!)

    So you think my voice is like ultimate pizazz? (I want in on these revival movement!) X3 You're craaaazy~ I guess that's because it's all foreign and stuff, and foreign stuff is always cool from an outsider's point of view~ Grrooooovy is very funkadelic to say, Kinova man. (All teachers are sadistic. They smirk, I say, smirk as they put upon you the doom of doing homework!)

    Good, good girl! Now then, the time is nearly here... Valirett's people will be invading the borders pretty soon, I know, I got this information from my spies stationed in Valirett's palace. (Oooh, I see. And why's it taking ages? Procrastinating? X3)

    Hmmm... hmmm... ;;Tries to think of the happiest thing possible. Fails;; Noooo, I would so suck at trying to summon a patronus! ;;Tries to Kinovadance again, trips over a rock;; DD< (Grrroooooooooovvvvy~)
    I love it when you become a fan of something and then realize that you have actually heard of it before; I found out the other week that an author whose fics I used to read all the time writes RENT stuff and had a serious fangirl moment.

    Oh, I have lots of Wicked icons :3. I'd show you some, but I'd end up posting half of my folder here and I don't want to spam up your... Wall? Profile Page? What are these things called, anyway? Who knows.

    I love Nessa so much since seeing the show. I wish they'd put her crazysong on the OST, I absolutely loved it but can't remember it very well at all now.
    And I think Nessa's bit of Dancing Through Life is funny, just because my sister has a thing for changing the lyrcis to "It's because I'm in this chair... and you wanted to take my chair away, isn't that right?". She just loves Nessa's chair for some reason, I dunno.

    Maaan I love the big dance sequence in Dancing Through Life, though. I might go look it up on Youtube.
    I remember reading an interview with Gregory Maguire and he said the one thing he was disappointed with in the musical is that, during the big dance sequences, there were only guys dancing with girls and no same-sex groupings. Given he's married to a guy it's not particularly surprising, but I still think it's cool.
    I don't watch the show, but I've seen a clip of that bit of the episode; it has Eden in for God's sake <3
    Even though you do not text someone during Popular, they're forgiven for using Defying Gravity as a love song (let's face it, "dreams the way we plan them/if we work in tandem" is better than "Myabe I'm brainless/maybe I'm wise". Okay, I just don't like Fiyero or As Long as You're Mine D<).
    And Eden's "Holy crap!" is too awesome.
    Iconworthy, in fact.


    Far too many lines from Wicked (and RENT :D) can be used as usertitles, I love it. Your current one is great, especially because I keep imagining the super-English cast singing it X3
    Ah, I see... Hmm, maybe I should go back to my American accent then, if that's what they all speak. It would be much less conspicuous~ ;;Goes back to normal American Arylett accent;; Ick, all this trash is just making me sick. That dude really needs to spend his money more wisely. (Also, yeees, they should've made a new accent~)

    Yes but, you don't live in America. X3 Which would explain why nobody you know has such an accent as mine. Thaaank you though. :3 Groovy~ XD You seem to like that word a lot~ (I know, right? Darn you, teachers, darn you to heck!)

    I insist you accept my rewards! ;;Shoves them in your face;; After all, a Fashion Knight of your caliber deserves it~ (And I'm in no rush. :3 Take your time~ And ooh, Harry Potter meme? What's this all about?) I like stabby boots though, the name is just :D.

    ;;Tries to Kinovadance. Bounces and hops all about, but falls over;; I can't get the hang of this. D< Kinovadancing is hard. D: (Whooooooooooooo~)
    Oh dear, that sounds quite unspiffing! And what next, rubbish in the streets? Hmph! These Ozians, how do they live? ;;Jumps over a hole;; (Also, so do I, Kinova, so do I. X3)

    It is terrible, it's terrible because it's a boring American accent! ;;Envies you Brits;; X3 Also, I speak with it on my little recording, so you can hear it's suckiness~ (I suppose so~ But I'm procrastinating on a bunch of homework right now. Also, freeeeeeedom which I laaaack~)

    You. Are. Awesome. XD I LOVE the Arylettopian battle outfit~! ;;Gives you MANY Awesome Points. Like 5,000A;; You even included my symbol~ You are too good, Kinova too good! (Arylettopians DO have magic, we are a magical people~) ;;Awards you the Arylettopian Badge of Honor for Services for the Country;; Whew, that's a mouthfull! But you deserve it, oh yes you do~ With these costumes, with those stabby boots, Valirett won't stand a chance! Not a chance, I tell you!

    Awww. D: Ooh, is that a Kinovadance? Is it like an Arylettdance? Teach me! (Both are very fun, but I don't like to run.)
    Yes, yes. Never shall they suspect a thing! Now, pip pip, and all that! I do say, let's have us a bloody brilliant trip to Glinda's place. ;;Skips off quite spiffingly;;

    ...They do? Oh wow, then I wonder what a common British person sounds like~ Also, I still fail at that accent. X3 No better than my terrible normal American accent! (Muhehehe, I procrastinate ALL the time, Kinovacakes~ Also, school started for us like two weeks ago. Enjoy your freedom whilst you can~)

    Yeeees~ Yaaaaaay~ X3 Also, Arylettsparkles, one of my MANY nicknames. XDXD (I could go on about my list of titles, but I think that'd take too long)

    Oooh, Blaaaaaaziken in Wonderlaaaaand would be sweetness~

    Huzzah indeed! Look upon the message, do gaze upon it in glee! For you have been added by me~ (Rhyming is fun. :3)
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