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  • I'll give it a general looksee ASAP, but she should be good to go.
    yes, I wrote all the formulas and then revised the numbers several times before landing on 0.2. the roundness was a total coincidence but it turned out perfectly like that (although I wish I'd been able to force people into debt more so as to make that mechanic more prominent, lol)
    Side question: should I be posting these questions in the Question Box so others can more easily benefit from their answers? xD;

    Actual question: I'm 95% sure I should do a critical hit roll for each burst of Bullet Seed. (I've totally gotten hit with critical hits mid-Bullet Seed and similar attacks in-game, so it only seems just!) And since Bullet Seed is a single-target move, it should probably either hit a clone or Ten for the duration of the move? Like, if it hits a clone on the first burst, Lilith probably won't have time to react and try to hit something else on the second burst, since it's such a quick attack.
    Is Mimic supposed to target a particular move? Since one wasn't specified, I'm thinking it would copy Brine, since that was the last move Lilith used. Or would Ten not Mimic anything?
    Well, nothing much to be done about it if you'll need it. At least it's not like I'm way ahead on all the other shit I need to do either.
    I'm toying around with the idea of a Pokemon Go-themed egg in hopes of cashing in on its recent release and popularity, but I don't think I'll have time to come up with any decent-quality interpretation of it
    I used to sprite some stuff... amateurly... back in high school 6+ years ago... I might try it out, but I have no software suitable for it anymore, so I'd have to jump the hurdle of trying to figure out web-based spriting sites...
    Phew, for a moment there I thought you might have finally discovered your very own big mistake for life. Looks like the day is still to come.
    oh jeez no I don't think so

    I have a latias egg in my party but that is a New Thing and for the last like month I have had piplup eggs and maybe a moltres??

    my shiny hunt for piplup lasted half a year bc I kept forgetting to hatch the eggs I had
    I started typing this at 4:20 pm as to have a reason to continue a conversation

    but now it is not 4:20. and I forgot what I was gonna say
    Well, that much's just giving or taking 1%. Although, if you mean if you haven't been charging more energy according to the power of the attack blocked by Protect...
    I'm 95% sure it costs 2%? From the db, "Protect costs a base 2% energy [...] plus an additional 1/3 the damage that would have been sustained if the attack had successfully hit, rounded up to the nearest percent." Taunt doesn't deal damage, and zero rounded is still zero, so I think it would be 2 + (1/3)(0) = 2.

    edit: If MF is right then I also have been doing Protect wrong all my life, so I might not be much help here.
    Off the top of my head, I think that's right. Might see about double-checking it at a more reasonable hour, though.

    Also, I think the +1% Negrek mentioned on Protect while blocking a non-damaging move is a standard cost for blocking something, even if it's something with null BP.
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