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  • oh yeah, absolutely. literally like every time i've gotten out of a shitty friendship (or at least realized the shit level of the friendship, jesus christ roomie) i've been like "Jesus Christ that was shit why did i think that was okay"

    also i was gonna post some sap about ~*~how much i've grown~*~ but immediately got distracted because THAT HAS BEEN LIKE FIVE YEARS WHAT
    also i would like to note that i am Very Glad you are out of pseudo-parasitic relationship
    Whoops, sorry I only saw your gift way after the fact. Thank you very much, though!
    "losercase" what are you trying to imply???? /s

    mine is out of laziness and a slight love of the ~aesthetic~ value. like, over text, my iphone autocapitalizes and i don't have the energy to tell it "pls no"

    yeah i saw the germany development! you were there last time we talked too, weren't you?

    public's been okay for the most part! i suck at deadlines tho. so. that's led to a few breakdowns. basically the main change that's happened since i was last seriously a tcodian is that i got hella depressed oops

    i actually took a year off in between but i'm quizzing now (ofc). i'm not quite as kickass as back then but that's more bc of a lack of motivation thing. basically i'm hoping that my 20th place without studying improves to a 10th place with tons n tons of studying
    oh man a loT um idk where to start actually

    i started typing all lowercase that's a thing um

    i'm in public school now ahaha so a lot of fun events have been connected to that
    I've posted some info in the Sign-up thread. Just thought you would be interested.
    Rosseaux's in. Could you describe the Sinnohi faith? Are they the ones who built the legendary golems and Snowpoint Temple, or am I getting the religions confused?
    i never kissed before sixteen So am I, and thanks!

    Holy shit, dude. My condolences. :( These pixels are pretty much the most I can do right now, but if you need anything, PM me.

    So what's her name?
    Like kissing a bit (not making out), holding hands, hugging, etc. Our school is Catholic and doesnt permit it, but it's hard to enforce because Puerto Ricans are touchy people by nature.

    Tell me more! :o
    It's been going pretty well. I haven't told my parents because they'll probably be super annoying (I'll tell them soon enough). The good thing is that my friends are super supportive (except maybe the fact we can get a little too touchy).
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