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  • It's just that the text was going over the top of the sprite rather than underneath it, which looked kind of odd. I couldn't figure out how to flip that around, sadly. :(
    It's okay! Paranoia from Slender Man and the Haunted Majora's Mask Cartridge ARG made me freak out a little, but no harm done. <3
    Think of Me isn't the one that goes DA DA DA DAAA DA DA, DA DAA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, right? I love Phantom of the Opera. My Theater teacher showed me the movie. And my Gastly is named the French (original) version of the Phantom.
    Yes, this PST. I'm not sure if there's any other PSTs out there, but who knows...
    Meanwhile, this post is made at approximately 1:42am of where I am. I'm guessing that you're EST?
    Please go and report him, Indigo.

    You can't put things off forever. Do you really want to turn out like I did? And to put yourself, your mom and your sister - your four-year-old sister - in danger?
    Which in retrospect is sort of funny to see opal's post eaten by a dinosaur with a leaf on it's head.... please continue. lol.
    Hey Mewtindigo, your HTML signiture doesn't display very well in older versions of IE. In fact it eats the post below it.... (Looking at the "Book Recommendations" thread and the post below yours is getting eaten by a bayleaf.)
    Well, I hope your signature is okay. I redid a couple of bits, because I was kind of assuming the bits were all supposed to be in the same "block", rather than them being multiple, overlapping boxes which weren't *quite* in line with one another.

    I've also broadened your signature from 500px wide to 85% of the main sig-box width, mostly because having it so narrow meant it was massive and long with a scroll bar the size of Jupiter. I've added a couple of <br /> tags, since when getting the Pokémon images on the tool bars, I couldn't quite work out why the text from one paragraph would overlap the following image, so to avoid this I just added spacing - I was aiming to get rid of the <span> tags in order just to shorten the overall length of the code.

    Since your sig is still a little lengthy (see scrollbar) I'd advise removing the random sprites section since it doesn't serve any actual purpose but it's really up to you.

    Hopefully I've managed to remodel your signature without upsetting too many of the original features you may have wanted. Took me a while, too; I must have broken the forums three times by mistake before realising what I'd done. Haha. If you're unhappy with what I've done, I've saved a copy of the original sig you wrote to my dropbox, should you want me to have another attempt to fix it up a little.
    Just call me Markku.
    I'll be gone because I'll hardly have time to get on the internet because of extracurricular activities that involve traveling.
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