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  • Uh I just realised I have several of many of the Pokémon you just bought from me in the Safari Zone :p So as not to spam the Buying and Selling Thread (yes I know I forgot trading but I'm too lazy to type it oh my god that was so counter-productive), which genders do you want for your Bellsprout, Oddish, Pidgey and Spearow, so I know which to edit out of my profile?

    I'm actually left back a year or two. Health problems and all, but they're a bit less serious now. You...kinda learn to be mature a bit after being stuck with incredibly stupid twelve year olds :v
    Oh wow :'D Trust me that's an -amazing- help, I really didn't expect all that. Really, thanks so much for compiling this all. <: I certainly have to go check out the libraries/bookstores soon, and that Kana chart is far more complete than previous ones I've found.
    I started at one point, actually, in Platinum, which I have in Japanese - and still use today. I was starting to recognise it somewhat, I just never followed through. It's good to know that it's actually simple enough to start with in that way. Pokémon games are of course my primary target, and I'd say Skoots has it right. x3;
    Anyway, thanks again so much~ <: I'm looking through all of these links as I'm typing, but would probably have to get back after I've had time to look at them all in-depth. It's just too bad the Languages Group is dead.... well, groups in general, that is. If you don't mind me asking, where do you, Keta, Eevee and any others usually communicate?
    Hey there.. I don't quite know if you're the right one to ask, but you certainly seem to have a good foothold in Japanese (Among a few others.. but I was just amused at your replies to a certain Zek's intro thread <w< ) and I was wondering if you have any particular recommendations for someone looking to start from zero past experience. Essentially, my goal is to learn to read much moreso than speak the language... and yes, it's mostly so I can import games comfortably, but- they removed the game corner from international HGSS- screw that- ahem~
    But anyway, hope I'm not being a bother, but if you happen to have any hints as to where to start, I would be most appreciative. I've been meaning to learn it for ages, but it's not quite as easy as a quick google run to find a reputable resource in this case. Thanks~ <:
    well i have a nidorina but. edited.

    does 8 dollars for her seem good to you? I'll take lower but since that would cover both going abouts in the cat lady cottage well o:

    How're you? I suspect your laptop hasn't been slaughtered by a worm, has it? ;.;

    No more IRC for me.
    Hello, sorry to be bothering you, but is there any reason as to why my Safari Zone area, Raging Whirlpools, is locked?

    If it is regarding the payment, it is right here.
    Really? Only one other Canadian? I feel lonely ;-; And yeah, it is rather chilly... Tomorrow's high should be around -9 degrees C? But that's particularly cold compared to what we've been getting these days (around 0 degrees or so?). Then again, I'm not even sure what the average temperature this time of year is.

    What dreams I do manage to remember I write down as well. Somehow, they're almost always game-related. Still, I guess it's because I don't sleep enough :P

    That's rather... freaky. The only time we've actually been robbed was when some random person broke the window of my dad's car, and of all the stuff he could've taken, he made off with a screwdriver, or something like that. The repair costs kinda sucked though.
    That story is strange, though; I mean your brother must've been really lucky (or unlucky) that he came back so early after the burglar had his little mishap. Otherwise he could've bled to death, or something, I dunno. *morbid*
    No, actually o.O I don't know if they're illegal in Canada, but I've never seen those roadside shacks, no. Granted, I've seen a fireworks shop, but it always seemed rather empty. It was more a warehouse than anything.

    ...Never heard of that. Looks like I won't be getting good luck either, though, so you're not alone.
    I hardly ever dream, as a matter of fact OTL Either that, or I forget it as soon as I wake up.

    ... :0 What weird thing?
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