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  • Heya heya, Mewty Mewty. C: C:

    How've I been? Well... you just have to read up on that on a new thread that I'm currently creating in the Laughing Cupboard. X3 Also, gotta eat dinner in a bit, so I'll be off for a short while.
    Ever heard of Moth man?

    XD (That seems about right. I don't know the abbreviations for feet and inches but I do know the basic conversions. In other words I have a general idea of how tall you are now.)

    Thank you. (Unless you kick puppies in your spare time I have a fairly good idea about the sort of person you are. I'm good at reading people, or so I'm told.)


    If you even need to rant at me, go ahead. I'll take it in stride.
    That's fair. Anything with weird creatures will ensnare my interest.

    \:) (Probably, We use m and cm here. I wouldn't know.)

    ...That's pretty bad and understandable. But promise me you won't harm yourself, you're too good a person to lose.

    THEY LIKE MESSING WITH US. (Didn't see it. T'was probably punny.)

    I have a friend over in sweden who is really depressed with life and rants to me about anything bad. It supposedly helps her a lot.
    It's a good show. Interesting to see what the fish look like when he catches them, too.

    :P (How tall are you?)

    That's bad, Any particualr reason for your depression? That's good that things are looking up for you. Computers are evil like that at times.

    Quite, but I've learned that ranting to people helps work depression out of your system. Sorta like a shoulder to cry on.
    Something along the lines of 'River Monsters' I think. I haven't watched it for a while though.

    ...I do believe you're right.

    That's good, but why the doom and depression?
    We get other shows though. Some are interesting yet creepy. There's one where a guy fishes for these big and really scary looking fish. I saw an episode where he caught one with 6 inch long teeth on the bottom jaw.

    Yes you are. (Oh the irony!)

    So. How's life treating you at the moment? (I hate questions like that. They make it hard for me to sleep.)
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