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  • How are you fat
    You don't look it
    You do need the grace of our Lord and savior Reggie fils aime to get through this though

    I'm really good! Monday was my birthday, and tomorrow some of my friends are coming over tomorrow at this apartment my family has in Ceiba (I would link to a map of Puerto Rico, but I'm on my phone atm). If you do look it up, I live in Bayamón, for reference.
    :( shame.

    It is. The gigapause sneaked up on me. I just kept clicking and before I knew it, I saw a page with no next page arrow and all the page links were purple. I tried cheating by substituting the last number in the url with the next one, but then I noticed

    too late

    Can you get on Pesterchum perchance?
    Word of God DarkAura:
    "I mean, if Firefox is redirecting him [you] to Google, then maybe it's a sign to switch to Google Chrome." She was promptly shot afterward.
    It was pretty fun!

    i dunno really. I think i has something to do with the fact that my family is blissfully unaware of your existence or something

    No problem. I have an upcoming trade with Byrus; I can evotrade with him.

    I think you're about two intermissions away from the gigapause. It sneaks up on you. It's terrible.
    First, I was in Disney for about 4 days (1 arriving, two in the parks, 1 leaving), then on a cruise for a week, and then my sister was going to some tennis camp thing so my family stayed with my uncle, aunt and baby cousin.
    Well, the harddrive went out, is what I mean. I totally did not hammer it into oblivion, mm-mm, nope.

    Yeah, but you try writing and drawing when you have three other siblings over your shoulder asking, "HEY WHAT'S THAT". It's really annoying. Thankfully, one of them's going to a job interview in an hour and the other's going with him. Should be good to get a bit of writing or drawing in. I seriously hope he gets the job, because it's at Little Caesars, that pizza joint. And pizza is yummy. <3 Hey, you got any tips for him to ace the interview?

    Get Google Chrome. It's never failed me before.
    I kinda broke my computer last year... yeah. At this rate, I'd much rather use my mom's old Kindle, but I'm suddenly banned from it and she won't tell me why. :v

    Aw, lucky! I have nothing to do inside or outside, and it's driving me nuts! And weird; I'm never hungry, but I eat, like, everything. I've got a super fast metabolism, so I'm definitely using that to my advantage.

    Every website ever? Sheesh. As long as the problem's getting solved, I guess! google chrome is the best, tho
    Yeah, my activity can be blamed to my 3DS. It can't go on multiple pages, so I spend a few minutes on one site, another few on another, twelve days a day on FF.net, etc., etc.. That, and it's a crapshoot on keeping it on, as sometimes it turns off suddenly. Basically, I'm active, and I'm not.

    I've been good! Bored, but that's summer for you! I seriously wish I had a pool nearby. That'd probably give me something to do. You?

    Yikes. You might want to get that virus checked out.
    Maybe it's because we're closer in age than other members? We're both fourteen, after all (and I'm older than you by three months, ha ha!). We still should talk more, though.
    Ah, it's fine! As long as the game's not collecting dust and all, it's perfectly fine!

    ...Huh. Looks like we haven't really talked all that much. Weird. The conversation list doesn't even span a full page!
    I hate to be a bother, but could you start the day phase in Username Mafia? It's been about a week.
    My art teacher organized a student trip to Europe. Tomorrow I leave for Paris, and Rome soon after
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