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  • I think it may just be that my avatar is only 80x80 pixels, so the forum doesn't need to shrink it to show it in VMs. Try shrinking yours manually (in a paint program that preserves animation and transparency); the Mew doesn't take up the entire frame anyway.
    Bachuru style uploading: I'm always planning on it. I just forget about it or have something else I need to be doing or whatever.

    Sprite generator: Yes, they are; however, in visitor messages, the avatar is shown shrunk, which is something the forum does by grabbing the image and manipulating it. It doesn't appear it keeps the transparency when it does that.
    >:( That's unfaiiiirrrrrr! Why don't I get to sleep in?!

    No, PST, because I kind of actually need to wake up in the mornings. But I never actually go to sleep until at least 1am, so it's not like there's much difference...
    Pfft. :3

    Yeah, I know. Just kinda putting it out there how stupid it seems to me that anyone would even think that was a viable option.
    I am a derp when it comes to HTML and so on, so I'd actually prefer it if you'd poke someone else about it. The only thing of note I can really mention is that I think you might be overdoing it with the sprites; if memory serves well, regular signatures can't contain more than 20 images. But then I'm not sure if that applies to sprites or not. :/ You'd be better to ask Butterfree or Kratos or someone than me, haha. :D'

    It looks adorable, though. I really should get around to making one of those myself.
    Sorry for being vague.


    <div style="width:100%; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; font-size:10px;"><div class="tborder" style="width:560px; margin:auto; padding:1px; position:relative; text-align:left;"><img style="position:absolute; top:-20px; left:-17px; z-index:100;" src="http://www.dragonflycave.com/sprites/gen4/dp/012f.png">
    <div class="thead" style="padding:3px 3px 3px 55px; margin-bottom:1px;">A Heading</div>
    <div class="alt1" style="padding:3px;"><span style="width:48px; height:20px; float:left;"></span>Text in the box</div>

    The bolded bits are the values you might want to tinker with. First it's the width of the box, which you can decide for yourself; then there's how far up and left you want to shift the image from the top left corner of the box; then there's the image URL; then there's the increased left padding on the heading in order to shift the text so that it doesn't go under the image, which you should experiment with until it looks right; and finally there's the empty float that makes the main text not go under the image and how tall and wide that should be (again, experiment until it looks right).
    Sorry about my post in your CC thread, I was trying to be funny, but realised a bit later that I shouldn't have joked about that. I wasn't serious about it, and it was meant to be light hearted.
    Mine isn't a table; it's done with divs. Basically it gives the container div position:relative and the sprite position:absolute with negative top and left values, which places it up there. Technically this would cause the text to go under the sprite, but to prevent that I made an empty span with float:left; that has enough height and width to push the text around it out of the sprite's way.
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