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  • hey uhhh i bought a pokemon and i gave it to someone as a gift. i can't figure out how they GET the pokemon in their asb profile though? since i bought it.

    do you edit that in..?
    I'm not in a battle with Glace..? Are you thinking of Sweet Silver Nightmare and Glace? I'm pretty sure I don't have one with Glace...and my battle with Mai already has a ref.
    Negrek, I just want to make sure, will my battle with RespectTheBlade still be able to be reffed because, if I'm not mistaken, I only had two battles going; one with Mai and one that is still waiting for a ref. I know I can't accept anymore or make any challenges, but will that one be able to get a ref? I just want to be sure so I'll know for the future.
    Sorry for creating a battle thread that was already being taken care of; it was still on the list of battles with needed referees, so I thought that it hadn't been taken. Sorry.
    Any chance you could change Angus' ability before moving him over to Squorn's account? He was supposed to get Swarm when he evolved.
    For the first session, you want a couch that is soft but not flimsy; nothing they could sink into, but still comfortable enough to vent.

    If the patient doesn't feel comfortable speaking to you, you could always get them to bring a pillow from their home if it makes them feel bed.
    I'm just wondering if there's a reason I haven't received my referee paychecks I've posted in the Bank the past two weeks. One is here, and it has a link to the first one as well. Was it something I did, or were the posts just overlooked?
    Is it okay for somebody to announce my birthday? By the time it's a week before my birthday, I won't have acces to a computer. And is an idea for a buisness about powering up certain combos a good idea?
    Troll Will Smith quoted Walt Whitman and the trolls mistook it for a new phrase; that's the source of the confusion.
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