! Here, then, I'll join yours. <3 (Tales of TCoD is also currently a thing, but it's a self insert whelp how do I portray myself again.) And Exo's looked really fun, but I never thought of a character; I didn't think any of my older ones fit. Also they might have been decent later on, but I always felt silly compared to you and Metalos. Also, how obvious was it that I was stalking the both of you?
"Might eventually" works, but probably not for the BfA. If you do, though, we should have a match sometime! Well, we were losing pretty ridiculously up until last round. Eventually, three other people and I wrote a letter to Negrek asking if something was up (Crazy Linoone sent it); we were suspicious of our security before. We were told Colours and HighMoon were informing on our plans to the other team since round one, so then we debated on the fine points of things for a while and they switched sides. Now, we get new people to join, and we're trying to lend out pokemon that we think will fit our current strategies. The problem with that is that most want to use their own (which are significantly less useful), even though we said we'll give them the rare candies/money to compensate if EXP is distributed incorrectly. Thaaat's the short version, it probably sounds biased and doesn't explain much but the thread doesn't quite cover everything either.
Ugh, that sucks. Mine are probably coming soon, but, let's not think about it! Your Wednesdays sound horrible. :[ Most of my days of the week are pretty much the same... my lack of sleep catching up on me Thursday and Friday might count, though? I can't stick to a consistent plot, so most of my "hey what if I wrote some fanfiction???" ended in "NO". Roleplaying/reffing/writing up mafia game flavor is the best I can do!