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  • Hi Butterfree, I've found a technical error.

    Nothing major, but I've got a Notification that won't go away (it's an 'unread profile visitor message' that I've both read and replied to). I have no idea how to get rid of it, so could you please tell me? :3
    Fighting For Butterkins was produced by Nate & REP/Kuroihoshi/Tiggy
    They were extremely bored, and felt that an epic battle over their beloved administrator would fight off boredom. Especially when done as visitor messages.

    We apologize for any misfortunes. No innocent animals were harmed in the making of this production. However, completely guilty ones were. 8D It's part of our plan of cleansing the world of bad and angry animals.
    Minutes seemed like hours while Tiggy stared upon the fallen corpse of Erika. Tiggy, rather confident, let out chuckle while she walked away. But, this is not the end for our hero! Erika mastered the art of Jedi-healing! Tiggy's oversized ego blinded the realization that Erika was healing herself! As Tiggy neared towards Butterkins, Erika appeared before Tiggy! "Now you will know why they called me "Princess!" Erika giggled loudly. "HADOKEN!" Erika let out a fierce yell as she launched a beam of highly-concentrated energy onto Tiggy. Tiggy flew backwards rapidly, hitting the stone-cold wall. Her lightsaber takes flight and lands near Erika's lightsaber.

    "And I could have gotten away with it if it weren't for you..." Tiggy croaked.

    "Foolish fool who foolishly dreams of foolish dreams..." Erika looked at Tiggy with her piercing eyes. "I shall now finish you, flower-style."

    <<Cliff hanger!>>
    "THIS ISN'T SOVIET RUSSIA!" Erika yells back, swiftly dodging Tiggy's striking attempt. "Soviet Russia...doesn't exist anymore, didn't you pay attention when you took your bitch-lessons?" Doing the dance she taught her lovely Bellossom, she elegantly prances around Tiggy, the light fabricating from her pink lightsaber making the scene look as beautiful as ever, even with Erika's tarnished attire that was covering her just barely. Battling for hours with lightsabers tends to do that to the clothes you're wearing. "Then again...I suppose I never did take any bitch-lessons, so I suppose I wouldn't know regardless. Damn it Erika! Why do you have to make yourself look like a fo---" However, Tiggy looked to be insulted by Erika's comment, and not allowing Erika to finish her dance (and sentence), she lunges herself towards the beloved gym leader, lightsaber in perfect position, and strikes her insides!


    "BUTTERKINS~" Erika yelps as she falls to the floor, dropping her lightsaber in complete astonishment. But what Tiggy didn't know, as Erika laid on the floor, completely motionless, was that she had mastered the JEDI-HEALING-POWERS!!!

    "Ha! I'm just getting started my Princess! And you shall pay for you witty comment!" Tiggy jumps into the air and heads towards Erika's position! Tiggy and Erika battle like fierce lionesses, trying to claim their prize. The room is filled with loud and clashing sounds of lightsabers hitting each other. "I shall not fall! Butterkins is mine!" Tiggy yelled loudly. Battle continues for hours, both Erika and Tiggy countering each other's moves while busting out insults and Soviet Russia jokes. "In Soviet Russia, Tiggy cuts you!" Tiggy rushed towards Erika!
    Flash! Bang! Boom! Onomatopoeia! Tiggy and Erika's intense battle for their beloved Butterkins commences. Tiggy seemingly has the upper hand with her animal instincts, as she trips Erika, and she falls to the floor, a face full of sweat. Erika, doing her best to defend Tiggy's blue lightsaber with her pink one, tries to get the upperhand as she puts her weight behind her deadly weapon. "This...is...for...my....BUTTERKINS!" She screams loudly as she forces Tiggy off her, and Jedi-floats back to her feet, making sure no one gets an embarrassing panty-shot in the process. Blushing, she goes back into her battle stance, and wipes her forehead as she points her pretty lightsaber back at Tiggy. "You best be kidding me if that's the best you can do, my Bellsprout can weld a lightsaber better then you in mid-evolution."
    Very well ya spoiled brat. -pulls out lightsaber decorated with Zoobooks stickers and a blue beam shoots out- ENGARDE! -jedi jumps too-
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