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  • Bahhh, no wonder. I thought something was up with the characters.

    I'm not entirely sure. I read the excerpt to my mother and asked her if my translation was accurate, and somewhere along the lines she said something about the sentence structure being different from what she was normally used to. She didn't elaborate, though.
    Strangely, even though I'm Cantonese, I'm more familiar with reading Mandarin. I believe it was... Taiwanese? I dunno, I never really paid much attention in Chinese school, haha.
    Judging from how badly my grammar was ripped apart by my teacher, though, I'd say I'm more familiar with Hong Kong sentence structure.
    No for the 500 server errors, but I think it's the same thing that was causing blank pages on the old server, since certain operations in the Admin CP that consistently returned blank pages before now consistently return 500 errors (the 500 error page is probably something returned by Apache where IIS doesn't return anything). It may be some problematic plugin or something.

    What are these "rolling sprite blackouts" you speak of, though?
    Buh, I could've sworn I replied to this. Anyway, from the way the sentences are constructed, the Chinese in that excerpt is probably from a different region than the one I'm familiar with, so it's rather confusing.

    As far as I can tell, your translation is quite accurate, so I don't really have a clue either as to what exactly happened. Sorry.
    Oh, I see. If you could give me a small excerpt instead of a single phrase, I might be able to decipher it, but I highly doubt it, given my rusty Chinese skills.

    Well, Google can't do everything. :P
    Well, I do know Chinese, but I'm not so good at reading it. As far as I can tell, 得了吧 means something along the lines of 'okay', but in a cheekier manner. I'm not sure what the 你 at the end is doing there though. The phrase made sense before, but when you add in that last character... *shrug*
    OK, thanks.

    (Heh, sorry if I was pushy. It was really late for me when I write that and there was peculiar aftertaste in my Coke that night.


    No, seriously. I don't mean to rush you if you're busy or anything, but I'm going to die of an anxiety attack if you don't judge them soon.
    Yea, umm, I wanted to ask you something:
    I noticed that the 2009 league championship seems(probably just seems) to be in need of some extra referees, and since im one, I wondered wether I could qualify.

    The main reason Im asking this per VM is because im more than sure that the answer will be no, since it's been more than 6 months ago that the championship started(damnit why did I have to register for ASB so late?).
    Scratch that. All I had to do is e-mail it to my self and Ctr-V it from there.

    I am sure that you will be impressed with the writing quality. At least I think it's safe to say that I impressed myself.
    Do you mind if I E-Mail you the mock ref? The forum doesn't seem to accept my spaces, and put them down as asetriks instead.
    So um, you know this novice reffing you'll hopefully be putting up soon? Well, I'm not going to be here all weekend, including Monday and later today (however, I'll have a computor to type it on.)

    So I was wondering if you could extend put it up today, if it's no bother, and give us until next Saturday to finish it?

    Thanks, either for doing that, or simply for your time~~
    Hey, Kratos redirected me to you for my ASB question. So...

    Are legendary Pokemon able to be registered in the 'Dex Registry?

    Thanks for the help. :>
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