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  • ... okay actually I forgot that I took an EXP off of three of them for a rare candy, and I thought Gardevoir needed 8 EXP to remain a Gardevoir... So all the EXP is accounted for. Sorry about that OTL
    Just wondering if EXP has been added to the Pokemon who have participated in the Metronome contest? I'm not entirely sure since it seems like my Steelix got 1 EXP, but I don't think any of my other Pokemon got their EXP.
    Just to let you know for the list on the Challenge Board, I dropped the Aethelstan battle.
    How would one get a list of pokémon able to evolve by money, such as Caterpie?
    So I actually have to pay attention to who scores the last hit? What happens if something faints by using up the last of its energy or something?
    Someone asked about a new experience model for greater-than-single battles a while back; what's that about? (If it means I can't get 5 exp per Pokémon by winning 2-0 with two Lucky Eggs anymore, I think I want to make my challenge against Clover a single battle.)
    No, it says it's attached to him, but nothing about being stolen, knocked off, etc. It just says Khao gains Sticky Hold in addition to all other abilities.
    Kay so I e-reffed a battle between Mewtini and ILS. It was a 1v1 but they decided to end it in a draw after I e-reffed two rounds. What are the prizes for that?
    How are the eggs generated from this business handled? I'd assume... pretty much exactly how the first post specifies, but I don't want to go breaking anything by trying to buy one. Are eggs programmed into the system?
    Also, just so you know, Mewtwo told me to attack your energy fields that are protecting the city.
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