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  • Okay, this is, uh.

    Nitroglycerin is used to treat anal fissures. Whenever you read lubeless anal sex porn, you can picture someone using explosives in their ass afterwards! Isn't science grand?
    well, from the looks of it, it would be a "|| true" or three in posthistory.php, and then in, uh, showthread.php, I guess, to make it link to relevant post.

    ... although, yeah, that doesn't play nicely with updating and such.
    eh, couldn't you kluge whatever is determining whether a user has permission to edit for the purposes of being able to view edit history into pretending every user has edit permission for every post?
    Thank you very much! I was worried that I'd never be able to get back on. You're the best forum overlord ever!
    Couldn't you give moderation powers to game runners for their game only? I recall Negrek giving Maimi moderation powers for an ASB shop a while back, so wouldn't you be able to do the same thing?

    Of course, that'd be much more trouble than the not-letting-anyone-edit-anymore option, so I understand if it'd be too much hassle to begin with.
    Hi there.

    You know how you disabled all editing from the mafia forum because you couldn't find the option that allows others to see the edits? Well, is there by any chance a way to make a thread creator of a mafia game allowed to edit, for changing the thread title to different days and such?
    so I saw your tweet about glitching yellow to desync pikachu's movements. seeing as how i'm currently replaying yellow I'm interested in this glitch (so long as it's not permanent and doesn't risk damaging the game)
    For some reason, whenever I see a Butterfree, I feel like you named it. Kind of like you were there first.
    I have a feeling this is going to lead to many Phantom double posts in the future... eh I'll just have to try much harder to not think of crucial things three seconds after making a post.

    Hmm, maybe you can figure it out? vB can be silly at times though.
    Now that mafia doesn't have editing, you know how many times I've almost quoted my own post? Actually that's already happened to a couple people. :P

    I just got so used to having a random thought right after my post and editing. I was an edit FIEND.
    I'd imagine making it work for everyone would be a change that requires negative code after you find where it is, but that might produce other problems, I suppose.
    for the record, revision-checking only works, as far as I can tell, if you have the ability to edit the post in question. as such, mods and admins seem to be able to view any revisions on anyone's posts as long as the "last modified" shows up; everyone else is limited, in general, to its own posts.
    I haven't interacted with Psychic Kobra directly (except little reviews, which I don't find very emotionally intense), so I was just looking from things from an outside point of view. While SuperRichieGuru was being very mean to her, I also spotted several flaws in Psychic Kobra's mother's arguments, such as ignoring the fact that she did say "SCREW YOU" inside the first link (which is now unavailable for whatever reason), and the fact that she did say that she thought SuperRichieGuru was autistic, which is insulting as well. Yet you acted like she was at no fault at all, and I personally thought she had at least some fault, if minimal.

    Sheltering people from reality, in my opinion, is a terrible way to help them, because when reality actually hits they're not going to meet people as nice as you. They're much more likely going to meet people like SuperRichieGuru, or even just like me, which they probably won't accept but will eventually have to. I know first-hand. But it's your forums and I suppose you do have the right to make the decision on how to treat nine-year-olds on it. So I will leave her alone.
    Butterfree, is it ok if I make an identification list of your sprites? That way, I can compare sprites that I think are stolen with the real sprite.
    Yeah, it's sort of a shock at first, but I'm getting used to it. It is more eye-catching, for sure.

    That's one of the bad things with dark skins. There are only so many shades of grey you can use, and you don't want to make it cause eyeballs to bleed by putting in bright colors.
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