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  • Just so you know, I have extended the date for all submissions in the creepypasta contest to the 26th. I can't extend it any later, because I need at least 3 days for voting, so I can announce the results on the 31st.(obviously)
    I'm getting the feeling that the amount of United Force members that we have currently are all that we're going to have. It doesn't have to be started now, but I think it's in the best interest for the RP in itself to start sooner rather than later.
    Oh hullo.

    One of the people who signed up for Ten of Death, Ten of Life hasn't been online for quite some time, so I was wondering if you want to have his spot?
    If you need me to, I could tweak the due date to the 26th, giving you six days, and four days to vote. If not, I'll just keep it as is.

    (Also, could you possibly submit an art piece? Big Red Cherry Bomb is the only person who has, so far. )
    Just as a question, are you still planning to enter something for the creepypasta contest? I believe there's only five days left until I have to close it for voting.
    Hey Mewtwo, I have a qustion! When will you start the story for The Elementals? I'm sorry I'm so impaitent!
    okay then XD

    I think she's gonna be sad that her whole "get Flora married to Mike" plan didn't work out
    you told my non-biological-mom that you're her daughter-in-law? She doesn't even know that I'm apparently dating Blastoise!

    now to tell my non-biological-mom that she has a daughter-in-law...XD
    HEY SISTER-IN-LAW *tackle-glomps*

    (even though you and barubu aren't technically in a relationship anymore we're still sisters-in-law :D)
    Oh, I thought you meant no one liked me... lol.

    I'm getting a namechange though. To someone even less likable.

    What did you mean by 'Oh the Irony XD' when I said 'If only I could find someone on here who can accept me...'
    Still; again, if I were to talk at all to every user of the forums, that would still be quite time-consuming. I've never talked to the admins of most forums I go to. :/

    ...not that it isn't kind of pointless to be arguing about that, since at any rate we appear to be talking now.
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