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  • '#secretpokemonbestfriend'


    Also, you can just make that the background image of <body> ... you don't need a whole other div :p
    "If only she was more confident" HEY

    Also hooray for buttons.

    And Midnight for the style.
    Well, I made all four buttons in 5-10 minutes. But however you want to do it! :p

    You said you wanted to know which styles. Therefore ...
    Of course, you can have as many expansions installed at a time as you like. In order to play the game you just need to have the disc of the newest expansion installed (so in your case, with Generations, you'd play with the Supernatural disc still).
    Generations (as well as Ambitions) I feel is just one of those Must Have expansions when it comes to Sims. Because, unlike Supernatural or Into the Future, it adds elements to the core gameplay of Sims, rather than fun and quirky otherstuff. Generations introduces midlife crises, it allows children to have imaginary friends, it lets kids dress up and have a lot more toys, it adds the Live Forever and Young Again potions, and a lot more than I can name off the top of my head. It makes Sims a lot more about life. Like I've already mentioned, to me, Generations is a Must Have expansion pack for Sims. So if you were to buy another expansion, that is my recommendation. Or you can do what I did, and borrow it from a friend. I'm lending my friend University Life and Seasons so he can install them. Since we've always been sharing expansions, we actually both don't have the same expansion. The only expansions I don't have are Late Night and Island Paradise. He's planning to buy those two and Into the Future as well, and then we can both have all the expansions installed.
    They're pretty good, I haven't gotten to play them too much yet though. My favorites are:
    1. Into the Future
    2. Generations
    3. Supernatural
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