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  • I know, but I'm impatient. :C I have a fully-evolved EV trained team too, but...
    How about just a for-fun challenge then, no badges? I'm still curious to see how my NFE team would stand up, either way. You still have the team you did the tournament with, right?
    idk why this warrants a VM instead of a post in the thread but I feel more comfortable VMing it anyway

    Would you take a challenge in your gym from an EV trained, IV bred team... if they were not fully evolved? I can't purposely not-EV-train a team without subconsciously wandering over to that particular route and focusing on this particular thing, just because I'm really super anal and don't like purposely wasting potential- nor do I like to be deceptive when I can help it, so I trained a team of NFEs hoping that'd be a suitable enough handicap for the leaders who don't EV train, because I still wanted to give the Crystal League a try. >:
    Your Communist Mewtwo has been finished, courtesy of Virtual and Physical Art Shop.

    We also wen't ahead and created a Che Mewtwo based on your design. We thank you for your business and inspiring future designs.
    Hm, I have you on my friend roster still from when we last traded. Mine's 1119 3593 6144
    I could do it pretty much anytime. Right after you clone it, maybe?
    The defense lowering berry maybe?

    EDIT: That would be a Qualot. Have one?
    Do you still want an ekans? I don't see a thread for it but I did see you ask for it with Kratos. I could go out and catch one really easily, and I could get a specific nature. Or do you have it now?
    I don't really post often enough to be memorable, most likely.
    Your name looks kind of familiar, though.
    Could you give me the URL for the Smoochix sprite, please? I don't have computer access right now, so yeah. :P
    Well mostly it's my mom's side that lives there, but I have a few paternal uncles in Greencastle.

    Wyoming? Nice. I have relatives in California and Missouri.
    Ooh. Where at in indiana. I have relatives I visit there a lot and you might be near.
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