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  • Your nidoqueen is a nidoqueen.

    Will you be participating in the eventual battle royale :D?
    Looks as though, in the end, it was you who got lucky in the tournament.

    The previous luck probably owes up to that Primeape (of mine) he'd been using. Surely it means something that he evolved having fought nothing but Metronome battles.
    [16:50] <ultraviolet> hey, are you alright? I heard there was an earthquake up your way or something.

    SORRY I didn't respond I was asleep ;_; I sleep during the day now it's unfortunate but ahg. I'm fine! Israel has never, iirc, had an earthquake that I could feel. It's always 'aahahh earthquake' and I'm like 'aaahh wait where'. Oh well. One day I'll feel an earthquake.
    Well, not that much. Not to mention there were one or two species that we had and few, if any, others did.
    I just realized our ASB squads are extremely similar.

    Both because of several same species, and because we both have a Pokémon nicknamed Warfare.
    If I may be the thousandth to comment upon your signature, it's pure evil. I must have wasted a total of one hour watching it.
    It is! I never squee. I suppose now I'll have to say that I rarely squee, though that doesn't sound as good, or as final.
    I was just about to say that I squeed in delight over the .gif in your signature; Sparkle beat me to it I see.
    I'd just like you to know that I giggled over the .gif in your signature for about ten minutes. SO CUTE
    there are some difference between the two, notably that UC only affects the colon, and Crohn the entire system. I think the way the tissue inflames is different as well.
    Well, let's put it this way-- I'm totally abandoning reffing.

    Generally speaking I'm finding I try to avoid TCoD for some reason! I never remember to log in at allllll
    I hate to break this to you but you're gonna win anyway :(

    FUCK, I'm probably quittin' ASB anyway

    Can't keep up with this place anymore
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