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  • Ohhhh my god I know. I learned a lot of terrifying stuff about password security building this thing. Passwords are hashed and all, so I absolutely can't see them, but there's nothing stopping me from setting it up to get my hands on future passwords. You know, if I turned into res or something. And that's about all I can do to protect them; that's the standard. Passwords suck.
    Haha, I forget how rarely I post because I lurk basically all the time.

    Nothing much! I am between Major Life Events, living in London, pondering what to do next, but generally having a good time. There are plenty of fun Minor Life Events. Been to Japan lots.

    You seem like a fun person. I'd like to get to know you a little more if that's fine with you.

    How are you?
    The ASB basically. I've tried running them on several smaller sites, but due to the lack of activity, the average maturity and the fact that none of them wanted to be refs made it almost impossible.
    Quick question (because your username seems familiar): Were you a member of a site called PokémonFanUniverse like 6~7 years ago?
    Butterfree has a strange way of killing off characters just as you start to like them.
    I've just finished reading both of the stories, and I'm about halfway through Morphic. So far they're all very interesting! Thank you.
    Happy birthday, Negrek! Hope you have a rad year and eat tons of cool food.

    (you're like seven times my age now, hahaha oh man)
    Well, yes, but I was mainly pointing it out because the page is still reachable, you just have the URL set to dragonflycave.com/forums rather than forums.dragonflycave.com.
    The link to your Energy and Damage guide on this page doesn't work anymore.
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