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  • And I like never noticed a Porygon in your profile so I never thought to claim it. I guess just post in the BC or Black Market somewhere and I'll collect it?
    Hi, I'm new around here and noticed you had a league section. I couldn't find the answer anywhere else, so I though I'd ask you.

    Would this forum happen to have a Pokemon Online server?
    Hey there! uv and I posted our commands over a week ago; have you been busy, or did our battle just slip your mind?
    We might be planning on switching the rest but I noticed it hit midnight where I am and she's afk so I went for it.
    Hm, okay then ^^ (And I had no idea that several of the mods were Homestuck junkies...)
    ...o.O Okay. (And now we just wait for Negrek to put it in my ASB CP, right? Let me go claim it, though.)
    Ah, okay then. (And this may seem like a really stupid question, but are you female or male? ...which sounds like I'm some sort of army official -_-)
    Oh, and did anyone give you a screenshot? I will if no one else has.

    And no, I'll go check now. Sorry about that :sweatdrop:
    Next reffing, there may be no kill like overkill. Toward Colias' office, at least.
    Thanks for the offer Kratos :3 I shall take any fakemon you have, female preferred :3
    Might as well. =) If I have to have her with me, I'll try and level up some more before fighting the boss; that might help, maybe.
    Hmm, okay. I hadn't really thought of that before. Though there was one time when I needed Colette in my party for something - it's not for the seal bosses, is it?

    Hehe, the only problem is I have a ton of homework and stuff to do, but I really really want to play Tales of Symphonia <3
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