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Crazy Linoone
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  • Linoooonie.. you know you're up in Tea!Battle right? >: I know you've been having computer troubles but you're posting in other matches so I thought you may have missed it~
    I think - *ASBgodlightening'd* - they hate us - *ASBgodlightening'd* - equally. Hey, why aren't - *ASBgodlightening'd* - other people getting ASBgodlightening'd? *ASBgodlightening'd* WHAT HAVE WE EVER DONE TO YOU *ASBgodlightening'd*
    Well... I'll take your word for it. *discreetly sharpens ninjatoes*

    But this is laws-of-physics-God-lava! So they, too, can bend the laws of physics and make the lava fly after you!
    Well, when I first created my MSN which was at least five years ago, my brother thought for some reason that you had to have 3 numbers at the end of your email. His 3 numbers were 309. Anyway, after thinking for a bit, I just randomly decided on 889, and it stuck.

    Me? Oh, just the usual zombie-causing bacteria.
    He is. <3

    I have the new group OS picture as my background and I'm a little stressed at the moment (because of trivial RL stuff that'll pass) and it calms me right down :3

    I neeeeed to draw mooooore x.x
    *attempts to warp* *ASBgodlightening'd ten times in a row* ...I don't think they're pleased.
    Well, if you insist... :( ...What about Zigzagoon?

    And then the laws-of-physics Gods will get angry at you and... spew lava at your feet, or something.
    Well, yeah, it sorta is there because IT CAN BE THERE. There really isn't much story behind 889; just three random numbers I tend to stick at the end of everything.

    Linoone! DDD: What has possessed you?!
    *lies on back* ... *ASBgodlightening'd on the stomach* It's no use! *ASBgodlightening'd* They can aim - *ASBgodlightening'd - wherever they want! *ASBgodlightening'd*
    Well, I know about the mostly fur thing, but what matters is the quality of the meat, amiright?

    Actually, it'd probably make your life more complicated since there are many rules you have to abide by while breaking the rules of physics...
    And actually, the 889 is just some thing I tack onto the end of all my internet aliases so you can sorta-kinda tell it's the same person. If it's a Fakemon-sounding name followed by 889 (aerios889, arisco889, etc.), then chances are that it's me.

    Hehe. Your icon makes me happy.

    (I totally don't have that picture printed and on my wall)
    Except that I - *ASBgodlightening'd* - can't exactly reach that high - *ASBgodlightening'd* - with my ninjatoe! *ASBgodlightening'd* And the ASBgodlightening - *ASBgodlightening'd* - breaks my concentration so - *ASBgodlightening'd* - I can't twist reality. *ASBgodlightening'd*
    As an aside, I wonder how cooked Linoone tastes like? *sly glance*

    That's me breaking the laws of physics again.
    Actually, Blazheirio is just a fakemon I made when I was... well, 5 years ago. So yeah, I made myself before I was made.

    *abruptly turns into a zombie* BUHHHHH *pounces*

    Yeah, and I replied~ Thanks
    Well, do you - *ASBgodlightening'd* - have any material that - *ASBgodlightening'd* would actually nullify the - *ASBgodlightening'd* - electricity? I can't - *ASBgodlightening'd* - think of anything. *ASBgodlightening'd*

    Actually, contrary to popular belief, ninjafingers aren't as dangerous as ninjatoes. And the real reason why Blazheirio doesn't have arms is because back when I created it, I was obsessed with wyverns :'D

    Yeah, but since I'm battling on the spam I'll get turned into a zombie as well, right? I AM SECRETLY PLOTTING AGAINST MYSELF.
    The rubber - *ASBgodlightening'd* - only reduces *ASBgodlightening'd* - the pain. It's doing its - *ASBgodlightening'd* job perfectly fine! *ASBlightening'd*

    Probably not. All of it was used to create me. They nearly didn't have enough, y'know. That's why I'm kinda missing arms.

    Well, I can make the arena, and you can ref it! :D Though uh you've already reffed two of my battles at lightening-speed so I'll feel guilty OTL

    And I've given it back~ OSser grouppic = awesome.
    Say, Linooney, now that you have free time, is there a chance I could get you to reff my battle against psymon?

    *should stop pointing at battle threads*

    and i updated your battle against KQ, btw.
    At least they don't hit me in the middle of a - *ASBgodlightening'd* ...nevermind.

    Yes, they do! >:D It's an incredibly rare material. Unfortunately it ran out about 14 and a half years ago.

    And then they can use some of that money to buy canned lightening and zap themselves back to life! So then the trainers in ASB will be richer than the refs!
    ...wait we're both refs why are we plotting against ourselves

    DDD: Well uh uh! *hands you a tissue*
    *covers self with rubber*


    *ASBgodlightening'd* Yeah it's not working. They're definitely after us. Although at least it doesn't hurt as much now.

    I'm made of ninjatoe-proof metal! Otherwise I would've died a long time ago. Accidents happen, see.

    And the zombies will go after other Pokemon and attempt to drag them into the spam as well!
    Of course the trainers will receive compensation afterwards right :D

    *guilt* W-well I'll buy you another can? Problem is, it costs another $150 so it'll take another few weeks for me to pay off.
    Naw, despite being a mechanical dragon, I'm not actually that tall. See, that tree over there is taller than I am - logically speaking, it should be struck by lightening more than I am, but... *ASBgodlightening'd* As you can see it's not working D:

    Yes, that I do. So you better beware. I could warp my ninjatoe through a portal or something and nail you that way.

    And when the Pokemon are fully swallowed up, they'll automatically get poison that does like 20% damage each round! Or something!

    Yeah well I used it all, sorry.
    So the ASB gods are after brains! Is that it? ...they're available in plenty on eBay D: *ASBgodlightening'd*

    *swivels ninjatoe threateningly in your direction* I don't think you'd want to grab onto my foot...
    And I have infinite resources! :D Conservation pshhhh.

    ORLYNAO. The Spam Arena could be next in line for Linoone's food arenas, yes? And all Pokemon get poisoned upon entering, regardless of ability or typing, yes?

    Yeah so uh can you let go of my foot now :(
    Say, Linoone, now that you seem to have time, is there a chance I could brib- I mean, convice you to reff my battle against Charmanpid?

    *Points at the threads Psymon Vs. you+Kindling Queen Vs. You*
    Yeah, I've got about 7 backups. Can't have me kicking the bucket because the opponent made a lucky shot. *ASBgodlightening'd* Damnit there goes another one.

    NEVARRRRR *chops off tail* It'll grow back :3

    That it is, but you're hiding it in other people's food in an attempt to poison them, right?

    Also YOU TOOK MY BATTLE :'D I LOVE YOU FOREVER *gives you back your munnies*
    *prods the move Explosion * Because it's fun, that's why! Explosions are the highlight of any battle. Or y'know, ramen- *ASBgodlightening'd*

    *flies away*

    Because... it tastes funny? Because it was hidden in their other food?
    FFFF *brain explodes*
    *bits of brain are ASBgodlightening'd*

    Mwahahah! *runs* I'm a cheating little bastard so what

    Except that when you buy spam it's often you eating it. So in other words you get spam when you want to poison yourself, right? :D
    ...That made my head hurt. e_e *ASBgodlightening'd for being an idiot*

    *snatches can* *lightening's you and snatches the money back* >:D

    Yeah, some. So why get spam when you can get real meat?
    But if they want to miss, then doesn't that mean that they don't miss after all? *ASBgodlightening'd*

    Fine. *dangles $150* I rescued it from the ruins of the Bank~

    No, it's not. You know why it's called spam? Some Parts Are Meat.
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