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  • Um, hey, I hate to keep bugging you, but it's your turn to send out and command in this battle. (The DQ time is five days and I don't want to DQ you before things start!)
    HELLO I'm here to tell you you passed your ref test, which is why we didn't restart your test battle with everyone else's. (I thought MF was going to tell you and apparently he thought someone else was going to tell you. Whoops.)
    Oh my god I am so sorry I didnt see your message x.x

    Well all of that is irrelevant anyways
    I think I've finally let go.
    I just want to know why she likes him.
    She knows how talented I am (I won a thing with her in Model UN; in fact I won the exact same place yesterday, w00t w00t and she was in the play with me). All he does is Honor, and barely anything at that.
    Yeah, don't worry about it. I've had enough time to get over it by now. Thanks for the concern, anyway.
    Probably. I played tennis because my dad and sister both play (and still do), so it makes sense that I mentieond it to you.
    All of them, really. I just need to decide which...

    Oh of course, you said. Where in Germany? And... Do you speak German? :o
    Well, language graduates as (supposedly) the third most employable after doctors and lawyers because the skill is really applicable. I could get into teaching (the most obvious), or translating, interpreting, diplomacy, many fields of research, and more things I can't remember. Also, knowledge of 4+ languages just looks really impressive on a CV (resumé, for you American guys) and will definitely help in any job application.

    Where are you moving to?
    Ummm I don't know, ahaha. I'm still totally unsure what I actually want to do job-wise, hrm.

    Ooh Germany. Where do you actually live, if I may ask?
    My sister's birthday was celebrated yesterday (no school, so we were good).
    A bunch of her friends went in our van, ergo the message.
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