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  • OF COURSE. Endrance is the definition of epic. :D Saku's whole creepy-stalking-10 year old crush on him really annoyed me.
    Sure! I kept seeing you posting around and everytime I'd stupidly go "Hey, there's Endrance! 8D"
    Yes, I completely understood. XD; The thought of two different speices of animal making an egg.

    Is somewhat scary.

    And yet, amusing.
    Hmm...well, what's on television? Anything interesting? Or, what are you doing to distract you from you're sleepliness? Now, be completely honest, it's Nate, one of your bestest friends in the world. XD;
    I've been up later then 4 before. Three weeks ago, I was up for a full 38 hours before I finally crashed. XD; Had trouble sleeping, and basically thrived on caffeine. =)
    I'm tired. It's 1:22 AM, but it feels like it's WAY later. XD; Currently talking to Furii and such. How about you?
    That'd be like touching sperm, and no, I didn't withdraw any money that day. I never use that one anyway.
    Now you potentiqally have many diseases. The ammount of dangerous bacterium buttons on cash machines are said to be... Millions. And you touched them!
    That reminds me of the cash machine I saw today! The label said:
    "Take full advantage of my services, I'm really easy. Don't be afraid to use me."

    (You might have seen this already, as Mhals asked what I was doing today.)
    You exist just to make my life miserable, don't you? On the topic of marine penises, apparently Dolphins have an "S" shaped penis.
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