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  • *poke* KQueen. I kinda need you to post in the RSP. Halan asked Fafneer if they will be walking to the next location since there is no water there. The next city if land locked. Once this is answered, we can move on in the RP...I really don't want this one to die.
    So long as it's okay with you. Go ahead and post it, and I'll post after you as proof that we agree.

    Battle again, I hope we shall.
    Hey, ^_^
    Can I be invited to the RSP lounge? So I can add pictures of my character?
    In trouble, no. If you want the battle back, however, you'll need to work it out with StyliBoy.
    Sup KQueen. Been I while since I've talked to you. How are things going for you atm?
    nvm I'm just going to start over. Like come into the group a differnt way.
    Sounds good. It will certainly shake things up very nicely. Not that I haven't done that already in my first little while there. Let's count the casualties:
    -Xhan hates me
    -Edward hates me
    -Fafneer is threatening me with return to the Pokéfights
    -Everybody else is completely edgy.
    What fun.
    hey, just droppin in to say hi, and dang, all of my threads are dead, but they were dead even before i `left` so how are you?

    I was wondering if Fafneer would possibly like to have more family. You see...in the the Daycare in Hoenn where one of the humans that the RSP will be running into, there is this Houndoom named Maes...

    I was wondering if you'd like to have a Uncle..or Grandpa or something. If not, then it's alright, I was just offering ^w^
    Well, I'll take a look.
    EDIT: I don't think that there are any at the moment. And if there were, none really interested me. Perhaps I'll post my own.
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